Blender V2.61 - r43446
Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions

transform.h File Reference

#include "ED_transform.h"
#include "ED_numinput.h"
#include "DNA_listBase.h"
#include "BLI_editVert.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  TransSnapPoint
struct  TransSnap
struct  TransCon
struct  TransDataExtension
struct  TransData2D
struct  TransDataCurveHandleFlags
struct  TransDataSeq
struct  TransDataNla
struct  TransDataSlideUv
struct  TransDataSlideVert
struct  SlideData
struct  TransData
struct  MouseInput
struct  TransInfo


#define TRANS_STARTING   0
#define TRANS_RUNNING   1
#define TRANS_CONFIRM   2
#define TRANS_CANCEL   3
#define TREDRAW_HARD   1
#define TREDRAW_SOFT   2
#define T_OBJECT   (1 << 0)
#define T_EDIT   (1 << 1)
#define T_POSE   (1 << 2)
#define T_TEXTURE   (1 << 3)
#define T_CAMERA   (1 << 4)
#define T_POINTS   (1 << 6)
#define T_USES_MANIPULATOR   (1 << 7)
#define T_ALL_RESTRICTIONS   ((1 << 8)|(1 << 9)|(1 << 10))
#define T_NO_CONSTRAINT   (1 << 8)
#define T_NULL_ONE   (1 << 9)
#define T_NO_ZERO   (1 << 10)
#define T_PROP_EDIT   (1 << 11)
#define T_PROP_CONNECTED   (1 << 12)
#define T_V3D_ALIGN   (1 << 14)
#define T_2D_EDIT   (1 << 15)
#define T_CLIP_UV   (1 << 16)
#define T_FREE_CUSTOMDATA   (1 << 17)
#define T_AUTOIK   (1 << 18)
#define T_MIRROR   (1 << 19)
#define T_AUTOVALUES   (1 << 20)
#define T_MODAL   (1 << 21)
#define T_NO_PROJECT   (1 << 22)
#define T_RELEASE_CONFIRM   (1 << 23)
#define T_ALT_TRANSFORM   (1 << 24)
#define MOD_PRECISION   0x02
#define MOD_SNAP   0x04
#define MOD_SNAP_INVERT   0x08
#define HLP_NONE   0
#define HLP_SPRING   1
#define HLP_ANGLE   2
#define HLP_HARROW   3
#define HLP_VARROW   4
#define HLP_TRACKBALL   5
#define CON_APPLY   1
#define CON_AXIS0   2
#define CON_AXIS1   4
#define CON_AXIS2   8
#define CON_SELECT   16
#define CON_NOFLIP   32
#define CON_USER   64
#define TD_SELECTED   1
#define TD_ACTIVE   (1 << 1)
#define TD_NOACTION   (1 << 2)
#define TD_USEQUAT   (1 << 3)
#define TD_NOTCONNECTED   (1 << 4)
#define TD_SINGLESIZE   (1 << 5)
#define TD_NOCENTER   (1 << 9)
#define TD_NO_EXT   (1 << 10)
#define TD_SKIP   (1 << 11)
#define TD_BEZTRIPLE   (1 << 12)
#define TD_NO_LOC   (1 << 13)
#define TD_NOTIMESNAP   (1 << 14)
#define TD_INTVALUES   (1 << 15)
#define TD_MIRROR_EDGE   (1 << 16)
#define TD_MOVEHANDLE1   (1 << 17)
#define TD_MOVEHANDLE2   (1 << 18)
#define TD_PBONE_LOCAL_MTX_P   (1 << 19)
#define TD_PBONE_LOCAL_MTX_C   (1 << 20)
#define SNAP_FORCED   1
#define TARGET_INIT   2
#define POINT_INIT   4
#define MULTI_POINTS   8
#define DRAWLIGHT   1


typedef struct TransSnapPoint TransSnapPoint
typedef struct TransSnap TransSnap
typedef struct TransCon TransCon
typedef struct TransDataExtension TransDataExtension
typedef struct TransData2D TransData2D
typedef struct
typedef struct TransDataSeq TransDataSeq
typedef struct TransDataNla TransDataNla
typedef struct TransDataSlideUv TransDataSlideUv
typedef struct TransDataSlideVert TransDataSlideVert
typedef struct SlideData SlideData
typedef struct TransData TransData
typedef struct MouseInput MouseInput
typedef struct TransInfo TransInfo


enum  GearsType { NO_GEARS = 0, BIG_GEARS = 1, SMALL_GEARS = 2 }
enum  MouseInputMode {


void TRANSFORM_OT_transform (struct wmOperatorType *ot)
int initTransform (struct bContext *C, struct TransInfo *t, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event, int mode)
void saveTransform (struct bContext *C, struct TransInfo *t, struct wmOperator *op)
int transformEvent (TransInfo *t, struct wmEvent *event)
void transformApply (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
int transformEnd (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
void setTransformViewMatrices (TransInfo *t)
void convertViewVec (TransInfo *t, float *vec, int dx, int dy)
void projectIntView (TransInfo *t, float *vec, int *adr)
void projectFloatView (TransInfo *t, float *vec, float *adr)
void applyAspectRatio (TransInfo *t, float *vec)
void removeAspectRatio (TransInfo *t, float *vec)
void initWarp (TransInfo *t)
int handleEventWarp (TransInfo *t, struct wmEvent *event)
int Warp (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initShear (TransInfo *t)
int handleEventShear (TransInfo *t, struct wmEvent *event)
int Shear (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initResize (TransInfo *t)
int Resize (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initTranslation (TransInfo *t)
int Translation (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initToSphere (TransInfo *t)
int ToSphere (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initRotation (TransInfo *t)
int Rotation (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initShrinkFatten (TransInfo *t)
int ShrinkFatten (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initTilt (TransInfo *t)
int Tilt (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initCurveShrinkFatten (TransInfo *t)
int CurveShrinkFatten (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initTrackball (TransInfo *t)
int Trackball (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initPushPull (TransInfo *t)
int PushPull (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initBevel (TransInfo *t)
int handleEventBevel (TransInfo *t, struct wmEvent *event)
int Bevel (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initBevelWeight (TransInfo *t)
int BevelWeight (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initCrease (TransInfo *t)
int Crease (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initBoneSize (TransInfo *t)
int BoneSize (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initBoneEnvelope (TransInfo *t)
int BoneEnvelope (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initBoneRoll (TransInfo *t)
int BoneRoll (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initEdgeSlide (TransInfo *t)
int EdgeSlide (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initTimeTranslate (TransInfo *t)
int TimeTranslate (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initTimeSlide (TransInfo *t)
int TimeSlide (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initTimeScale (TransInfo *t)
int TimeScale (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initBakeTime (TransInfo *t)
int BakeTime (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initMirror (TransInfo *t)
int Mirror (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initAlign (TransInfo *t)
int Align (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void initSeqSlide (TransInfo *t)
int SeqSlide (TransInfo *t, const int mval[2])
void drawPropCircle (const struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
struct wmKeyMaptransform_modal_keymap (struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf)
void flushTransGPactionData (TransInfo *t)
void flushTransGraphData (TransInfo *t)
void remake_graph_transdata (TransInfo *t, struct ListBase *anim_data)
void flushTransUVs (TransInfo *t)
void flushTransParticles (TransInfo *t)
int clipUVTransform (TransInfo *t, float *vec, int resize)
void flushTransNodes (TransInfo *t)
void flushTransSeq (TransInfo *t)
void flushTransTracking (TransInfo *t)
int gimbal_axis (struct Object *ob, float gmat[][3])
int calc_manipulator_stats (const struct bContext *C)
void createTransData (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
void sort_trans_data_dist (TransInfo *t)
void add_tdi_poin (float *poin, float *old, float delta)
void special_aftertrans_update (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
void transform_autoik_update (TransInfo *t, short mode)
int count_set_pose_transflags (int *out_mode, short around, struct Object *ob)
void autokeyframe_ob_cb_func (struct bContext *C, struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct Object *ob, int tmode)
void autokeyframe_pose_cb_func (struct bContext *C, struct Scene *scene, struct View3D *v3d, struct Object *ob, int tmode, short targetless_ik)
void drawConstraint (TransInfo *t)
void getConstraintMatrix (TransInfo *t)
void setConstraint (TransInfo *t, float space[3][3], int mode, const char text[])
void setLocalConstraint (TransInfo *t, int mode, const char text[])
void setUserConstraint (TransInfo *t, short orientation, int mode, const char text[])
void constraintNumInput (TransInfo *t, float vec[3])
int isLockConstraint (TransInfo *t)
int getConstraintSpaceDimension (TransInfo *t)
char constraintModeToChar (TransInfo *t)
void startConstraint (TransInfo *t)
void stopConstraint (TransInfo *t)
void initSelectConstraint (TransInfo *t, float mtx[3][3])
void selectConstraint (TransInfo *t)
void postSelectConstraint (TransInfo *t)
void setNearestAxis (TransInfo *t)
void snapGrid (TransInfo *t, float *val)
void snapGridAction (TransInfo *t, float *val, GearsType action)
int activeSnap (TransInfo *t)
int validSnap (TransInfo *t)
void initSnapping (struct TransInfo *t, struct wmOperator *op)
void applyProject (TransInfo *t)
void applySnapping (TransInfo *t, float *vec)
void resetSnapping (TransInfo *t)
int handleSnapping (TransInfo *t, struct wmEvent *event)
void drawSnapping (const struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
int usingSnappingNormal (TransInfo *t)
int validSnappingNormal (TransInfo *t)
void getSnapPoint (TransInfo *t, float vec[3])
void addSnapPoint (TransInfo *t)
int updateSelectedSnapPoint (TransInfo *t)
void removeSnapPoint (TransInfo *t)
void initMouseInput (TransInfo *t, MouseInput *mi, int center[2], int mval[2])
void initMouseInputMode (TransInfo *t, MouseInput *mi, MouseInputMode mode)
int handleMouseInput (struct TransInfo *t, struct MouseInput *mi, struct wmEvent *event)
void applyMouseInput (struct TransInfo *t, struct MouseInput *mi, const int mval[2], float output[3])
void setCustomPoints (TransInfo *t, MouseInput *mi, int start[2], int end[2])
void setInputPostFct (MouseInput *mi, void(*post)(struct TransInfo *, float[3]))
int initTransInfo (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
void postTrans (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
void resetTransRestrictions (TransInfo *t)
void drawLine (TransInfo *t, float *center, float *dir, char axis, short options)
TransDataCurveHandleFlagsinitTransDataCurveHandes (TransData *td, struct BezTriple *bezt)
void applyTransObjects (TransInfo *t)
void restoreTransObjects (TransInfo *t)
void restoreTransNodes (TransInfo *t)
void recalcData (TransInfo *t)
void calculateCenter (TransInfo *t)
void calculateCenter2D (TransInfo *t)
void calculateCenterBound (TransInfo *t)
void calculateCenterMedian (TransInfo *t)
void calculateCenterCursor (TransInfo *t)
void calculateCenterCursor2D (TransInfo *t)
void calculatePropRatio (TransInfo *t)
void getViewVector (TransInfo *t, float coord[3], float vec[3])
void initTransformOrientation (struct bContext *C, TransInfo *t)
struct TransformOrientationcreateObjectSpace (struct bContext *C, struct ReportList *reports, char *name, int overwrite)
struct TransformOrientationcreateMeshSpace (struct bContext *C, struct ReportList *reports, char *name, int overwrite)
struct TransformOrientationcreateBoneSpace (struct bContext *C, struct ReportList *reports, char *name, int overwrite)
int createSpaceNormal (float mat[3][3], float normal[3])
int createSpaceNormalTangent (float mat[3][3], float normal[3], float tangent[3])
struct TransformOrientationaddMatrixSpace (struct bContext *C, float mat[3][3], char name[], int overwrite)
int addObjectSpace (struct bContext *C, struct Object *ob)
void applyTransformOrientation (const struct bContext *C, float mat[3][3], char *name)
int getTransformOrientation (const struct bContext *C, float normal[3], float plane[3], int activeOnly)
void freeSlideVerts (TransInfo *t)

Detailed Description

Definition in file transform.h.

Define Documentation

#define CON_APPLY   1
#define CON_AXIS0   2
#define CON_AXIS1   4
#define CON_AXIS2   8
#define CON_NOFLIP   32

Definition at line 404 of file transform.h.

Referenced by applyAxisConstraintRot(), and applyObjectConstraintRot().

#define CON_SELECT   16
#define CON_USER   64

Definition at line 405 of file transform.h.

Referenced by setUserConstraint().

#define DRAWLIGHT   1

Definition at line 651 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawConstraint(), drawLine(), and drawObjectConstraint().

#define HLP_ANGLE   2

Definition at line 393 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawHelpline(), and initMouseInputMode().

#define HLP_HARROW   3

Definition at line 394 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawHelpline(), and initMouseInputMode().

#define HLP_NONE   0

Definition at line 391 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawHelpline(), initMouseInputMode(), and initTransInfo().

#define HLP_SPRING   1

Definition at line 392 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawHelpline(), and initMouseInputMode().

#define HLP_TRACKBALL   5

Definition at line 396 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawHelpline(), and initMouseInputMode().

#define HLP_VARROW   4

Definition at line 395 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawHelpline(), and initMouseInputMode().


Definition at line 385 of file transform.h.

Referenced by setNearestAxis3d(), and transformEvent().


Definition at line 381 of file transform.h.

Referenced by transformEvent().

#define MOD_PRECISION   0x02

Definition at line 382 of file transform.h.

Referenced by handleMouseInput(), and snapGrid().

#define MOD_SNAP   0x04

Definition at line 383 of file transform.h.

Referenced by activeSnap(), initSnapping(), saveTransform(), and transformEvent().

#define MOD_SNAP_INVERT   0x08

Definition at line 384 of file transform.h.

Referenced by activeSnap(), getAnimEdit_SnapMode(), initTransform(), and transformEvent().

#define MULTI_POINTS   8

Definition at line 432 of file transform.h.

Referenced by addSnapPoint(), removeSnapPoint(), updateSelectedSnapPoint(), and validSnap().


Definition at line 685 of file transform.h.

Referenced by ED_getTransformOrientationMatrix(), and getTransformOrientation().


Definition at line 686 of file transform.h.

Referenced by ED_getTransformOrientationMatrix(), and getTransformOrientation().

#define POINT_INIT   4
#define SNAP_FORCED   1

Definition at line 429 of file transform.h.

Referenced by applySnapping(), initSnapping(), and postConstraintChecks().

#define T_2D_EDIT   (1 << 15)
#define T_ALL_RESTRICTIONS   ((1 << 8)|(1 << 9)|(1 << 10))

Definition at line 348 of file transform.h.

Referenced by resetTransRestrictions().

#define T_ALT_TRANSFORM   (1 << 24)

Definition at line 378 of file transform.h.

Referenced by flushTransTracking(), and transformEvent().

#define T_AUTOIK   (1 << 18)
#define T_AUTOVALUES   (1 << 20)

Definition at line 367 of file transform.h.

Referenced by initTransform(), postConstraintChecks(), Resize(), and saveTransform().

#define T_CAMERA   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 341 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransData(), initSnappingMode(), and transformEvent().

#define T_CLIP_UV   (1 << 16)

Definition at line 359 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransUVs(), Resize(), and Translation().

#define T_EDIT   (1 << 1)
#define T_FREE_CUSTOMDATA   (1 << 17)

Definition at line 361 of file transform.h.

Referenced by initTimeSlide().

#define T_MIRROR   (1 << 19)
#define T_MODAL   (1 << 21)

Definition at line 370 of file transform.h.

Referenced by initSnapping(), initTransInfo(), postTrans(), and saveTransform().

#define T_NO_CONSTRAINT   (1 << 8)
#define T_NO_PROJECT   (1 << 22)
#define T_NO_ZERO   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 351 of file transform.h.

Referenced by initCurveShrinkFatten(), initMirror(), and initResize().

#define T_NULL_ONE   (1 << 9)
#define T_OBJECT   (1 << 0)
#define T_POINTS   (1 << 6)

Definition at line 343 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransData(), ElementResize(), and ElementRotation().

#define T_POSE   (1 << 2)
#define T_PROP_CONNECTED   (1 << 12)
#define T_PROP_EDIT   (1 << 11)
#define T_RELEASE_CONFIRM   (1 << 23)

Definition at line 375 of file transform.h.

Referenced by initTransInfo(), and transformEvent().

#define T_TEXTURE   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 340 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransData(), and ElementResize().

#define T_USES_MANIPULATOR   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 345 of file transform.h.

Referenced by BoneSize(), drawConstraint(), drawHelpline(), and Resize().

#define T_V3D_ALIGN   (1 << 14)

Definition at line 356 of file transform.h.

Referenced by ElementResize(), ElementRotation(), and initTransInfo().

#define TARGET_INIT   2
#define TD_ACTIVE   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 409 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransEditVerts(), ObjectToTransData(), and TargetSnapActive().

#define TD_BEZTRIPLE   (1 << 12)

Definition at line 418 of file transform.h.

Referenced by beztmap_to_data(), initTransDataCurveHandles(), postTrans(), and restoreElement().

#define TD_INTVALUES   (1 << 15)

Definition at line 421 of file transform.h.

Referenced by bezt_to_transdata(), and flushTransGraphData().

#define TD_MIRROR_EDGE   (1 << 16)

Definition at line 422 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransEditVerts(), and editmesh_apply_to_mirror().

#define TD_MOVEHANDLE1   (1 << 17)
#define TD_MOVEHANDLE2   (1 << 18)
#define TD_NO_EXT   (1 << 10)

Definition at line 416 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransParticleVerts(), and restoreElement().

#define TD_NO_LOC   (1 << 13)

Definition at line 419 of file transform.h.

Referenced by add_pose_transdata(), createTransObject(), and ElementRotation().

#define TD_NOACTION   (1 << 2)
#define TD_NOCENTER   (1 << 9)
#define TD_NOTCONNECTED   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 412 of file transform.h.

Referenced by calc_distanceCurveVerts(), calculatePropRatio(), and createTransEditVerts().

#define TD_NOTIMESNAP   (1 << 14)

Definition at line 420 of file transform.h.

Referenced by bezt_to_transdata(), and flushTransGraphData().

#define TD_PBONE_LOCAL_MTX_C   (1 << 20)

Definition at line 426 of file transform.h.

Referenced by add_pose_transdata(), and ElementRotation().

#define TD_PBONE_LOCAL_MTX_P   (1 << 19)

Definition at line 425 of file transform.h.

Referenced by add_pose_transdata(), and ElementRotation().

#define TD_SELECTED   1
#define TD_SINGLESIZE   (1 << 5)

Definition at line 413 of file transform.h.

Referenced by constraintSizeLim(), createTransMBallVerts(), and ElementResize().

#define TD_SKIP   (1 << 11)
#define TD_USEQUAT   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 411 of file transform.h.

Referenced by createTransMBallVerts(), and ElementRotation().

#define TRANS_CANCEL   3
#define TRANS_CONFIRM   2

Definition at line 327 of file transform.h.

Referenced by transformApply(), and transformEvent().

#define TRANS_RUNNING   1

Definition at line 326 of file transform.h.

Referenced by calculateTransformCenter(), transformEnd(), and transformEvent().

#define TRANS_STARTING   0

Definition at line 325 of file transform.h.

Referenced by initTransform(), transformEnd(), and transformEvent().

#define TREDRAW_HARD   1

Definition at line 331 of file transform.h.

Referenced by handleMouseInput(), and transformApply().

#define TREDRAW_SOFT   2

Definition at line 333 of file transform.h.

Referenced by drawTransformApply(), and transformApply().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct MouseInput MouseInput
typedef struct SlideData SlideData
typedef struct TransCon TransCon
typedef struct TransData TransData
typedef struct TransData2D TransData2D
typedef struct TransDataNla TransDataNla
typedef struct TransDataSeq TransDataSeq
typedef struct TransInfo TransInfo
typedef struct TransSnap TransSnap

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum GearsType

Definition at line 590 of file transform.h.


Definition at line 618 of file transform.h.

Function Documentation

int activeSnap ( TransInfo t)
void add_tdi_poin ( float *  poin,
float *  old,
float  delta 
struct TransformOrientation* addMatrixSpace ( struct bContext C,
float  mat[3][3],
char  name[],
int  overwrite 
) [read]
int addObjectSpace ( struct bContext C,
struct Object ob 
void addSnapPoint ( TransInfo t)
int Align ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void applyAspectRatio ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec 
void applyMouseInput ( struct TransInfo t,
struct MouseInput mi,
const int  mval[2],
float  output[3] 

Definition at line 386 of file transform_input.c.

References MouseInput::apply, NULL, and MouseInput::post.

Referenced by initMouseInputMode(), and transformEvent().

void applyProject ( TransInfo t)
void applySnapping ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec 
void applyTransformOrientation ( const struct bContext C,
float  mat[3][3],
char *  name 
void applyTransObjects ( TransInfo t)
void autokeyframe_ob_cb_func ( struct bContext C,
struct Scene scene,
struct View3D v3d,
struct Object ob,
int  tmode 
void autokeyframe_pose_cb_func ( struct bContext C,
struct Scene scene,
struct View3D v3d,
struct Object ob,
int  tmode,
short  targetless_ik 
int BakeTime ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int Bevel ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int BevelWeight ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int BoneEnvelope ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int BoneRoll ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int BoneSize ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int calc_manipulator_stats ( const struct bContext C)
void calculateCenter ( TransInfo t)
void calculateCenter2D ( TransInfo t)
void calculateCenterBound ( TransInfo t)
void calculateCenterCursor ( TransInfo t)
void calculateCenterCursor2D ( TransInfo t)
void calculateCenterMedian ( TransInfo t)
void calculatePropRatio ( TransInfo t)
int clipUVTransform ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec,
int  resize 
char constraintModeToChar ( TransInfo t)

Definition at line 984 of file transform_constraints.c.

References TransInfo::con, CON_APPLY, CON_AXIS0, CON_AXIS1, CON_AXIS2, and TransCon::mode.

Referenced by transformEvent().

void constraintNumInput ( TransInfo t,
float  vec[3] 
void convertViewVec ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec,
int  dx,
int  dy 
int count_set_pose_transflags ( int *  out_mode,
short  around,
struct Object ob 
int Crease ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
struct TransformOrientation* createBoneSpace ( struct bContext C,
struct ReportList reports,
char *  name,
int  overwrite 
) [read]
struct TransformOrientation* createMeshSpace ( struct bContext C,
struct ReportList reports,
char *  name,
int  overwrite 
) [read]
struct TransformOrientation* createObjectSpace ( struct bContext C,
struct ReportList reports,
char *  name,
int  overwrite 
) [read]
int createSpaceNormal ( float  mat[3][3],
float  normal[3] 
int createSpaceNormalTangent ( float  mat[3][3],
float  normal[3],
float  tangent[3] 
void createTransData ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
int CurveShrinkFatten ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void drawConstraint ( TransInfo t)
void drawLine ( TransInfo t,
float *  center,
float *  dir,
char  axis,
short  options 
void drawPropCircle ( const struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
void drawSnapping ( const struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
int EdgeSlide ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void flushTransGPactionData ( TransInfo t)
void flushTransGraphData ( TransInfo t)
void flushTransNodes ( TransInfo t)
void flushTransParticles ( TransInfo t)
void flushTransSeq ( TransInfo t)
void flushTransTracking ( TransInfo t)
void flushTransUVs ( TransInfo t)
void freeSlideVerts ( TransInfo t)
void getConstraintMatrix ( TransInfo t)
int getConstraintSpaceDimension ( TransInfo t)
void getSnapPoint ( TransInfo t,
float  vec[3] 
int getTransformOrientation ( const struct bContext C,
float  normal[3],
float  plane[3],
int  activeOnly 
void getViewVector ( TransInfo t,
float  coord[3],
float  vec[3] 
int gimbal_axis ( struct Object ob,
float  gmat[][3] 
int handleEventBevel ( TransInfo t,
struct wmEvent event 

Definition at line 3868 of file transform.c.

References BME_BEVEL_VERT, G, KM_PRESS, MIDDLEMOUSE, TransInfo::state, TRANS_CANCEL, wmEvent::type, and wmEvent::val.

Referenced by initBevel().

int handleEventShear ( TransInfo t,
struct wmEvent event 
int handleEventWarp ( TransInfo t,
struct wmEvent event 

Definition at line 2293 of file transform.c.

References TransInfo::customData, KM_PRESS, MIDDLEMOUSE, NULL, wmEvent::type, and wmEvent::val.

Referenced by initWarp().

int handleMouseInput ( struct TransInfo t,
struct MouseInput mi,
struct wmEvent event 
int handleSnapping ( TransInfo t,
struct wmEvent event 
void initAlign ( TransInfo t)
void initBakeTime ( TransInfo t)
void initBevel ( TransInfo t)
void initBevelWeight ( TransInfo t)
void initBoneEnvelope ( TransInfo t)
void initBoneRoll ( TransInfo t)
void initBoneSize ( TransInfo t)
void initCrease ( TransInfo t)
void initCurveShrinkFatten ( TransInfo t)
void initEdgeSlide ( TransInfo t)
void initMirror ( TransInfo t)
void initMouseInput ( TransInfo t,
MouseInput mi,
int  center[2],
int  mval[2] 

Referenced by initTimeScale(), and initTransform().

void initMouseInputMode ( TransInfo t,
MouseInput mi,
MouseInputMode  mode 
void initPushPull ( TransInfo t)
void initResize ( TransInfo t)
void initRotation ( TransInfo t)
void initSelectConstraint ( TransInfo t,
float  mtx[3][3] 
void initSeqSlide ( TransInfo t)
void initShear ( TransInfo t)
void initShrinkFatten ( TransInfo t)
void initSnapping ( struct TransInfo t,
struct wmOperator op 
void initTilt ( TransInfo t)
void initTimeScale ( TransInfo t)
void initTimeSlide ( TransInfo t)
void initTimeTranslate ( TransInfo t)
void initToSphere ( TransInfo t)
void initTrackball ( TransInfo t)
TransDataCurveHandleFlags* initTransDataCurveHandes ( TransData td,
struct BezTriple bezt 
int initTransform ( struct bContext C,
struct TransInfo t,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event,
int  mode 

Definition at line 1490 of file transform.c.

References wmEvent::alt, TransInfo::ar, ARM_ENVELOPE, TransInfo::auto_values, TransInfo::axis, TransInfo::axis_orig, C, calculateCenter(), calculatePropRatio(), TransInfo::center2d, TransInfo::con, CON_APPLY, CON_AXIS0, CON_AXIS1, CON_AXIS2, TransInfo::context, copy_v3_v3(), copy_v4_v4(), createTransData(), wmEvent::ctrl, CTX_MOVIECLIP, CTX_TEXTURE, CTX_wm_manager(), TransInfo::current_orientation, Object::data, TransInfo::draw_handle_apply, TransInfo::draw_handle_cursor, TransInfo::draw_handle_view, drawHelpline(), drawTransformApply(), drawTransformView(), bArmature::drawtype, ED_region_draw_cb_activate(), ELEM, EVT_TWEAK_L, EVT_TWEAK_R, ListBase::first, TransInfo::flag, helpline_poll(), TransInfo::imval, initAlign(), initBakeTime(), initBevel(), initBevelWeight(), initBoneEnvelope(), initBoneRoll(), initBoneSize(), initCrease(), initCurveShrinkFatten(), initEdgeSlide(), initMirror(), initMouseInput(), initPushPull(), initResize(), initRotation(), initSeqSlide(), initShear(), initShrinkFatten(), initSnapping(), initTilt(), initTimeScale(), initTimeSlide(), initTimeTranslate(), initToSphere(), initTrackball(), initTransformOrientation(), initTransInfo(), initTranslation(), initWarp(), wmKeyMap::items, KM_PRESS, TransInfo::launch_event, LEFTALTKEY, LEFTCTRLKEY, LEFTMOUSE, LEFTSHIFTKEY, MOD_SNAP_INVERT, wmOperatorType::modalkeymap, TransCon::mode, TransInfo::mode, TransInfo::modifiers, TransInfo::mouse, wmKeyMapItem::next, normalize_v3(), NULL, TransInfo::options, options, wmEvent::oskey, OSKEY, TransInfo::poseobj, postTrans(), wmKeyMapItem::propvalue, wmOperator::ptr, REGION_DRAW_POST_VIEW, REGION_DRAW_PRE_VIEW, RIGHTALTKEY, RIGHTCTRLKEY, RIGHTMOUSE, RIGHTSHIFTKEY, RNA_float_get(), RNA_float_get_array(), RNA_property_array_check(), RNA_property_boolean_get(), RNA_property_boolean_get_array(), RNA_property_float_get_array(), RNA_property_is_set(), RNA_struct_find_property(), setUserConstraint(), wmEvent::shift, SPACE_CLIP, SPACE_IMAGE, SPACE_IPO, SPACE_NLA, SPACE_VIEW3D, TransInfo::spacemtx, TransInfo::spacetype, TransInfo::state, T_AUTOVALUES, TFM_ALIGN, TFM_BAKE_TIME, TFM_BEVEL, TFM_BONE_ENVELOPE, TFM_BONE_ROLL, TFM_BONESIZE, TFM_BWEIGHT, TFM_CREASE, TFM_CURVE_SHRINKFATTEN, TFM_EDGE_SLIDE, TFM_MIRROR, TFM_MODAL_SNAP_INV_ON, TFM_PUSHPULL, TFM_RESIZE, TFM_ROTATION, TFM_SEQ_SLIDE, TFM_SHEAR, TFM_SHRINKFATTEN, TFM_TILT, TFM_TIME_DUPLICATE, TFM_TIME_EXTEND, TFM_TIME_SCALE, TFM_TIME_SLIDE, TFM_TIME_TRANSLATE, TFM_TOSPHERE, TFM_TRACKBALL, TFM_TRANSLATION, TFM_WARP, TransInfo::total, TRANS_CANCEL, TRANS_STARTING, wmKeyMapItem::type, wmOperator::type, ARegion::type, unit_m3(), wmKeyMapItem::val, TransInfo::values, WM_keymap_active(), and WM_paint_cursor_activate().

Referenced by transformops_data().

void initTransformOrientation ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
int initTransInfo ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 

Definition at line 974 of file transform_generics.c.

References bScreen::animtimer, TransInfo::animtimer, TransInfo::ar, SpaceIpo::around, SpaceImage::around, View3D::around, TransInfo::around, BIF_countTransformOrientation(), TransInfo::center, TransInfo::con, copy_v2_v2_int(), CTX_data_edit_object(), CTX_data_scene(), CTX_data_tool_settings(), CTX_EDGE, CTX_NO_PET, CTX_wm_area(), CTX_wm_region(), CTX_wm_screen(), TransInfo::current_orientation, Object::data, TransInfo::data, ELEM3, TransInfo::event_type, TransInfo::ext, ListBase::first, UserDef::flag, View3D::flag, TransInfo::flag, TransInfo::handleEvent, TransInfo::helpline, HLP_NONE, TransCon::imval, TransInfo::imval, initNumInput(), TransInfo::mat, ME_EDIT_MIRROR_X, TransInfo::mirror, TransInfo::mode, TransInfo::mval, wmEvent::mval, NULL, TransInfo::num, OB_MESH, TransInfo::obedit, TransInfo::options, PROP_EDIT_CONNECTED, PROP_EDIT_OFF, PROP_EDIT_ON, ToolSettings::prop_mode, TransInfo::prop_mode, TransInfo::prop_size, ToolSettings::proportional, ToolSettings::proportional_objects, ToolSettings::proportional_size, wmOperator::ptr, TransInfo::redraw, RNA_boolean_get(), RNA_boolean_set(), RNA_enum_get(), RNA_float_get(), RNA_struct_find_property(), RNA_struct_property_is_set(), TransInfo::sa, SCE_SELECT_FACE, TransInfo::scene, ToolSettings::selectmode, TransInfo::settings, setTransformViewMatrices(), SPACE_EMPTY, SPACE_IMAGE, SPACE_IPO, SPACE_NODE, SPACE_VIEW3D, ScrArea::spacedata, ScrArea::spacetype, TransInfo::spacetype, T_MIRROR, T_MODAL, T_PROP_CONNECTED, T_PROP_EDIT, T_RELEASE_CONFIRM, T_V3D_ALIGN, TFM_CREASE, TFM_RESIZE, TFM_ROTATION, TFM_TRACKBALL, TransInfo::total, TransInfo::transform, View3D::twmode, View3D::twtype, TransInfo::twtype, Object::type, U, unit_m3(), USER_RELEASECONFIRM, ToolSettings::uvcalc_flag, UVCALC_TRANSFORM_CORRECT, ARegion::v2d, V3D_ALIGN, V3D_CENTER, V3D_LOCAL, V3D_MANIP_CUSTOM, V3D_MANIP_GLOBAL, TransInfo::val, TransInfo::vec, and TransInfo::view.

Referenced by calculateTransformCenter(), and initTransform().

void initTranslation ( TransInfo t)
void initWarp ( TransInfo t)
int isLockConstraint ( TransInfo t)

Definition at line 1005 of file transform_constraints.c.

References TransInfo::con, CON_AXIS0, CON_AXIS1, CON_AXIS2, and TransCon::mode.

Referenced by PushPull().

int Mirror ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void postSelectConstraint ( TransInfo t)
void postTrans ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
void projectFloatView ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec,
float *  adr 
void projectIntView ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec,
int *  adr 
int PushPull ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void recalcData ( TransInfo t)
void remake_graph_transdata ( TransInfo t,
struct ListBase anim_data 
void removeAspectRatio ( TransInfo t,
float *  vec 
void removeSnapPoint ( TransInfo t)
void resetSnapping ( TransInfo t)
void resetTransRestrictions ( TransInfo t)

Definition at line 968 of file transform_generics.c.

References TransInfo::flag, and T_ALL_RESTRICTIONS.

Referenced by transformEvent().

int Resize ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void restoreTransNodes ( TransInfo t)
void restoreTransObjects ( TransInfo t)
int Rotation ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void saveTransform ( struct bContext C,
struct TransInfo t,
struct wmOperator op 
void selectConstraint ( TransInfo t)
int SeqSlide ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void setConstraint ( TransInfo t,
float  space[3][3],
int  mode,
const char  text[] 
void setCustomPoints ( TransInfo t,
MouseInput mi,
int  start[2],
int  end[2] 

Referenced by initEdgeSlide().

void setInputPostFct ( MouseInput mi,
void(*)(struct TransInfo *, float[3])  post 

Definition at line 381 of file transform_input.c.

References MouseInput::post, and post.

Referenced by initRotation(), initShear(), and initWarp().

void setLocalConstraint ( TransInfo t,
int  mode,
const char  text[] 
void setNearestAxis ( TransInfo t)
void setTransformViewMatrices ( TransInfo t)
void setUserConstraint ( TransInfo t,
short  orientation,
int  mode,
const char  text[] 
int Shear ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int ShrinkFatten ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void snapGrid ( TransInfo t,
float *  val 
void snapGridAction ( TransInfo t,
float *  val,
GearsType  action 

Definition at line 1999 of file transform_snap.c.

References applyGrid(), BIG_GEARS, TransInfo::idx_max, NO_GEARS, SMALL_GEARS, and TransInfo::snap.

Referenced by CalcSnapGrid(), and snapGrid().

void sort_trans_data_dist ( TransInfo t)
void special_aftertrans_update ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 

Definition at line 4764 of file transform_conversions.c.

References ANIM_animdata_filter(), ANIM_animdata_get_context(), ANIM_editkeyframes_refresh(), ANIM_nla_mapping_apply_fcurve(), ANIM_nla_mapping_get(), ANIMCONT_ACTION, ANIMCONT_DOPESHEET, ANIMCONT_GPENCIL, ANIMCONT_SHAPEKEY, ANIMFILTER_CURVE_VISIBLE, ANIMFILTER_DATA_VISIBLE, ANIMFILTER_FOREDIT, apply_targetless_ik(), ARM_DELAYDEFORM, TransInfo::around, autokeyframe_ob_cb_func(), autokeyframe_pose_cb_func(), Object::avs, Scene::basact, BKE_nlastrips_clear_metas(), BKE_nlatrack_sort_strips(), BKE_ptcache_ids_from_object(), BKE_ptcache_object_reset(), BLI_freelistN(), PTCacheID::cache, bPose::chanbase, clear_trans_object_base_flags(), CONSTRAINT_IK_AUTO, count_set_pose_transflags(), CTX_AUTOCONFIRM, DAG_id_tag_update(), TransInfo::data, data, Object::data, bAnimListElem::data, bAnimContext::data, bAnimContext::datatype, ED_context_get_markers(), ED_markers_post_apply_transform(), ED_nla_postop_refresh(), ED_node_link_insert(), ED_node_link_intersect_test(), ED_node_update_hierarchy(), ED_objects_recalculate_paths(), ED_space_clip(), SpaceNode::edittree, ELEM, EM_automerge(), FALSE, filter(), ListBase::first, PointCache::flag, TransData::flag, bArmature::flag, bKinematicConstraint::flag, TransInfo::flag, SpaceIpo::flag, SpaceAction::flag, SpaceSeq::flag, TransInfo::frame_side, G, has_targetless_ik(), i, bGPdata::id, Object::id, MovieClip::id, ID_REAL_USERS, if(), bAnimListElem::key_data, Scene::markers, MAX_DUPLI_RECUR, mesh_octree_table(), Object::mode, TransInfo::mode, MOTIONPATH_BAKE_HAS_PATHS, NC_SCENE, ND_NODES, PTCacheID::next, bPoseChannel::next, ID::next, bAnimListElem::next, Scene::nodetree, nodeUpdateID(), NULL, TransData::ob, ob_get_key(), OB_MESH, OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT, OB_RECALC_DATA, OB_RECALC_OB, OB_RECALC_TIME, TransInfo::obedit, Base::object, TransInfo::options, bAnimVizSettings::path_bakeflag, PE_get_current(), Object::pose, pose_grab_with_ik_clear(), TransInfo::poseobj, posttrans_action_clean(), posttrans_fcurve_clean(), posttrans_gpd_clean(), PTCACHE_OUTDATED, PTCACHE_RESET_OUTDATED, PTCACHE_TYPE_PARTICLES, Object::recalc, TransInfo::redraw, TransInfo::sa, SACTION_MARKERS_MOVE, SACTION_MOVING, SACTION_NOTRANSKEYCULL, TransInfo::scene, SEQ_MARKER_TRANS, SIPO_NOHANDLES, SIPO_NOTRANSKEYCULL, SPACE_ACTION, SPACE_CLIP, SPACE_IPO, SPACE_NLA, SPACE_NODE, SPACE_SEQ, SPACE_VIEW3D, ScrArea::spacedata, TransInfo::spacetype, TransInfo::state, NlaTrack::strips, T_AUTOIK, T_POSE, TD_NOACTION, TD_SKIP, TFM_DUMMY, TFM_SEQ_SLIDE, TFM_TIME_DUPLICATE, TFM_TIME_EXTEND, TFM_TIME_SCALE, TFM_TIME_TRANSLATE, TFM_TRANSLATION, TransInfo::total, TRANS_CANCEL, transformApply(), TREDRAW_HARD, PTCacheID::type, Object::type, TransInfo::values, TransInfo::view, where_is_pose(), and WM_event_add_notifier().

Referenced by calculateTransformCenter(), and transformEnd().

void startConstraint ( TransInfo t)
void stopConstraint ( TransInfo t)
int Tilt ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int TimeScale ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int TimeSlide ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int TimeTranslate ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int ToSphere ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int Trackball ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
void transform_autoik_update ( TransInfo t,
short  mode 
struct wmKeyMap* transform_modal_keymap ( struct wmKeyConfig keyconf) [read]
void TRANSFORM_OT_transform ( struct wmOperatorType ot)
void transformApply ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
int transformEnd ( struct bContext C,
TransInfo t 
int transformEvent ( TransInfo t,
struct wmEvent event 

Definition at line 564 of file transform.c.

References addSnapPoint(), wmEvent::alt, applyMouseInput(), BIF_selectOrientation(), calc_manipulator_stats(), calculatePropRatio(), CKEY, TransInfo::con, CON_APPLY, CON_AXIS0, CON_AXIS1, CON_AXIS2, CON_SELECT, constraintModeToChar(), copy_m3_m4(), copy_v2_v2_int(), CTX_MOVIECLIP, CTX_TEXTURE, TransInfo::current_orientation, ELEM3, ELEM4, ESCKEY, EVT_MODAL_MAP, TransInfo::flag, G, GKEY, TransInfo::handleEvent, handleMouseInput(), handleNumInput(), handleSnapping(), initResize(), initRotation(), initSelectConstraint(), initSnapping(), initTrackball(), initTranslation(), KM_PRESS, KM_RELEASE, TransInfo::launch_event, LEFTMOUSE, LEFTSHIFTKEY, MAT3_UNITY, MIDDLEMOUSE, MIN2, MOD_CONSTRAINT_PLANE, MOD_CONSTRAINT_SELECT, MOD_SNAP, MOD_SNAP_INVERT, TransInfo::mode, TransCon::mode, TransInfo::modifiers, TransInfo::mouse, MOUSEMOVE, wmEvent::mval, TransInfo::mval, NULL, TransInfo::num, OKEY, OPERATOR_PASS_THROUGH, TransInfo::options, TransCon::orientation, PADENTER, PADMINUS, PADPLUSKEY, PAGEDOWNKEY, PAGEUPKEY, TransInfo::persp, postSelectConstraint(), TransInfo::prop_mode, PROP_MODE_MAX, TransInfo::prop_size, TransInfo::redraw, removeSnapPoint(), resetTransRestrictions(), restoreTransObjects(), RETKEY, RIGHTMOUSE, RIGHTSHIFTKEY, RKEY, RV3D_ORTHO, setLocalConstraint(), setUserConstraint(), wmEvent::shift, SKEY, sort_trans_data_dist(), SPACE_VIEW3D, SPACEKEY, TransInfo::spacemtx, TransInfo::spacename, TransInfo::spacetype, TransInfo::state, stopConstraint(), T_2D_EDIT, T_ALT_TRANSFORM, T_AUTOIK, T_CAMERA, T_NO_CONSTRAINT, T_PROP_CONNECTED, T_PROP_EDIT, T_RELEASE_CONFIRM, TFM_MODAL_ADD_SNAP, TFM_MODAL_AUTOIK_LEN_DEC, TFM_MODAL_AUTOIK_LEN_INC, TFM_MODAL_AXIS_X, TFM_MODAL_AXIS_Y, TFM_MODAL_AXIS_Z, TFM_MODAL_CANCEL, TFM_MODAL_CONFIRM, TFM_MODAL_CONS_OFF, TFM_MODAL_PLANE_X, TFM_MODAL_PLANE_Y, TFM_MODAL_PLANE_Z, TFM_MODAL_PROPSIZE_DOWN, TFM_MODAL_PROPSIZE_UP, TFM_MODAL_REMOVE_SNAP, TFM_MODAL_RESIZE, TFM_MODAL_ROTATE, TFM_MODAL_SNAP_INV_OFF, TFM_MODAL_SNAP_INV_ON, TFM_MODAL_SNAP_TOGGLE, TFM_MODAL_TRANSLATE, TFM_RESIZE, TFM_ROTATION, TFM_TRACKBALL, TFM_TRANSLATION, TRANS_CANCEL, TRANS_CONFIRM, TRANS_RUNNING, TRANS_STARTING, transform_autoik_update(), TREDRAW_HARD, wmEvent::type, V3D_MANIP_GLOBAL, V3D_MANIP_LOCAL, wmEvent::val, TransInfo::values, TransInfo::view, view_editmove(), WHEELDOWNMOUSE, WHEELUPMOUSE, XKEY, YKEY, and ZKEY.

Referenced by transform_modal().

int Translation ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 
int updateSelectedSnapPoint ( TransInfo t)
int usingSnappingNormal ( TransInfo t)

Definition at line 365 of file transform_snap.c.

References TransSnap::align, and TransInfo::tsnap.

Referenced by applyTranslation(), and drawSnapping().

int validSnap ( TransInfo t)
int validSnappingNormal ( TransInfo t)

Definition at line 370 of file transform_snap.c.

References dot_v3v3(), TransSnap::snapNormal, TransInfo::tsnap, and validSnap().

Referenced by applyTranslation(), and drawSnapping().

int Warp ( TransInfo t,
const int  mval[2] 