Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * The Original Code is: all of this file.
00022  *
00023  * Original author: Benoit Bolsee
00024  * Contributor(s): 
00025  *
00026  * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00027  */
00034 #include <stdlib.h>
00035 #include <string.h>
00036 #include <vector>
00038 // iTaSC headers
00039 #ifdef WITH_IK_ITASC
00040 #include "Armature.hpp"
00041 #include "MovingFrame.hpp"
00042 #include "CopyPose.hpp"
00043 #include "WSDLSSolver.hpp"
00044 #include "WDLSSolver.hpp"
00045 #include "Scene.hpp"
00046 #include "Cache.hpp"
00047 #include "Distance.hpp"
00048 #endif
00050 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
00052 extern "C" {
00053 #include "BIK_api.h"
00054 #include "BLI_blenlib.h"
00055 #include "BLI_math.h"
00056 #include "BLI_utildefines.h"
00058 #include "BKE_global.h"
00059 #include "BKE_armature.h"
00060 #include "BKE_action.h"
00061 #include "BKE_utildefines.h"
00062 #include "BKE_constraint.h"
00063 #include "DNA_object_types.h"
00064 #include "DNA_action_types.h"
00065 #include "DNA_constraint_types.h"
00066 #include "DNA_armature_types.h"
00067 #include "DNA_scene_types.h"
00068 };
00070 #include "itasc_plugin.h"
00072 // default parameters
00073 bItasc DefIKParam;
00075 // in case of animation mode, feedback and timestep is fixed
00076 #define ANIM_TIMESTEP   1.0
00077 #define ANIM_FEEDBACK   0.8
00078 #define ANIM_QMAX       0.52
00081 // Structure pointed by bPose.ikdata
00082 // It contains everything needed to simulate the armatures
00083 // There can be several simulation islands independent to each other
00084 struct IK_Data
00085 {
00086     struct IK_Scene* first;
00087 };
00089 typedef float Vector3[3];
00090 typedef float Vector4[4];
00091 struct IK_Target;
00092 typedef void (*ErrorCallback)(const iTaSC::ConstraintValues* values, unsigned int nvalues, IK_Target* iktarget);
00093 // For some reason, gcc doesn't find the declaration of this function in linux
00094 void KDL::SetToZero(JntArray& array);
00096 // one structure for each target in the scene
00097 struct IK_Target
00098 {
00099     struct Scene            *blscene;
00100     iTaSC::MovingFrame*     target;
00101     iTaSC::ConstraintSet*   constraint;
00102     struct bConstraint*     blenderConstraint;
00103     struct bPoseChannel*    rootChannel;
00104     Object*                 owner;          //for auto IK
00105     ErrorCallback           errorCallback;
00106     std::string             targetName;
00107     std::string             constraintName;
00108     unsigned short          controlType;
00109     short                   channel;        //index in IK channel array of channel on which this target is defined
00110     short                   ee;             //end effector number
00111     bool                    simulation;     //true when simulation mode is used (update feedback)
00112     bool                    eeBlend;        //end effector affected by enforce blending
00113     float                   eeRest[4][4];   //end effector initial pose relative to armature
00115     IK_Target() {
00116         blscene = NULL;
00117         target = NULL;
00118         constraint = NULL;
00119         blenderConstraint = NULL;
00120         rootChannel = NULL;
00121         owner = NULL;
00122         controlType = 0;
00123         channel = 0;
00124         ee = 0;
00125         eeBlend = true;
00126         simulation = true;
00127         targetName.reserve(32);
00128         constraintName.reserve(32);
00129     }
00130     ~IK_Target() {
00131         if (constraint)
00132             delete constraint;
00133         if (target)
00134             delete target;
00135     }
00136 };
00138 struct IK_Channel {
00139     bPoseChannel*   pchan;      // channel where we must copy matrix back
00140     KDL::Frame      frame;      // frame of the bone relative to object base, not armature base
00141     std::string     tail;       // segment name of the joint from which we get the bone tail
00142     std::string     head;       // segment name of the joint from which we get the bone head
00143     int             parent;     // index in this array of the parent channel
00144     short           jointType;  // type of joint, combination of IK_SegmentFlag
00145     char            ndof;       // number of joint angles for this channel
00146     char            jointValid; // set to 1 when jointValue has been computed
00147     // for joint constraint
00148     Object*         owner;              // for pose and IK param
00149     double          jointValue[4];      // computed joint value
00151     IK_Channel() {
00152         pchan = NULL;
00153         parent = -1;
00154         jointType = 0;
00155         ndof = 0;
00156         jointValid = 0;
00157         owner = NULL;
00158         jointValue[0] = 0.0;
00159         jointValue[1] = 0.0;
00160         jointValue[2] = 0.0;
00161         jointValue[3] = 0.0;
00162     }
00163 };
00165 struct IK_Scene
00166 {
00167     struct Scene        *blscene;
00168     IK_Scene*           next;
00169     int                 numchan;    // number of channel in pchan
00170     int                 numjoint;   // number of joint in jointArray
00171     // array of bone information, one per channel in the tree
00172     IK_Channel*         channels;
00173     iTaSC::Armature*    armature;
00174     iTaSC::Cache*       cache;
00175     iTaSC::Scene*       scene;
00176     iTaSC::MovingFrame* base;       // armature base object
00177     KDL::Frame          baseFrame;  // frame of armature base relative to blArmature
00178     KDL::JntArray       jointArray; // buffer for storing temporary joint array
00179     iTaSC::Solver*      solver;
00180     Object*             blArmature;
00181     struct bConstraint* polarConstraint;
00182     std::vector<IK_Target*>     targets;
00184     IK_Scene() {
00185         blscene = NULL;
00186         next = NULL;
00187         channels = NULL;
00188         armature = NULL;
00189         cache = NULL;
00190         scene = NULL;
00191         base = NULL;
00192         solver = NULL;
00193         blArmature = NULL;
00194         numchan = 0;
00195         numjoint = 0;
00196         polarConstraint = NULL;
00197     }
00199     ~IK_Scene() {
00200         // delete scene first
00201         if (scene)
00202             delete scene;
00203         for(std::vector<IK_Target*>::iterator it = targets.begin(); it != targets.end(); ++it)
00204             delete (*it);
00205         targets.clear();
00206         if (channels)
00207             delete [] channels;
00208         if (solver)
00209             delete solver;
00210         if (armature)
00211             delete armature;
00212         if (base)
00213             delete base;
00214         // delete cache last
00215         if (cache)
00216             delete cache;
00217     }
00218 };
00220 // type of IK joint, can be combined to list the joints corresponding to a bone
00221 enum IK_SegmentFlag {
00222     IK_XDOF = 1,
00223     IK_YDOF = 2,
00224     IK_ZDOF = 4,
00225     IK_SWING = 8,
00226     IK_REVOLUTE = 16,
00227     IK_TRANSY = 32,
00228 };
00230 enum IK_SegmentAxis {
00231     IK_X = 0,
00232     IK_Y = 1,
00233     IK_Z = 2,
00234     IK_TRANS_X = 3,
00235     IK_TRANS_Y = 4,
00236     IK_TRANS_Z = 5
00237 };
00239 static int initialize_chain(Object *ob, bPoseChannel *pchan_tip, bConstraint *con)
00240 {
00241     bPoseChannel *curchan, *pchan_root=NULL, *chanlist[256], **oldchan;
00242     PoseTree *tree;
00243     PoseTarget *target;
00244     bKinematicConstraint *data;
00245     int a, t, segcount= 0, size, newsize, *oldparent, parent, rootbone, treecount;
00247     data=(bKinematicConstraint*)con->data;
00249     /* exclude tip from chain? */
00250     if(!(data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_TIP))
00251         pchan_tip= pchan_tip->parent;
00253     rootbone = data->rootbone;
00254     /* Find the chain's root & count the segments needed */
00255     for (curchan = pchan_tip; curchan; curchan=curchan->parent){
00256         pchan_root = curchan;
00258         if (++segcount > 255)       // 255 is weak
00259             break;
00261         if(segcount==rootbone){
00262             // reached this end of the chain but if the chain is overlapping with a 
00263             // previous one, we must go back up to the root of the other chain
00264             if ((curchan->flag & POSE_CHAIN) && curchan->iktree.first == NULL){
00265                 rootbone++;
00266                 continue;
00267             }
00268             break; 
00269         }
00271         if (curchan->iktree.first != NULL)
00272             // Oh oh, there is already a chain starting from this channel and our chain is longer... 
00273             // Should handle this by moving the previous chain up to the begining of our chain
00274             // For now we just stop here
00275             break;
00276     }
00277     if (!segcount) return 0;
00278     // we reached a limit and still not the end of a previous chain, quit
00279     if ((pchan_root->flag & POSE_CHAIN) && pchan_root->iktree.first == NULL) return 0;
00281     // now that we know how many segment we have, set the flag
00282     for (rootbone = segcount, segcount = 0, curchan = pchan_tip; segcount < rootbone; segcount++, curchan=curchan->parent) {
00283         chanlist[segcount]=curchan;
00284         curchan->flag |= POSE_CHAIN;
00285     }
00287     /* setup the chain data */
00288     /* create a target */
00289     target= (PoseTarget*)MEM_callocN(sizeof(PoseTarget), "posetarget");
00290     target->con= con;
00291     // by contruction there can be only one tree per channel and each channel can be part of at most one tree.
00292     tree = (PoseTree*)pchan_root->iktree.first;
00294     if(tree==NULL) {
00295         /* make new tree */
00296         tree= (PoseTree*)MEM_callocN(sizeof(PoseTree), "posetree");
00298         tree->iterations= data->iterations;
00299         tree->totchannel= segcount;
00300         tree->stretch = (data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_STRETCH);
00302         tree->pchan= (bPoseChannel**)MEM_callocN(segcount*sizeof(void*), "ik tree pchan");
00303         tree->parent= (int*)MEM_callocN(segcount*sizeof(int), "ik tree parent");
00304         for(a=0; a<segcount; a++) {
00305             tree->pchan[a]= chanlist[segcount-a-1];
00306             tree->parent[a]= a-1;
00307         }
00308         target->tip= segcount-1;
00310         /* AND! link the tree to the root */
00311         BLI_addtail(&pchan_root->iktree, tree);
00312         // new tree
00313         treecount = 1;
00314     }
00315     else {
00316         tree->iterations= MAX2(data->iterations, tree->iterations);
00317         tree->stretch= tree->stretch && !(data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_STRETCH);
00319         /* skip common pose channels and add remaining*/
00320         size= MIN2(segcount, tree->totchannel);
00321         a = t = 0;
00322         while (a<size && t<tree->totchannel) {
00323             // locate first matching channel
00324             for (;t<tree->totchannel && tree->pchan[t]!=chanlist[segcount-a-1];t++);
00325             if (t>=tree->totchannel)
00326                 break;
00327             for(; a<size && t<tree->totchannel && tree->pchan[t]==chanlist[segcount-a-1]; a++, t++);
00328         }
00330         segcount= segcount-a;
00331         target->tip= tree->totchannel + segcount - 1;
00333         if (segcount > 0) {
00334             for(parent = a - 1; parent < tree->totchannel; parent++)
00335                 if(tree->pchan[parent] == chanlist[segcount-1]->parent)
00336                     break;
00338             /* shouldn't happen, but could with dependency cycles */
00339             if(parent == tree->totchannel)
00340                 parent = a - 1;
00342             /* resize array */
00343             newsize= tree->totchannel + segcount;
00344             oldchan= tree->pchan;
00345             oldparent= tree->parent;
00347             tree->pchan= (bPoseChannel**)MEM_callocN(newsize*sizeof(void*), "ik tree pchan");
00348             tree->parent= (int*)MEM_callocN(newsize*sizeof(int), "ik tree parent");
00349             memcpy(tree->pchan, oldchan, sizeof(void*)*tree->totchannel);
00350             memcpy(tree->parent, oldparent, sizeof(int)*tree->totchannel);
00351             MEM_freeN(oldchan);
00352             MEM_freeN(oldparent);
00354             /* add new pose channels at the end, in reverse order */
00355             for(a=0; a<segcount; a++) {
00356                 tree->pchan[tree->totchannel+a]= chanlist[segcount-a-1];
00357                 tree->parent[tree->totchannel+a]= tree->totchannel+a-1;
00358             }
00359             tree->parent[tree->totchannel]= parent;
00361             tree->totchannel= newsize;
00362         }
00363         // reusing tree
00364         treecount = 0;
00365     }
00367     /* add target to the tree */
00368     BLI_addtail(&tree->targets, target);
00369     /* mark root channel having an IK tree */
00370     pchan_root->flag |= POSE_IKTREE;
00371     return treecount;
00372 }
00374 static bool is_cartesian_constraint(bConstraint *con)
00375 {
00376     //bKinematicConstraint* data=(bKinematicConstraint*)con->data;
00378     return true;
00379 }
00381 static bool constraint_valid(bConstraint *con)
00382 {
00383     bKinematicConstraint* data=(bKinematicConstraint*)con->data;
00385     if (data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_AUTO)
00386         return true;
00387     if (con->flag & CONSTRAINT_DISABLE)
00388         return false;
00389     if (is_cartesian_constraint(con)) {
00390         /* cartesian space constraint */
00391         if (data->tar==NULL) 
00392             return false;
00393         if (data->tar->type==OB_ARMATURE && data->subtarget[0]==0) 
00394             return false;
00395     }
00396     return true;
00397 }
00399 int initialize_scene(Object *ob, bPoseChannel *pchan_tip)
00400 {
00401     bConstraint *con;
00402     int treecount;
00404     /* find all IK constraints and validate them */
00405     treecount = 0;
00406     for(con= (bConstraint *)pchan_tip->constraints.first; con; con= (bConstraint *)con->next) {
00407         if(con->type==CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC) {
00408             if (constraint_valid(con))
00409                 treecount += initialize_chain(ob, pchan_tip, con);
00410         }
00411     }
00412     return treecount;
00413 }
00415 static IK_Data* get_ikdata(bPose *pose)
00416 {
00417     if (pose->ikdata)
00418         return (IK_Data*)pose->ikdata;
00419     pose->ikdata = MEM_callocN(sizeof(IK_Data), "iTaSC ikdata");
00420     // here init ikdata if needed
00421     // now that we have scene, make sure the default param are initialized
00422     if (!DefIKParam.iksolver)
00423         init_pose_itasc(&DefIKParam);
00425     return (IK_Data*)pose->ikdata;
00426 }
00427 static double EulerAngleFromMatrix(const KDL::Rotation& R, int axis)
00428 {
00429     double t = KDL::sqrt(R(0,0)*R(0,0) + R(0,1)*R(0,1));
00431     if (t > 16.0*KDL::epsilon) {
00432         if (axis == 0) return -KDL::atan2(R(1,2), R(2,2));
00433         else if(axis == 1) return KDL::atan2(-R(0,2), t);
00434         else return -KDL::atan2(R(0,1), R(0,0));
00435     } else {
00436         if (axis == 0) return -KDL::atan2(-R(2,1), R(1,1));
00437         else if(axis == 1) return KDL::atan2(-R(0,2), t);
00438         else return 0.0f;
00439     }
00440 }
00442 static double ComputeTwist(const KDL::Rotation& R)
00443 {
00444     // qy and qw are the y and w components of the quaternion from R
00445     double qy = R(0,2) - R(2,0);
00446     double qw = R(0,0) + R(1,1) + R(2,2) + 1;
00448     double tau = 2*KDL::atan2(qy, qw);
00450     return tau;
00451 }
00453 static void RemoveEulerAngleFromMatrix(KDL::Rotation& R, double angle, int axis)
00454 {
00455     // compute twist parameter
00456     KDL::Rotation T;
00457     switch (axis) {
00458     case 0:
00459         T = KDL::Rotation::RotX(-angle);
00460         break;
00461     case 1:
00462         T = KDL::Rotation::RotY(-angle);
00463         break;
00464     case 2:
00465         T = KDL::Rotation::RotZ(-angle);
00466         break;
00467     default:
00468         return;
00469     }
00470     // remove angle
00471     R = R*T;
00472 }
00474 #if 0
00475 static void GetEulerXZY(const KDL::Rotation& R, double& X,double& Z,double& Y)
00476 {
00477     if (fabs(R(0,1)) > 1.0 - KDL::epsilon ) {
00478         X = -KDL::sign(R(0,1)) * KDL::atan2(R(1,2), R(1,0));
00479         Z = -KDL::sign(R(0,1)) * KDL::PI / 2;
00480         Y = 0.0 ;
00481     } else {
00482         X = KDL::atan2(R(2,1), R(1,1));
00483         Z = KDL::atan2(-R(0,1), KDL::sqrt( KDL::sqr(R(0,0)) + KDL::sqr(R(0,2))));
00484         Y = KDL::atan2(R(0,2), R(0,0));
00485     }
00486 }
00488 static void GetEulerXYZ(const KDL::Rotation& R, double& X,double& Y,double& Z)
00489 {
00490     if (fabs(R(0,2)) > 1.0 - KDL::epsilon ) {
00491         X = KDL::sign(R(0,2)) * KDL::atan2(-R(1,0), R(1,1));
00492         Y = KDL::sign(R(0,2)) * KDL::PI / 2;
00493         Z = 0.0 ;
00494     } else {
00495         X = KDL::atan2(-R(1,2), R(2,2));
00496         Y = KDL::atan2(R(0,2), KDL::sqrt( KDL::sqr(R(0,0)) + KDL::sqr(R(0,1))));
00497         Z = KDL::atan2(-R(0,1), R(0,0));
00498     }
00499 }
00500 #endif
00502 static void GetJointRotation(KDL::Rotation& boneRot, int type, double* rot)
00503 {
00504     switch (type & ~IK_TRANSY)
00505     {
00506     default:
00507         // fixed bone, no joint
00508         break;
00509     case IK_XDOF:
00510         // RX only, get the X rotation
00511         rot[0] = EulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, 0);
00512         break;
00513     case IK_YDOF:
00514         // RY only, get the Y rotation
00515         rot[0] = ComputeTwist(boneRot);
00516         break;
00517     case IK_ZDOF:
00518         // RZ only, get the Z rotation
00519         rot[0] = EulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, 2);
00520         break;
00521     case IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF:
00522         rot[1] = ComputeTwist(boneRot);
00523         RemoveEulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, rot[1], 1);
00524         rot[0] = EulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, 0);
00525         break;
00526     case IK_SWING:
00527         // RX+RZ
00528         boneRot.GetXZRot().GetValue(rot);
00529         break;
00530     case IK_YDOF|IK_ZDOF:
00531         // RZ+RY
00532         rot[1] = ComputeTwist(boneRot);
00533         RemoveEulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, rot[1], 1);
00534         rot[0] = EulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, 2);
00535         break;
00536     case IK_SWING|IK_YDOF:
00537         rot[2] = ComputeTwist(boneRot);
00538         RemoveEulerAngleFromMatrix(boneRot, rot[2], 1);
00539         boneRot.GetXZRot().GetValue(rot);
00540         break;
00541     case IK_REVOLUTE:
00542         boneRot.GetRot().GetValue(rot);
00543         break;
00544     }
00545 }
00547 static bool target_callback(const iTaSC::Timestamp& timestamp, const iTaSC::Frame& current, iTaSC::Frame& next, void *param)
00548 {
00549     IK_Target* target = (IK_Target*)param;
00550     // compute next target position
00551     // get target matrix from constraint.
00552     bConstraint* constraint = (bConstraint*)target->blenderConstraint;
00553     float tarmat[4][4];
00555     get_constraint_target_matrix(target->blscene, constraint, 0, CONSTRAINT_OBTYPE_OBJECT, target->owner, tarmat, 1.0);
00557     // rootmat contains the target pose in world coordinate
00558     // if enforce is != 1.0, blend the target position with the end effector position
00559     // if the armature was in rest position. This information is available in eeRest
00560     if (constraint->enforce != 1.0f && target->eeBlend) {
00561         // eeRest is relative to the reference frame of the IK root
00562         // get this frame in world reference
00563         float restmat[4][4];
00564         bPoseChannel* pchan = target->rootChannel;
00565         if (pchan->parent) {
00566             pchan = pchan->parent;
00567             float chanmat[4][4];
00568             copy_m4_m4(chanmat, pchan->pose_mat);
00569             copy_v3_v3(chanmat[3], pchan->pose_tail);
00570             mul_serie_m4(restmat, target->owner->obmat, chanmat, target->eeRest, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
00571         } 
00572         else {
00573             mult_m4_m4m4(restmat, target->owner->obmat, target->eeRest);
00574         }
00575         // blend the target
00576         blend_m4_m4m4(tarmat, restmat, tarmat, constraint->enforce);
00577     }
00578     next.setValue(&tarmat[0][0]);
00579     return true;
00580 }
00582 static bool base_callback(const iTaSC::Timestamp& timestamp, const iTaSC::Frame& current, iTaSC::Frame& next, void *param)
00583 {
00584     IK_Scene* ikscene = (IK_Scene*)param;
00585     // compute next armature base pose
00586     // algorithm: 
00587     // ikscene->pchan[0] is the root channel of the tree
00588     // if it has a parent, get the pose matrix from it and replace [3] by parent pchan->tail
00589     // then multiply by the armature matrix to get ikscene->armature base position
00590     bPoseChannel* pchan = ikscene->channels[0].pchan;
00591     float rootmat[4][4];
00592     if (pchan->parent) {
00593         pchan = pchan->parent;
00594         float chanmat[4][4];
00595         copy_m4_m4(chanmat, pchan->pose_mat);
00596         copy_v3_v3(chanmat[3], pchan->pose_tail);
00597         // save the base as a frame too so that we can compute deformation
00598         // after simulation
00599         ikscene->baseFrame.setValue(&chanmat[0][0]);
00600         mult_m4_m4m4(rootmat, ikscene->blArmature->obmat, chanmat);
00601     } 
00602     else {
00603         copy_m4_m4(rootmat, ikscene->blArmature->obmat);
00604         ikscene->baseFrame = iTaSC::F_identity;
00605     }
00606     next.setValue(&rootmat[0][0]);
00607     // if there is a polar target (only during solving otherwise we don't have end efffector)
00608     if (ikscene->polarConstraint && timestamp.update) {
00609         // compute additional rotation of base frame so that armature follows the polar target
00610         float imat[4][4];       // IK tree base inverse matrix
00611         float polemat[4][4];    // polar target in IK tree base frame
00612         float goalmat[4][4];    // target in IK tree base frame
00613         float mat[4][4];        // temp matrix
00614         bKinematicConstraint* poledata = (bKinematicConstraint*)ikscene->polarConstraint->data;
00616         invert_m4_m4(imat, rootmat);
00617         // polar constraint imply only one target
00618         IK_Target *iktarget = ikscene->targets[0];
00619         // root channel from which we take the bone initial orientation
00620         IK_Channel &rootchan = ikscene->channels[0];
00622         // get polar target matrix in world space
00623         get_constraint_target_matrix(ikscene->blscene, ikscene->polarConstraint, 1, CONSTRAINT_OBTYPE_OBJECT, ikscene->blArmature, mat, 1.0);
00624         // convert to armature space
00625         mult_m4_m4m4(polemat, imat, mat);
00626         // get the target in world space (was computed before as target object are defined before base object)
00627         iktarget->target->getPose().getValue(mat[0]);
00628         // convert to armature space
00629         mult_m4_m4m4(goalmat, imat, mat);
00630         // take position of target, polar target, end effector, in armature space
00631         KDL::Vector goalpos(goalmat[3]);
00632         KDL::Vector polepos(polemat[3]);
00633         KDL::Vector endpos = ikscene->armature->getPose(iktarget->ee).p;
00634         // get root bone orientation
00635         KDL::Frame rootframe;
00636         ikscene->armature->getRelativeFrame(rootframe, rootchan.tail);
00637         KDL::Vector rootx = rootframe.M.UnitX();
00638         KDL::Vector rootz = rootframe.M.UnitZ();
00639         // and compute root bone head
00640         double q_rest[3], q[3], length;
00641         const KDL::Joint* joint;
00642         const KDL::Frame* tip;
00643         ikscene->armature->getSegment(rootchan.tail, 3, joint, q_rest[0], q[0], tip);
00644         length = (joint->getType() == KDL::Joint::TransY) ? q[0] : tip->p(1);
00645         KDL::Vector rootpos = rootframe.p - length*rootframe.M.UnitY();
00647         // compute main directions 
00648         KDL::Vector dir = KDL::Normalize(endpos - rootpos);
00649         KDL::Vector poledir = KDL::Normalize(goalpos-rootpos);
00650         // compute up directions
00651         KDL::Vector poleup = KDL::Normalize(polepos-rootpos);
00652         KDL::Vector up = rootx*KDL::cos(poledata->poleangle) + rootz*KDL::sin(poledata->poleangle);
00653         // from which we build rotation matrix
00654         KDL::Rotation endrot, polerot;
00655         // for the armature, using the root bone orientation
00656         KDL::Vector x = KDL::Normalize(dir*up);
00657         endrot.UnitX(x);
00658         endrot.UnitY(KDL::Normalize(x*dir));
00659         endrot.UnitZ(-dir);
00660         // for the polar target 
00661         x = KDL::Normalize(poledir*poleup);
00662         polerot.UnitX(x);
00663         polerot.UnitY(KDL::Normalize(x*poledir));
00664         polerot.UnitZ(-poledir);
00665         // the difference between the two is the rotation we want to apply
00666         KDL::Rotation result(polerot*endrot.Inverse());
00667         // apply on base frame as this is an artificial additional rotation
00668         next.M = next.M*result;
00669         ikscene->baseFrame.M = ikscene->baseFrame.M*result;
00670     }
00671     return true;
00672 }
00674 static bool copypose_callback(const iTaSC::Timestamp& timestamp, iTaSC::ConstraintValues* const _values, unsigned int _nvalues, void* _param)
00675 {
00676     IK_Target* iktarget =(IK_Target*)_param;
00677     bKinematicConstraint *condata = (bKinematicConstraint *)iktarget->blenderConstraint->data;
00678     iTaSC::ConstraintValues* values = _values;
00679     bItasc* ikparam = (bItasc*) iktarget->owner->pose->ikparam;
00681     // we need default parameters
00682     if (!ikparam) 
00683         ikparam = &DefIKParam;
00685     if (iktarget->blenderConstraint->flag & CONSTRAINT_OFF) {
00686         if (iktarget->controlType & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITION) {
00687             values->alpha = 0.0;
00688             values->action = iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA;
00689             values++;
00690         }
00691         if (iktarget->controlType & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATION) {
00692             values->alpha = 0.0;
00693             values->action = iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA;
00694             values++;
00695         }
00696     } else {
00697         if (iktarget->controlType & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITION) {
00698             // update error
00699             values->alpha = condata->weight;
00700             values->action = iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA|iTaSC::ACT_FEEDBACK;
00701             values->feedback = (iktarget->simulation) ? ikparam->feedback : ANIM_FEEDBACK;
00702             values++;
00703         }
00704         if (iktarget->controlType & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATION) {
00705             // update error
00706             values->alpha = condata->orientweight;
00707             values->action = iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA|iTaSC::ACT_FEEDBACK;
00708             values->feedback = (iktarget->simulation) ? ikparam->feedback : ANIM_FEEDBACK;
00709             values++;
00710         }
00711     }
00712     return true;
00713 }
00715 static void copypose_error(const iTaSC::ConstraintValues* values, unsigned int nvalues, IK_Target* iktarget)
00716 {
00717     iTaSC::ConstraintSingleValue* value;
00718     double error;
00719     int i;
00721     if (iktarget->controlType & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITION) {
00722         // update error
00723         for (i=0, error=0.0, value=values->values; i<values->number; ++i, ++value)
00724             error += KDL::sqr(value->y - value->yd);
00725         iktarget->blenderConstraint->lin_error = (float)KDL::sqrt(error);
00726         values++;
00727     }
00728     if (iktarget->controlType & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATION) {
00729         // update error
00730         for (i=0, error=0.0, value=values->values; i<values->number; ++i, ++value)
00731             error += KDL::sqr(value->y - value->yd);
00732         iktarget->blenderConstraint->rot_error = (float)KDL::sqrt(error);
00733         values++;
00734     }
00735 }
00737 static bool distance_callback(const iTaSC::Timestamp& timestamp, iTaSC::ConstraintValues* const _values, unsigned int _nvalues, void* _param)
00738 {
00739     IK_Target* iktarget =(IK_Target*)_param;
00740     bKinematicConstraint *condata = (bKinematicConstraint *)iktarget->blenderConstraint->data;
00741     iTaSC::ConstraintValues* values = _values;
00742     bItasc* ikparam = (bItasc*) iktarget->owner->pose->ikparam;
00743     // we need default parameters
00744     if (!ikparam) 
00745         ikparam = &DefIKParam;
00747     // update weight according to mode
00748     if (iktarget->blenderConstraint->flag & CONSTRAINT_OFF) {
00749         values->alpha = 0.0;
00750     } else {
00751         switch (condata->mode) {
00752         case LIMITDIST_INSIDE:
00753             values->alpha = (values->values[0].y > condata->dist) ? condata->weight : 0.0;
00754             break;
00755         case LIMITDIST_OUTSIDE:
00756             values->alpha = (values->values[0].y < condata->dist) ? condata->weight : 0.0;
00757             break;
00758         default:
00759             values->alpha = condata->weight;
00760             break;
00761         }   
00762         if (!timestamp.substep) {
00763             // only update value on first timestep
00764             switch (condata->mode) {
00765             case LIMITDIST_INSIDE:
00766                 values->values[0].yd = condata->dist*0.95;
00767                 break;
00768             case LIMITDIST_OUTSIDE:
00769                 values->values[0].yd = condata->dist*1.05;
00770                 break;
00771             default:
00772                 values->values[0].yd = condata->dist;
00773                 break;
00774             }
00775             values->values[0].action = iTaSC::ACT_VALUE|iTaSC::ACT_FEEDBACK;
00776             values->feedback = (iktarget->simulation) ? ikparam->feedback : ANIM_FEEDBACK;
00777         }
00778     }
00779     values->action |= iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA;
00780     return true;
00781 }
00783 static void distance_error(const iTaSC::ConstraintValues* values, unsigned int _nvalues, IK_Target* iktarget)
00784 {
00785     iktarget->blenderConstraint->lin_error = (float)(values->values[0].y - values->values[0].yd);
00786 }
00788 static bool joint_callback(const iTaSC::Timestamp& timestamp, iTaSC::ConstraintValues* const _values, unsigned int _nvalues, void* _param)
00789 {
00790     IK_Channel* ikchan = (IK_Channel*)_param;
00791     bItasc* ikparam = (bItasc*)ikchan->owner->pose->ikparam;
00792     bPoseChannel* chan = ikchan->pchan;
00793     int dof;
00795     // a channel can be splitted into multiple joints, so we get called multiple
00796     // times for one channel (this callback is only for 1 joint in the armature)
00797     // the IK_JointTarget structure is shared between multiple joint constraint
00798     // and the target joint values is computed only once, remember this in jointValid
00799     // Don't forget to reset it before each frame
00800     if (!ikchan->jointValid) {
00801         float rmat[3][3];
00803         if (chan->rotmode > 0) {
00804             /* euler rotations (will cause gimble lock, but this can be alleviated a bit with rotation orders) */
00805             eulO_to_mat3( rmat,chan->eul, chan->rotmode);
00806         }
00807         else if (chan->rotmode == ROT_MODE_AXISANGLE) {
00808             /* axis-angle - stored in quaternion data, but not really that great for 3D-changing orientations */
00809             axis_angle_to_mat3( rmat,&chan->quat[1], chan->quat[0]);
00810         }
00811         else {
00812             /* quats are normalised before use to eliminate scaling issues */
00813             normalize_qt(chan->quat);
00814             quat_to_mat3( rmat,chan->quat);
00815         }
00816         KDL::Rotation jointRot(
00817             rmat[0][0], rmat[1][0], rmat[2][0],
00818             rmat[0][1], rmat[1][1], rmat[2][1],
00819             rmat[0][2], rmat[1][2], rmat[2][2]);
00820         GetJointRotation(jointRot, ikchan->jointType, ikchan->jointValue);
00821         ikchan->jointValid = 1;
00822     }
00823     // determine which part of jointValue is used for this joint
00824     // closely related to the way the joints are defined
00825     switch (ikchan->jointType & ~IK_TRANSY)
00826     {
00827     case IK_XDOF:
00828     case IK_YDOF:
00829     case IK_ZDOF:
00830         dof = 0;
00831         break;
00832     case IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF:
00833         // X + Y
00834         dof = (_values[0].id == iTaSC::Armature::ID_JOINT_RX) ? 0 : 1;
00835         break;
00836     case IK_SWING:
00837         // XZ
00838         dof = 0;
00839         break;
00840     case IK_YDOF|IK_ZDOF:
00841         // Z + Y
00842         dof = (_values[0].id == iTaSC::Armature::ID_JOINT_RZ) ? 0 : 1;
00843         break;
00844     case IK_SWING|IK_YDOF:
00845         // XZ + Y
00846         dof = (_values[0].id == iTaSC::Armature::ID_JOINT_RY) ? 2 : 0;
00847         break;
00848     case IK_REVOLUTE:
00849         dof = 0;
00850         break;
00851     default:
00852         dof = -1;
00853         break;
00854     }
00855     if (dof >= 0) {
00856         for (unsigned int i=0; i<_nvalues; i++, dof++) {
00857             _values[i].values[0].yd = ikchan->jointValue[dof];
00858             _values[i].alpha = chan->ikrotweight;
00859             _values[i].feedback = ikparam->feedback;
00860         }
00861     }
00862     return true;
00863 }
00865 // build array of joint corresponding to IK chain
00866 static int convert_channels(IK_Scene *ikscene, PoseTree *tree)
00867 {
00868     IK_Channel *ikchan;
00869     bPoseChannel *pchan;
00870     int a, flag, njoint;
00872     njoint = 0;
00873     for(a=0, ikchan = ikscene->channels; a<ikscene->numchan; ++a, ++ikchan) {
00874         pchan= tree->pchan[a];
00875         ikchan->pchan = pchan;
00876         ikchan->parent = (a>0) ? tree->parent[a] : -1;
00877         ikchan->owner = ikscene->blArmature;
00879         /* set DoF flag */
00880         flag = 0;
00881         if(!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_XDOF) && !(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_XDOF_TEMP) && 
00882             (!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_XLIMIT) || pchan->limitmin[0]<0.f || pchan->limitmax[0]>0.f))
00883             flag |= IK_XDOF;
00884         if(!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_YDOF) && !(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_YDOF_TEMP) &&
00885             (!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_YLIMIT) || pchan->limitmin[1]<0.f || pchan->limitmax[1]>0.f))
00886             flag |= IK_YDOF;
00887         if(!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_ZDOF) && !(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_ZDOF_TEMP) &&
00888             (!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ZLIMIT) || pchan->limitmin[2]<0.f || pchan->limitmax[2]>0.f))
00889             flag |= IK_ZDOF;
00891         if(tree->stretch && (pchan->ikstretch > 0.0)) {
00892             flag |= IK_TRANSY;
00893         }
00894         /*
00895         Logic to create the segments:
00896         RX,RY,RZ = rotational joints with no length
00897         RY(tip) = rotational joints with a fixed length arm = (0,length,0)
00898         TY = translational joint on Y axis
00899         F(pos) = fixed joint with an arm at position pos 
00900         Conversion rule of the above flags:
00901         -   ==> F(tip)
00902         X   ==> RX(tip)
00903         Y   ==> RY(tip)
00904         Z   ==> RZ(tip)
00905         XY  ==> RX+RY(tip)
00906         XZ  ==> RX+RZ(tip)
00907         YZ  ==> RZ+RY(tip)
00908         XYZ ==> full spherical unless there are limits, in which case RX+RZ+RY(tip)
00909         In case of stretch, tip=(0,0,0) and there is an additional TY joint
00910         The frame at last of these joints represents the tail of the bone. 
00911         The head is computed by a reverse translation on Y axis of the bone length
00912         or in case of TY joint, by the frame at previous joint.
00913         In case of separation of bones, there is an additional F(head) joint
00915         Computing rest pose and length is complicated: the solver works in world space
00916         Here is the logic:
00917         rest position is computed only from bone->bone_mat.
00918         bone length is computed from bone->length multiplied by the scaling factor of
00919         the armature. Non-uniform scaling will give bad result!
00921         */
00922         switch (flag & (IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF|IK_ZDOF))
00923         {
00924         default:
00925             ikchan->jointType = 0;
00926             ikchan->ndof = 0;
00927             break;
00928         case IK_XDOF:
00929             // RX only, get the X rotation
00930             ikchan->jointType = IK_XDOF;
00931             ikchan->ndof = 1;
00932             break;
00933         case IK_YDOF:
00934             // RY only, get the Y rotation
00935             ikchan->jointType = IK_YDOF;
00936             ikchan->ndof = 1;
00937             break;
00938         case IK_ZDOF:
00939             // RZ only, get the Zz rotation
00940             ikchan->jointType = IK_ZDOF;
00941             ikchan->ndof = 1;
00942             break;
00943         case IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF:
00944             ikchan->jointType = IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF;
00945             ikchan->ndof = 2;
00946             break;
00947         case IK_XDOF|IK_ZDOF:
00948             // RX+RZ
00949             ikchan->jointType = IK_SWING;
00950             ikchan->ndof = 2;
00951             break;
00952         case IK_YDOF|IK_ZDOF:
00953             // RZ+RY
00954             ikchan->jointType = IK_ZDOF|IK_YDOF;
00955             ikchan->ndof = 2;
00956             break;
00957         case IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF|IK_ZDOF:
00958             // spherical joint
00959             if (pchan->ikflag & (BONE_IK_XLIMIT|BONE_IK_YLIMIT|BONE_IK_ZLIMIT))
00960                 // decompose in a Swing+RotY joint
00961                 ikchan->jointType = IK_SWING|IK_YDOF;
00962             else
00963                 ikchan->jointType = IK_REVOLUTE;
00964             ikchan->ndof = 3;
00965             break;
00966         }
00967         if (flag & IK_TRANSY) {
00968             ikchan->jointType |= IK_TRANSY;
00969             ikchan->ndof++;
00970         }
00971         njoint += ikchan->ndof;
00972     }
00973     // njoint is the joint coordinate, create the Joint Array
00974     ikscene->jointArray.resize(njoint);
00975     ikscene->numjoint = njoint;
00976     return njoint;
00977 }
00979 // compute array of joint value corresponding to current pose
00980 static void convert_pose(IK_Scene *ikscene)
00981 {
00982     KDL::Rotation boneRot;
00983     bPoseChannel *pchan;
00984     IK_Channel *ikchan;
00985     Bone *bone;
00986     float rmat[4][4];   // rest pose of bone with parent taken into account
00987     float bmat[4][4];   // difference
00988     float scale;
00989     double *rot;
00990     int a, joint;
00992     // assume uniform scaling and take Y scale as general scale for the armature
00993     scale = len_v3(ikscene->blArmature->obmat[1]);
00994     rot = &ikscene->jointArray(0);
00995     for(joint=a=0, ikchan = ikscene->channels; a<ikscene->numchan && joint<ikscene->numjoint; ++a, ++ikchan) {
00996         pchan= ikchan->pchan;
00997         bone= pchan->bone;
00999         if (pchan->parent) {
01000             unit_m4(bmat);
01001             mul_m4_m4m3(bmat, pchan->parent->pose_mat, bone->bone_mat);
01002         } else {
01003             copy_m4_m4(bmat, bone->arm_mat);
01004         }
01005         invert_m4_m4(rmat, bmat);
01006         mult_m4_m4m4(bmat, rmat, pchan->pose_mat);
01007         normalize_m4(bmat);
01008         boneRot.setValue(bmat[0]);
01009         GetJointRotation(boneRot, ikchan->jointType, rot);
01010         if (ikchan->jointType & IK_TRANSY) {
01011             // compute actual length 
01012             rot[ikchan->ndof-1] = len_v3v3(pchan->pose_tail, pchan->pose_head) * scale;
01013         } 
01014         rot += ikchan->ndof;
01015         joint += ikchan->ndof;
01016     }
01017 }
01019 // compute array of joint value corresponding to current pose
01020 static void rest_pose(IK_Scene *ikscene)
01021 {
01022     bPoseChannel *pchan;
01023     IK_Channel *ikchan;
01024     Bone *bone;
01025     float scale;
01026     double *rot;
01027     int a, joint;
01029     // assume uniform scaling and take Y scale as general scale for the armature
01030     scale = len_v3(ikscene->blArmature->obmat[1]);
01031     // rest pose is 0 
01032     KDL::SetToZero(ikscene->jointArray);
01033     // except for transY joints
01034     rot = &ikscene->jointArray(0);
01035     for(joint=a=0, ikchan = ikscene->channels; a<ikscene->numchan && joint<ikscene->numjoint; ++a, ++ikchan) {
01036         pchan= ikchan->pchan;
01037         bone= pchan->bone;
01039         if (ikchan->jointType & IK_TRANSY)
01040             rot[ikchan->ndof-1] = bone->length*scale;
01041         rot += ikchan->ndof;
01042         joint += ikchan->ndof;
01043     }
01044 }
01046 static IK_Scene* convert_tree(Scene *blscene, Object *ob, bPoseChannel *pchan)
01047 {
01048     PoseTree *tree = (PoseTree*)pchan->iktree.first;
01049     PoseTarget *target;
01050     bKinematicConstraint *condata;
01051     bConstraint *polarcon;
01052     bItasc *ikparam;
01053     iTaSC::Armature* arm;
01054     iTaSC::Scene* scene;
01055     IK_Scene* ikscene;
01056     IK_Channel* ikchan;
01057     KDL::Frame initPose;
01058     KDL::Rotation boneRot;
01059     Bone *bone;
01060     int a, numtarget;
01061     unsigned int t;
01062     float length;
01063     bool ret = true, ingame;
01064     double *rot;
01066     if (tree->totchannel == 0)
01067         return NULL;
01069     ikscene = new IK_Scene;
01070     ikscene->blscene = blscene;
01071     arm = new iTaSC::Armature();
01072     scene = new iTaSC::Scene();
01073     ikscene->channels = new IK_Channel[tree->totchannel];
01074     ikscene->numchan = tree->totchannel;
01075     ikscene->armature = arm;
01076     ikscene->scene = scene;
01077     ikparam = (bItasc*)ob->pose->ikparam;
01078     ingame = (ob->pose->flag & POSE_GAME_ENGINE);
01079     if (!ikparam) {
01080         // you must have our own copy
01081         ikparam = &DefIKParam;
01082     } else if (ingame) {
01083         // tweak the param when in game to have efficient stepping
01084         // using fixed substep is not effecient since frames in the GE are often
01085         // shorter than in animation => move to auto step automatically and set
01086         // the target substep duration via min/max
01087         if (!(ikparam->flag & ITASC_AUTO_STEP)) {
01088             float timestep = blscene->r.frs_sec_base/blscene->r.frs_sec;
01089             if (ikparam->numstep > 0)
01090                 timestep /= ikparam->numstep;
01091             // with equal min and max, the algorythm will take this step and the indicative substep most of the time
01092             ikparam->minstep = ikparam->maxstep = timestep;
01093             ikparam->flag |= ITASC_AUTO_STEP;
01094         }
01095     }
01096     if ((ikparam->flag & ITASC_SIMULATION) && !ingame)
01097         // no cache in animation mode
01098         ikscene->cache = new iTaSC::Cache();
01100     switch (ikparam->solver) {
01101     case ITASC_SOLVER_SDLS:
01102         ikscene->solver = new iTaSC::WSDLSSolver();
01103         break;
01104     case ITASC_SOLVER_DLS:
01105         ikscene->solver = new iTaSC::WDLSSolver();
01106         break;
01107     default:
01108         delete ikscene;
01109         return NULL;
01110     }
01111     ikscene->blArmature = ob;
01113     std::string  joint;
01114     std::string  root("root");
01115     std::string  parent;
01116     std::vector<double> weights;
01117     double weight[3];
01118     // assume uniform scaling and take Y scale as general scale for the armature
01119     float scale = len_v3(ob->obmat[1]);
01120     // build the array of joints corresponding to the IK chain
01121     convert_channels(ikscene, tree);
01122     if (ingame) {
01123         // in the GE, set the initial joint angle to match the current pose
01124         // this will update the jointArray in ikscene
01125         convert_pose(ikscene);
01126     } else {
01127         // in Blender, the rest pose is always 0 for joints
01128         rest_pose(ikscene);
01129     }
01130     rot = &ikscene->jointArray(0);
01131     for(a=0, ikchan = ikscene->channels; a<tree->totchannel; ++a, ++ikchan) {
01132         pchan= ikchan->pchan;
01133         bone= pchan->bone;
01135         KDL::Frame tip(iTaSC::F_identity);
01136         Vector3 *fl = bone->bone_mat;
01137         KDL::Rotation brot(
01138                            fl[0][0], fl[1][0], fl[2][0],
01139                            fl[0][1], fl[1][1], fl[2][1],
01140                            fl[0][2], fl[1][2], fl[2][2]);
01141         KDL::Vector bpos(bone->head[0], bone->head[1], bone->head[2]);
01142         bpos = bpos*scale;
01143         KDL::Frame head(brot, bpos);
01145         // rest pose length of the bone taking scaling into account
01146         length= bone->length*scale;
01147         parent = (a > 0) ? ikscene->channels[tree->parent[a]].tail : root;
01148         // first the fixed segment to the bone head
01149         if (head.p.Norm() > KDL::epsilon || head.M.GetRot().Norm() > KDL::epsilon) {
01150             joint = bone->name;
01151             joint += ":H";
01152             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::None, 0.0, head);
01153             parent = joint;
01154         }
01155         if (!(ikchan->jointType & IK_TRANSY)) {
01156             // fixed length, put it in tip
01157             tip.p[1] = length;
01158         }
01159         joint = bone->name;
01160         weight[0] = (1.0-pchan->stiffness[0]);
01161         weight[1] = (1.0-pchan->stiffness[1]);
01162         weight[2] = (1.0-pchan->stiffness[2]);
01163         switch (ikchan->jointType & ~IK_TRANSY)
01164         {
01165         case 0:
01166             // fixed bone
01167             if (!(ikchan->jointType & IK_TRANSY)) {
01168                 joint += ":F";
01169                 ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::None, 0.0, tip);
01170             }
01171             break;
01172         case IK_XDOF:
01173             // RX only, get the X rotation
01174             joint += ":RX";
01175             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotX, rot[0], tip);
01176             weights.push_back(weight[0]);
01177             break;
01178         case IK_YDOF:
01179             // RY only, get the Y rotation
01180             joint += ":RY";
01181             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotY, rot[0], tip);
01182             weights.push_back(weight[1]);
01183             break;
01184         case IK_ZDOF:
01185             // RZ only, get the Zz rotation
01186             joint += ":RZ";
01187             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotZ, rot[0], tip);
01188             weights.push_back(weight[2]);
01189             break;
01190         case IK_XDOF|IK_YDOF:
01191             joint += ":RX";
01192             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotX, rot[0]);
01193             weights.push_back(weight[0]);
01194             if (ret) {
01195                 parent = joint;
01196                 joint = bone->name;
01197                 joint += ":RY";
01198                 ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotY, rot[1], tip);
01199                 weights.push_back(weight[1]);
01200             }
01201             break;
01202         case IK_SWING:
01203             joint += ":SW";
01204             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::Swing, rot[0], tip);
01205             weights.push_back(weight[0]);
01206             weights.push_back(weight[2]);
01207             break;
01208         case IK_YDOF|IK_ZDOF:
01209             // RZ+RY
01210             joint += ":RZ";
01211             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotZ, rot[0]);
01212             weights.push_back(weight[2]);
01213             if (ret) {
01214                 parent = joint;
01215                 joint = bone->name;
01216                 joint += ":RY";
01217                 ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotY, rot[1], tip);
01218                 weights.push_back(weight[1]);
01219             }
01220             break;
01221         case IK_SWING|IK_YDOF:
01222             // decompose in a Swing+RotY joint
01223             joint += ":SW";
01224             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::Swing, rot[0]);
01225             weights.push_back(weight[0]);
01226             weights.push_back(weight[2]);
01227             if (ret) {
01228                 parent = joint;
01229                 joint = bone->name;
01230                 joint += ":RY";
01231                 ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::RotY, rot[2], tip);
01232                 weights.push_back(weight[1]);
01233             }
01234             break;
01235         case IK_REVOLUTE:
01236             joint += ":SJ";
01237             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::Sphere, rot[0], tip);
01238             weights.push_back(weight[0]);
01239             weights.push_back(weight[1]);
01240             weights.push_back(weight[2]);
01241             break;
01242         }
01243         if (ret && (ikchan->jointType & IK_TRANSY)) {
01244             parent = joint;
01245             joint = bone->name;
01246             joint += ":TY";
01247             ret = arm->addSegment(joint, parent, KDL::Joint::TransY, rot[ikchan->ndof-1]);
01248             float ikstretch = pchan->ikstretch*pchan->ikstretch;
01249             weight[1] = (1.0-MIN2(1.0-ikstretch, 0.99));
01250             weights.push_back(weight[1]);
01251         }
01252         if (!ret)
01253             // error making the armature??
01254             break;
01255         // joint points to the segment that correspond to the bone per say
01256         ikchan->tail = joint;
01257         ikchan->head = parent;
01258         // in case of error
01259         ret = false;
01260         if ((ikchan->jointType & IK_XDOF) && (pchan->ikflag & (BONE_IK_XLIMIT|BONE_IK_ROTCTL))) {
01261             joint = bone->name;
01262             joint += ":RX";
01263             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_XLIMIT) {
01264                 if (arm->addLimitConstraint(joint, 0, pchan->limitmin[0], pchan->limitmax[0]) < 0)
01265                     break;
01266             }
01267             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ROTCTL) {
01268                 if (arm->addConstraint(joint, joint_callback, ikchan, false, false) < 0)
01269                     break;
01270             }
01271         }
01272         if ((ikchan->jointType & IK_YDOF) && (pchan->ikflag & (BONE_IK_YLIMIT|BONE_IK_ROTCTL))) {
01273             joint = bone->name;
01274             joint += ":RY";
01275             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_YLIMIT) {
01276                 if (arm->addLimitConstraint(joint, 0, pchan->limitmin[1], pchan->limitmax[1]) < 0)
01277                     break;
01278             }
01279             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ROTCTL) {
01280                 if (arm->addConstraint(joint, joint_callback, ikchan, false, false) < 0)
01281                     break;
01282             }
01283         }
01284         if ((ikchan->jointType & IK_ZDOF) && (pchan->ikflag & (BONE_IK_ZLIMIT|BONE_IK_ROTCTL))) {
01285             joint = bone->name;
01286             joint += ":RZ";
01287             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ZLIMIT) {
01288                 if (arm->addLimitConstraint(joint, 0, pchan->limitmin[2], pchan->limitmax[2]) < 0)
01289                     break;
01290             }
01291             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ROTCTL) {
01292                 if (arm->addConstraint(joint, joint_callback, ikchan, false, false) < 0)
01293                     break;
01294             }
01295         }
01296         if ((ikchan->jointType & IK_SWING) && (pchan->ikflag & (BONE_IK_XLIMIT|BONE_IK_ZLIMIT|BONE_IK_ROTCTL))) {
01297             joint = bone->name;
01298             joint += ":SW";
01299             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_XLIMIT) {
01300                 if (arm->addLimitConstraint(joint, 0, pchan->limitmin[0], pchan->limitmax[0]) < 0)
01301                     break;
01302             }
01303             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ZLIMIT) {
01304                 if (arm->addLimitConstraint(joint, 1, pchan->limitmin[2], pchan->limitmax[2]) < 0)
01305                     break;
01306             }
01307             if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ROTCTL) {
01308                 if (arm->addConstraint(joint, joint_callback, ikchan, false, false) < 0)
01309                     break;
01310             }
01311         }
01312         if ((ikchan->jointType & IK_REVOLUTE) && (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ROTCTL)) {
01313             joint = bone->name;
01314             joint += ":SJ";
01315             if (arm->addConstraint(joint, joint_callback, ikchan, false, false) < 0)
01316                 break;
01317         }
01318         //  no error, so restore
01319         ret = true;
01320         rot += ikchan->ndof;
01321     }
01322     if (!ret) {
01323         delete ikscene;
01324         return NULL;
01325     }
01326     // for each target, we need to add an end effector in the armature
01327     for (numtarget=0, polarcon=NULL, ret = true, target=(PoseTarget*)tree->targets.first; target; target=(PoseTarget*)target->next) {
01328         condata= (bKinematicConstraint*)target->con->data;
01329         pchan = tree->pchan[target->tip];
01331         if (is_cartesian_constraint(target->con)) {
01332             // add the end effector
01333             IK_Target* iktarget = new IK_Target();
01334             ikscene->targets.push_back(iktarget);
01335             iktarget->ee = arm->addEndEffector(ikscene->channels[target->tip].tail);
01336             if (iktarget->ee == -1) {
01337                 ret = false;
01338                 break;
01339             }
01340             // initialize all the fields that we can set at this time
01341             iktarget->blenderConstraint = target->con;
01342             iktarget->channel = target->tip;
01343             iktarget->simulation = (ikparam->flag & ITASC_SIMULATION);
01344             iktarget->rootChannel = ikscene->channels[0].pchan;
01345             iktarget->owner = ob;
01346             iktarget->targetName = pchan->bone->name;
01347             iktarget->targetName += ":T:";
01348             iktarget->targetName += target->con->name;
01349             iktarget->constraintName = pchan->bone->name;
01350             iktarget->constraintName += ":C:";
01351             iktarget->constraintName += target->con->name;
01352             numtarget++;
01353             if (condata->poletar)
01354                 // this constraint has a polar target
01355                 polarcon = target->con;
01356         }
01357     }
01358     // deal with polar target if any
01359     if (numtarget == 1 && polarcon) {
01360         ikscene->polarConstraint = polarcon;
01361     }
01362     // we can now add the armature
01363     // the armature is based on a moving frame. 
01364     // initialize with the correct position in case there is no cache
01365     base_callback(iTaSC::Timestamp(), iTaSC::F_identity, initPose, ikscene);
01366     ikscene->base = new iTaSC::MovingFrame(initPose);
01367     ikscene->base->setCallback(base_callback, ikscene);
01368     std::string armname;
01369     armname = ob->;
01370     armname += ":B";
01371     ret = scene->addObject(armname, ikscene->base);
01372     armname = ob->;
01373     armname += ":AR";
01374     if (ret)
01375         ret = scene->addObject(armname, ikscene->armature, ikscene->base);
01376     if (!ret) {
01377         delete ikscene;
01378         return NULL;
01379     }
01380     // set the weight
01381     e_matrix& Wq = arm->getWq();
01382     assert(Wq.cols() == (int)weights.size());
01383     for (int q=0; q<Wq.cols(); q++)
01384         Wq(q,q)=weights[q];
01385     // get the inverse rest pose frame of the base to compute relative rest pose of end effectors
01386     // this is needed to handle the enforce parameter
01387     // ikscene->pchan[0] is the root channel of the tree
01388     // if it has no parent, then it's just the identify Frame
01389     float invBaseFrame[4][4];
01390     pchan = ikscene->channels[0].pchan;
01391     if (pchan->parent) {
01392         // it has a parent, get the pose matrix from it 
01393         float baseFrame[4][4];
01394         pchan = pchan->parent;  
01395         copy_m4_m4(baseFrame, pchan->bone->arm_mat);
01396         // move to the tail and scale to get rest pose of armature base
01397         copy_v3_v3(baseFrame[3], pchan->bone->arm_tail);
01398         invert_m4_m4(invBaseFrame, baseFrame);
01399     } else {
01400         unit_m4(invBaseFrame);
01401     }
01402     // finally add the constraint
01403     for (t=0; t<ikscene->targets.size(); t++) {
01404         IK_Target* iktarget = ikscene->targets[t];
01405         iktarget->blscene = blscene;
01406         condata= (bKinematicConstraint*)iktarget->blenderConstraint->data;
01407         pchan = tree->pchan[iktarget->channel];
01408         unsigned int controltype, bonecnt;
01409         double bonelen;
01410         float mat[4][4];
01412         // add the end effector
01413         // estimate the average bone length, used to clamp feedback error
01414         for (bonecnt=0, bonelen=0.f, a=iktarget->channel; a>=0; a=tree->parent[a], bonecnt++)
01415             bonelen += scale*tree->pchan[a]->bone->length;
01416         bonelen /= bonecnt;     
01418         // store the rest pose of the end effector to compute enforce target
01419         copy_m4_m4(mat, pchan->bone->arm_mat);
01420         copy_v3_v3(mat[3], pchan->bone->arm_tail);
01421         // get the rest pose relative to the armature base
01422         mult_m4_m4m4(iktarget->eeRest, invBaseFrame, mat);
01423         iktarget->eeBlend = (!ikscene->polarConstraint && condata->type==CONSTRAINT_IK_COPYPOSE) ? true : false;
01424         // use target_callback to make sure the initPose includes enforce coefficient
01425         target_callback(iTaSC::Timestamp(), iTaSC::F_identity, initPose, iktarget);
01426         iktarget->target = new iTaSC::MovingFrame(initPose);
01427         iktarget->target->setCallback(target_callback, iktarget);
01428         ret = scene->addObject(iktarget->targetName, iktarget->target);
01429         if (!ret)
01430             break;
01432         switch (condata->type) {
01433         case CONSTRAINT_IK_COPYPOSE:
01434             controltype = 0;
01435             if (condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_ROT) {
01436                 if (!(condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_NO_ROT_X))
01437                     controltype |= iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATIONX;
01438                 if (!(condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_NO_ROT_Y))
01439                     controltype |= iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATIONY;
01440                 if (!(condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_NO_ROT_Z))
01441                     controltype |= iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATIONZ;
01442             }
01443             if (condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_POS) {
01444                 if (!(condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_NO_POS_X))
01445                     controltype |= iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITIONX;
01446                 if (!(condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_NO_POS_Y))
01447                     controltype |= iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITIONY;
01448                 if (!(condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_NO_POS_Z))
01449                     controltype |= iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITIONZ;
01450             }
01451             if (controltype) {
01452                 iktarget->constraint = new iTaSC::CopyPose(controltype, controltype, bonelen);
01453                 // set the gain
01454                 if (controltype & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_POSITION)
01455                     iktarget->constraint->setControlParameter(iTaSC::CopyPose::ID_POSITION, iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA, condata->weight);
01456                 if (controltype & iTaSC::CopyPose::CTL_ROTATION)
01457                     iktarget->constraint->setControlParameter(iTaSC::CopyPose::ID_ROTATION, iTaSC::ACT_ALPHA, condata->orientweight);
01458                 iktarget->constraint->registerCallback(copypose_callback, iktarget);
01459                 iktarget->errorCallback = copypose_error;
01460                 iktarget->controlType = controltype;
01461                 // add the constraint
01462                 if (condata->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_TARGETAXIS)
01463                     ret = scene->addConstraintSet(iktarget->constraintName, iktarget->constraint, iktarget->targetName, armname, "", ikscene->channels[iktarget->channel].tail);
01464                 else
01465                     ret = scene->addConstraintSet(iktarget->constraintName, iktarget->constraint, armname, iktarget->targetName, ikscene->channels[iktarget->channel].tail);
01466             }
01467             break;
01468         case CONSTRAINT_IK_DISTANCE:
01469             iktarget->constraint = new iTaSC::Distance(bonelen);
01470             iktarget->constraint->setControlParameter(iTaSC::Distance::ID_DISTANCE, iTaSC::ACT_VALUE, condata->dist);
01471             iktarget->constraint->registerCallback(distance_callback, iktarget);
01472             iktarget->errorCallback = distance_error;
01473             // we can update the weight on each substep
01474             iktarget->constraint->substep(true);
01475             // add the constraint
01476             ret = scene->addConstraintSet(iktarget->constraintName, iktarget->constraint, armname, iktarget->targetName, ikscene->channels[iktarget->channel].tail);
01477             break;
01478         }
01479         if (!ret)
01480             break;
01481     }
01482     if (!ret ||
01483         !scene->addCache(ikscene->cache) ||
01484         !scene->addSolver(ikscene->solver) ||
01485         !scene->initialize()) {
01486         delete ikscene;
01487         ikscene = NULL;
01488     }
01489     return ikscene;
01490 }
01492 static void create_scene(Scene *scene, Object *ob)
01493 {
01494     bPoseChannel *pchan;
01496     // create the IK scene
01497     for(pchan= (bPoseChannel *)ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan= (bPoseChannel *)pchan->next) {
01498         // by construction there is only one tree
01499         PoseTree *tree = (PoseTree*)pchan->iktree.first;
01500         if (tree) {
01501             IK_Data* ikdata = get_ikdata(ob->pose);
01502             // convert tree in iTaSC::Scene
01503             IK_Scene* ikscene = convert_tree(scene, ob, pchan);
01504             if (ikscene) {
01505                 ikscene->next = ikdata->first;
01506                 ikdata->first = ikscene;
01507             }
01508             // delete the trees once we are done
01509             while(tree) {
01510                 BLI_remlink(&pchan->iktree, tree);
01511                 BLI_freelistN(&tree->targets);
01512                 if(tree->pchan) MEM_freeN(tree->pchan);
01513                 if(tree->parent) MEM_freeN(tree->parent);
01514                 if(tree->basis_change) MEM_freeN(tree->basis_change);
01515                 MEM_freeN(tree);
01516                 tree = (PoseTree*)pchan->iktree.first;
01517             }
01518         }
01519     }
01520 }
01522 static void init_scene(Object *ob)
01523 {
01524     if (ob->pose->ikdata) {
01525         for(IK_Scene* scene = ((IK_Data*)ob->pose->ikdata)->first;
01526             scene != NULL;
01527             scene = scene->next) {
01528             scene->channels[0].pchan->flag |= POSE_IKTREE;
01529         }
01530     }
01531 }
01533 static void execute_scene(Scene* blscene, IK_Scene* ikscene, bItasc* ikparam, float ctime, float frtime)
01534 {
01535     int i;
01536     IK_Channel* ikchan;
01537     if (ikparam->flag & ITASC_SIMULATION) {
01538         for (i=0, ikchan=ikscene->channels; i<ikscene->numchan; i++, ++ikchan) {
01539             // In simulation mode we don't allow external contraint to change our bones, mark the channel done
01540             // also tell Blender that this channel is part of IK tree (cleared on each where_is_pose()
01541             ikchan->pchan->flag |= (POSE_DONE|POSE_CHAIN);
01542             ikchan->jointValid = 0;
01543         }
01544     } else {
01545         // in animation mode, we must get the bone position from action and constraints
01546         for(i=0, ikchan=ikscene->channels; i<ikscene->numchan; i++, ++ikchan) {
01547             if (!(ikchan->pchan->flag & POSE_DONE))
01548                 where_is_pose_bone(blscene, ikscene->blArmature, ikchan->pchan, ctime, 1);
01549             // tell blender that this channel was controlled by IK, it's cleared on each where_is_pose()
01550             ikchan->pchan->flag |= (POSE_DONE|POSE_CHAIN);
01551             ikchan->jointValid = 0;
01552         }
01553     }
01554     // only run execute the scene if at least one of our target is enabled
01555     for (i=ikscene->targets.size(); i > 0; --i) {
01556         IK_Target* iktarget = ikscene->targets[i-1];
01557         if (!(iktarget->blenderConstraint->flag & CONSTRAINT_OFF))
01558             break;
01559     }
01560     if (i == 0 && ikscene->armature->getNrOfConstraints() == 0)
01561         // all constraint disabled
01562         return;
01564     // compute timestep
01565     double timestamp = ctime * frtime + 2147483.648;
01566     double timestep = frtime;
01567     bool reiterate = (ikparam->flag & ITASC_REITERATION) ? true : false;
01568     int numstep = (ikparam->flag & ITASC_AUTO_STEP) ? 0 : ikparam->numstep;
01569     bool simulation = true;
01571     if (ikparam->flag & ITASC_SIMULATION) {
01572         ikscene->solver->setParam(iTaSC::Solver::DLS_QMAX, ikparam->maxvel);
01573     } 
01574     else {
01575         // in animation mode we start from the pose after action and constraint
01576         convert_pose(ikscene);
01577         ikscene->armature->setJointArray(ikscene->jointArray);
01578         // and we don't handle velocity
01579         reiterate = true;
01580         simulation = false;
01581         // time is virtual, so take fixed value for velocity parameters (see itasc_update_param)
01582         // and choose 1s timestep to allow having velocity parameters in radiant 
01583         timestep = 1.0;
01584         // use auto setup to let the solver test the variation of the joints
01585         numstep = 0;
01586     }
01588     if (ikscene->cache && !reiterate && simulation) {
01589         iTaSC::CacheTS sts, cts;
01590         sts = cts = (iTaSC::CacheTS)(timestamp*1000.0+0.5);
01591         if (ikscene->cache->getPreviousCacheItem(ikscene->armature, 0, &cts) == NULL || cts == 0) {
01592             // the cache is empty before this time, reiterate
01593             if (ikparam->flag & ITASC_INITIAL_REITERATION)
01594                 reiterate = true;
01595         } else {
01596             // can take the cache as a start point.
01597             sts -= cts;
01598             timestep = sts/1000.0;
01599         }
01600     }
01601     // don't cache if we are reiterating because we don't want to distroy the cache unnecessarily
01602     ikscene->scene->update(timestamp, timestep, numstep, false, !reiterate, simulation);
01603     if (reiterate) {
01604         // how many times do we reiterate?
01605         for (i=0; i<ikparam->numiter; i++) {
01606             if (ikscene->armature->getMaxJointChange() < ikparam->precision ||
01607                 ikscene->armature->getMaxEndEffectorChange() < ikparam->precision)
01608                 break;
01609             ikscene->scene->update(timestamp, timestep, numstep, true, false, simulation);
01610         }
01611         if (simulation) {
01612             // one more fake iteration to cache
01613             ikscene->scene->update(timestamp, 0.0, 1, true, true, true);
01614         }
01615     }
01616     // compute constraint error
01617     for (i=ikscene->targets.size(); i > 0; --i) {
01618         IK_Target* iktarget = ikscene->targets[i-1];
01619         if (!(iktarget->blenderConstraint->flag & CONSTRAINT_OFF)) {
01620             unsigned int nvalues;
01621             const iTaSC::ConstraintValues* values;
01622             values = iktarget->constraint->getControlParameters(&nvalues);
01623             iktarget->errorCallback(values, nvalues, iktarget);
01624         }
01625     }
01626     // Apply result to bone:
01627     // walk the ikscene->channels
01628     // for each, get the Frame of the joint corresponding to the bone relative to its parent
01629     // combine the parent and the joint frame to get the frame relative to armature
01630     // a backward translation of the bone length gives the head
01631     // if TY, compute the scale as the ratio of the joint length with rest pose length
01632     iTaSC::Armature* arm = ikscene->armature;
01633     KDL::Frame frame;
01634     double q_rest[3], q[3];
01635     const KDL::Joint* joint;
01636     const KDL::Frame* tip;
01637     bPoseChannel* pchan;
01638     float scale;
01639     float length;
01640     float yaxis[3];
01641     for (i=0, ikchan=ikscene->channels; i<ikscene->numchan; ++i, ++ikchan) {
01642         if (i == 0) {
01643             if (!arm->getRelativeFrame(frame, ikchan->tail))
01644                 break;
01645             // this frame is relative to base, make it relative to object
01646             ikchan->frame = ikscene->baseFrame * frame;
01647         } 
01648         else {
01649             if (!arm->getRelativeFrame(frame, ikchan->tail, ikscene->channels[ikchan->parent].tail))
01650                 break;
01651             // combine with parent frame to get frame relative to object
01652             ikchan->frame = ikscene->channels[ikchan->parent].frame * frame;
01653         }
01654         // ikchan->frame is the tail frame relative to object
01655         // get bone length
01656         if (!arm->getSegment(ikchan->tail, 3, joint, q_rest[0], q[0], tip))
01657             break;
01658         if (joint->getType() == KDL::Joint::TransY) {
01659             // stretch bones have a TY joint, compute the scale
01660             scale = (float)(q[0]/q_rest[0]);
01661             // the length is the joint itself
01662             length = (float)q[0];
01663         } 
01664         else {
01665             scale = 1.0f;
01666             // for fixed bone, the length is in the tip (always along Y axis)
01667             length = tip->p(1);
01668         }
01669         // ready to compute the pose mat
01670         pchan = ikchan->pchan;
01671         // tail mat
01672         ikchan->frame.getValue(&pchan->pose_mat[0][0]);
01673         copy_v3_v3(pchan->pose_tail, pchan->pose_mat[3]);
01674         // shift to head
01675         copy_v3_v3(yaxis, pchan->pose_mat[1]);
01676         mul_v3_fl(yaxis, length);
01677         sub_v3_v3v3(pchan->pose_mat[3], pchan->pose_mat[3], yaxis);
01678         copy_v3_v3(pchan->pose_head, pchan->pose_mat[3]);
01679         // add scale
01680         mul_v3_fl(pchan->pose_mat[0], scale);
01681         mul_v3_fl(pchan->pose_mat[1], scale);
01682         mul_v3_fl(pchan->pose_mat[2], scale);
01683     }
01684     if (i<ikscene->numchan) {
01685         // big problem
01686         ;
01687     }
01688 }
01690 //---------------------------------------------------
01691 // plugin interface
01692 //
01693 void itasc_initialize_tree(struct Scene *scene, Object *ob, float ctime)
01694 {
01695     bPoseChannel *pchan;
01696     int count = 0;
01698     if (ob->pose->ikdata != NULL && !(ob->pose->flag & POSE_WAS_REBUILT)) {
01699         init_scene(ob);
01700         return;
01701     }
01702     // first remove old scene
01703     itasc_clear_data(ob->pose);
01704     // we should handle all the constraint and mark them all disabled
01705     // for blender but we'll start with the IK constraint alone
01706     for(pchan= (bPoseChannel *)ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan= (bPoseChannel *)pchan->next) {
01707         if(pchan->constflag & PCHAN_HAS_IK)
01708             count += initialize_scene(ob, pchan);
01709     }
01710     // if at least one tree, create the scenes from the PoseTree stored in the channels 
01711     if (count)
01712         create_scene(scene, ob);
01713     itasc_update_param(ob->pose);
01714     // make sure we don't rebuilt until the user changes something important
01715     ob->pose->flag &= ~POSE_WAS_REBUILT;
01716 }
01718 void itasc_execute_tree(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob,  struct bPoseChannel *pchan, float ctime)
01719 {
01720     if (ob->pose->ikdata) {
01721         IK_Data* ikdata = (IK_Data*)ob->pose->ikdata;
01722         bItasc* ikparam = (bItasc*) ob->pose->ikparam;
01723         // we need default parameters
01724         if (!ikparam) ikparam = &DefIKParam;
01726         for (IK_Scene* ikscene = ikdata->first; ikscene; ikscene = ikscene->next) {
01727             if (ikscene->channels[0].pchan == pchan) {
01728                 float timestep = scene->r.frs_sec_base/scene->r.frs_sec;
01729                 if (ob->pose->flag & POSE_GAME_ENGINE) {
01730                     timestep = ob->pose->ctime;
01731                     // limit the timestep to avoid excessive number of iteration
01732                     if (timestep > 0.2f)
01733                         timestep = 0.2f;
01734                 }
01735                 execute_scene(scene, ikscene, ikparam, ctime, timestep);
01736                 break;
01737             }
01738         }
01739     }
01740 }
01742 void itasc_release_tree(struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob,  float ctime)
01743 {
01744     // not used for iTaSC
01745 }
01747 void itasc_clear_data(struct bPose *pose)
01748 {
01749     if (pose->ikdata) {
01750         IK_Data* ikdata = (IK_Data*)pose->ikdata;
01751         for (IK_Scene* scene = ikdata->first; scene; scene = ikdata->first) {
01752             ikdata->first = scene->next;
01753             delete scene;
01754         }
01755         MEM_freeN(ikdata);
01756         pose->ikdata = NULL;
01757     }
01758 }
01760 void itasc_clear_cache(struct bPose *pose)
01761 {
01762     if (pose->ikdata) {
01763         IK_Data* ikdata = (IK_Data*)pose->ikdata;
01764         for (IK_Scene* scene = ikdata->first; scene; scene = scene->next) {
01765             if (scene->cache)
01766                 // clear all cache but leaving the timestamp 0 (=rest pose)
01767                 scene->cache->clearCacheFrom(NULL, 1);
01768         }
01769     }
01770 }
01772 void itasc_update_param(struct bPose *pose)
01773 {
01774     if (pose->ikdata && pose->ikparam) {
01775         IK_Data* ikdata = (IK_Data*)pose->ikdata;
01776         bItasc* ikparam = (bItasc*)pose->ikparam;
01777         for (IK_Scene* ikscene = ikdata->first; ikscene; ikscene = ikscene->next) {
01778             double armlength = ikscene->armature->getArmLength();
01779             ikscene->solver->setParam(iTaSC::Solver::DLS_LAMBDA_MAX, ikparam->dampmax*armlength);
01780             ikscene->solver->setParam(iTaSC::Solver::DLS_EPSILON, ikparam->dampeps*armlength);
01781             if (ikparam->flag & ITASC_SIMULATION) {
01782                 ikscene->scene->setParam(iTaSC::Scene::MIN_TIMESTEP, ikparam->minstep);
01783                 ikscene->scene->setParam(iTaSC::Scene::MAX_TIMESTEP, ikparam->maxstep);
01784                 ikscene->solver->setParam(iTaSC::Solver::DLS_QMAX, ikparam->maxvel);
01785                 ikscene->armature->setControlParameter(CONSTRAINT_ID_ALL, iTaSC::Armature::ID_JOINT, iTaSC::ACT_FEEDBACK, ikparam->feedback);
01786             } else {
01787                 // in animation mode timestep is 1s by convention => 
01788                 // qmax becomes radiant and feedback becomes fraction of error gap corrected in one iteration
01789                 ikscene->scene->setParam(iTaSC::Scene::MIN_TIMESTEP, 1.0);
01790                 ikscene->scene->setParam(iTaSC::Scene::MAX_TIMESTEP, 1.0);
01791                 ikscene->solver->setParam(iTaSC::Solver::DLS_QMAX, 0.52);
01792                 ikscene->armature->setControlParameter(CONSTRAINT_ID_ALL, iTaSC::Armature::ID_JOINT, iTaSC::ACT_FEEDBACK, 0.8);
01793             }
01794         }
01795     }
01796 }
01798 void itasc_test_constraint(struct Object *ob, struct bConstraint *cons)
01799 {
01800     struct bKinematicConstraint *data = (struct bKinematicConstraint *)cons->data;
01802     /* only for IK constraint */
01803     if (cons->type != CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC || data == NULL)
01804         return;
01806     switch (data->type) {
01809         /* cartesian space constraint */
01810         break;
01811     }
01812 }