Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004 Blender Foundation.
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * The Original Code is: all of this file.
00022  *
00023  * Contributor(s): Geoffrey Bantle.
00024  *
00025  * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00026  */
00028 #ifndef BKE_BMESH_H
00029 #define BKE_BMESH_H
00038 #include "DNA_listBase.h"
00039 #include "BLI_utildefines.h"
00040 #include "BLI_ghash.h"
00041 #include "BLI_mempool.h"
00042 #include "BLI_memarena.h"
00043 #include "DNA_image_types.h"
00044 #include "BLI_editVert.h"
00045 #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
00046 //XXX #include "transform.h"
00048 /*forward declerations*/
00049 struct BME_Vert;
00050 struct BME_Edge;
00051 struct BME_Poly;
00052 struct BME_Loop;
00055 /*Notes on further structure Cleanup:
00056     -Remove the tflags, they belong in custom data layers
00057     -Remove the eflags completely, they are mostly not used
00058     -Remove the selection/vis/bevel weight flag/values ect and move them to custom data
00059     -Remove EID member and move to custom data
00060     -Add a radial cycle length, disk cycle length and loop cycle length attributes to custom data and have eulers maintain/use them if present.
00061     -Move data such as vertex coordinates/normals to custom data and leave pointers in structures to active layer data.
00062     -Remove BME_CycleNode structure?
00063 */
00064 typedef struct BME_CycleNode{
00065     struct BME_CycleNode *next, *prev;
00066     void *data;
00067 } BME_CycleNode;
00069 typedef struct BME_Mesh
00070 {
00071     ListBase verts, edges, polys;
00072     /*memory pools used for storing mesh elements*/
00073     struct BLI_mempool *vpool;
00074     struct BLI_mempool *epool;
00075     struct BLI_mempool *ppool;
00076     struct BLI_mempool *lpool;
00077     /*some scratch arrays used by eulers*/
00078     struct BME_Vert **vtar;
00079     struct BME_Edge **edar;
00080     struct BME_Loop **lpar;
00081     struct BME_Poly **plar;
00082     int vtarlen, edarlen, lparlen, plarlen;
00083     int totvert, totedge, totpoly, totloop;             /*record keeping*/
00084     int nextv, nexte, nextp, nextl;                     /*Next element ID for verts/edges/faces/loops. Never reused*/
00085     struct CustomData vdata, edata, pdata, ldata;   /*Custom Data Layer information*/
00086 } BME_Mesh;
00088 typedef struct BME_Vert
00089 {
00090     struct BME_Vert *next, *prev;
00091     int EID;
00092     float co[3];                                    
00093     float no[3];                                    
00094     struct BME_Edge *edge;                          /*first edge in the disk cycle for this vertex*/
00095     void *data;                                     /*custom vertex data*/
00096     int eflag1, eflag2;                             /*reserved for use by eulers*/
00097     int tflag1, tflag2;                             /*reserved for use by tools*/
00098     unsigned short flag, h;
00099     float bweight;
00100 } BME_Vert;
00102 typedef struct BME_Edge
00103 {
00104     struct BME_Edge *next, *prev;
00105     int EID;
00106     struct BME_Vert *v1, *v2;                       /*note that order of vertex pointers means nothing to eulers*/
00107     struct BME_CycleNode d1, d2;                    /*disk cycle nodes for v1 and v2 respectivley*/
00108     struct BME_Loop *loop;                          /*first BME_Loop in the radial cycle around this edge*/
00109     void *data;                                     /*custom edge data*/
00110     int eflag1, eflag2;                             /*reserved for use by eulers*/
00111     int tflag1, tflag2;                             /*reserved for use by tools*/
00112     unsigned short flag, h;
00113     float crease, bweight;
00114 } BME_Edge;
00116 typedef struct BME_Loop 
00117 {   
00118     struct BME_Loop *next, *prev;                   /*circularly linked list around face*/
00119     int EID;
00120     struct BME_CycleNode radial;                    /*circularly linked list used to find faces around an edge*/
00121     struct BME_Vert *v;                             /*vertex that this loop starts at.*/
00122     struct BME_Edge *e;                             /*edge this loop belongs to*/
00123     struct BME_Poly *f;                             /*face this loop belongs to*/   
00124     void *data;                                     /*custom per face vertex data*/
00125     int eflag1, eflag2;                             /*reserved for use by eulers*/
00126     int tflag1, tflag2;                             /*reserved for use by tools*/
00127     unsigned short flag, h;
00128 } BME_Loop;
00130 typedef struct BME_Poly
00131 {
00132     struct BME_Poly *next, *prev;
00133     int EID;
00134     struct BME_Loop *loopbase;                      /*First editloop around Polygon.*/
00135     unsigned int len;                               /*total length of the face. Eulers should preserve this data*/
00136     void *data;                                     /*custom face data*/
00137     int eflag1, eflag2;                             /*reserved for use by eulers*/
00138     int tflag1, tflag2;                             /*reserved for use by tools*/
00139     unsigned short flag, h, mat_nr;
00140 } BME_Poly;
00143 int BME_verts_in_edge(struct BME_Vert *v1, struct BME_Vert *v2, struct BME_Edge *e);
00144 int BME_vert_in_edge(struct BME_Edge *e, BME_Vert *v);
00145 struct BME_Vert *BME_edge_getothervert(struct BME_Edge *e, struct BME_Vert *v);
00148 int BME_cycle_length(void *h);
00150 /*DISK CYCLE*/
00151 struct BME_Edge *BME_disk_nextedge(struct BME_Edge *e, struct BME_Vert *v); 
00152 struct BME_CycleNode *BME_disk_getpointer(struct BME_Edge *e, struct BME_Vert *v);
00153 struct BME_Edge *BME_disk_next_edgeflag(struct BME_Edge *e, struct BME_Vert *v, int eflag, int tflag);
00154 int BME_disk_count_edgeflag(struct BME_Vert *v, int eflag, int tflag);
00156 /*RADIAL CYCLE*/
00157 struct BME_Loop *BME_radial_nextloop(struct BME_Loop *l);
00158 int BME_radial_find_face(struct BME_Edge *e,struct BME_Poly *f);
00160 /*LOOP CYCLE*/
00161 struct BME_Loop *BME_loop_find_loop(struct BME_Poly *f, struct BME_Vert *v);
00164 struct BME_Mesh *BME_make_mesh(int allocsize[4]);
00165 void BME_free_mesh(struct BME_Mesh *bm);
00167 int BME_validate_mesh(struct BME_Mesh *bm, int halt);
00169 int BME_model_begin(struct BME_Mesh *bm);
00170 void BME_model_end(struct BME_Mesh *bm);
00173 /*MAKE*/
00174 struct BME_Vert *BME_MV(struct BME_Mesh *bm, float *vec);
00175 struct BME_Edge *BME_ME(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Vert *v1, struct BME_Vert *v2);
00176 struct BME_Poly *BME_MF(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Vert *v1, struct BME_Vert *v2, struct BME_Edge **elist, int len);
00177 /*KILL*/
00178 int BME_KV(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Vert *v);
00179 int BME_KE(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Edge *e);
00180 int BME_KF(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Poly *bply);
00181 /*SPLIT*/
00182 struct BME_Vert *BME_SEMV(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Vert *tv, struct BME_Edge *e, struct BME_Edge **re);
00183 struct BME_Poly *BME_SFME(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Poly *f, struct BME_Vert *v1, struct BME_Vert *v2, struct BME_Loop **rl);
00184 /*JOIN*/
00185 int BME_JEKV(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Edge *ke, struct BME_Vert *kv);
00186 struct BME_Poly *BME_JFKE(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Poly *f1, struct BME_Poly *f2,struct BME_Edge *e); /*no reason to return BME_Poly pointer?*/
00187 /*NORMAL FLIP(Is its own inverse)*/
00188 int BME_loop_reverse(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct BME_Poly *f);
00190 /* bevel tool defines */
00191 /* element flags */
00192 #define BME_BEVEL_ORIG          1
00193 #define BME_BEVEL_BEVEL         (1<<1)
00194 #define BME_BEVEL_NONMAN        (1<<2)
00195 #define BME_BEVEL_WIRE          (1<<3)
00197 /* tool options */
00198 #define BME_BEVEL_SELECT        1
00199 #define BME_BEVEL_VERT          (1<<1)
00200 #define BME_BEVEL_RADIUS        (1<<2)
00201 #define BME_BEVEL_ANGLE         (1<<3)
00202 #define BME_BEVEL_WEIGHT        (1<<4)
00203 //~ #define BME_BEVEL_EWEIGHT       (1<<4)
00204 //~ #define BME_BEVEL_VWEIGHT       (1<<5)
00205 #define BME_BEVEL_PERCENT       (1<<6)
00206 #define BME_BEVEL_EMIN          (1<<7)
00207 #define BME_BEVEL_EMAX          (1<<8)
00208 #define BME_BEVEL_RUNNING       (1<<9)
00209 #define BME_BEVEL_RES           (1<<10)
00211 typedef struct BME_TransData {
00212     BME_Mesh *bm; /* the bmesh the vert belongs to */
00213     BME_Vert *v;  /* pointer to the vert this tdata applies to */
00214     float co[3];  /* the original coordinate */
00215     float org[3]; /* the origin */
00216     float vec[3]; /* a directional vector; always, always normalize! */
00217     void *loc;    /* a pointer to the data to transform (likely the vert's cos) */
00218     float factor; /* primary scaling factor; also accumulates number of weighted edges for beveling tool */
00219     float weight; /* another scaling factor; used primarily for propogating vertex weights to transforms; */
00220                   /* weight is also used across recursive bevels to help with the math */
00221     float maxfactor; /* the unscaled, original factor (used only by "edge verts" in recursive beveling) */
00222     float *max;   /* the maximum distance this vert can be transformed; negative is infinite
00223                    * it points to the "parent" maxfactor (where maxfactor makes little sense)
00224                    * where the max limit is stored (limits are stored per-corner) */
00225 } BME_TransData;
00227 typedef struct BME_TransData_Head {
00228     GHash *gh;       /* the hash structure for element lookup */
00229     MemArena *ma;    /* the memory "pool" we will be drawing individual elements from */
00230     int len;
00231 } BME_TransData_Head;
00233 typedef struct BME_Glob { /* stored in Global G for Transform() purposes */
00234     BME_Mesh *bm;
00235     BME_TransData_Head *td;
00236     struct TransInfo *Trans; /* a pointer to the global Trans struct */
00237     int imval[2]; /* for restoring original mouse co when initTransform() is called multiple times */
00238     int options;
00239     int res;
00240 } BME_Glob;
00242 struct BME_TransData *BME_get_transdata(struct BME_TransData_Head *td, struct BME_Vert *v);
00243 void BME_free_transdata(struct BME_TransData_Head *td);
00244 float *BME_bevel_calc_polynormal(struct BME_Poly *f, struct BME_TransData_Head *td);
00245 struct BME_Mesh *BME_bevel(struct BME_Mesh *bm, float value, int res, int options, int defgrp_index, float angle, BME_TransData_Head **rtd);
00248 struct BME_Mesh *BME_editmesh_to_bmesh(EditMesh *em);
00249 void   BME_bmesh_to_editmesh(struct BME_Mesh *bm, BME_TransData_Head *td, EditMesh *em);
00250 struct BME_Mesh *BME_derivedmesh_to_bmesh(struct DerivedMesh *dm);
00251 struct DerivedMesh *BME_bmesh_to_derivedmesh(struct BME_Mesh *bm, struct DerivedMesh *dm);
00252 #endif