Blender V2.61 - r43446
Modules | Files


Game Engine
Collaboration diagram for Ketsji:


 Ketsji Network


file  BL_Action.cpp
file  BL_Action.h
file  BL_ActionManager.cpp
file  BL_ActionManager.cpp
file  BL_BlenderShader.cpp
file  BL_BlenderShader.h
file  BL_Material.cpp
file  BL_Material.h
file  BL_Shader.cpp
file  BL_Shader.h
file  BL_Texture.cpp
file  BL_Texture.h
file  KX_ArmatureSensor.cpp
file  KX_ArmatureSensor.h

Property sensor.

file  KX_BlenderMaterial.cpp
file  KX_BlenderMaterial.h
file  KX_BulletPhysicsController.cpp
file  KX_BulletPhysicsController.h
file  KX_Camera.cpp
file  KX_Camera.h

Camera in the gameengine. Cameras are also used for views.

file  KX_CameraActuator.cpp
file  KX_CameraActuator.h
file  KX_CameraIpoSGController.cpp
file  KX_CameraIpoSGController.h
file  KX_ClientObjectInfo.h
file  KX_ConstraintActuator.cpp
file  KX_ConstraintActuator.h
file  KX_ConstraintWrapper.cpp
file  KX_ConstraintWrapper.h
file  KX_ConvertPhysicsObject.h
file  KX_ConvertPhysicsObjects.cpp
file  KX_Dome.cpp
file  KX_Dome.h
file  KX_EmptyObject.cpp
file  KX_EmptyObject.h
file  KX_FontObject.cpp
file  KX_FontObject.h
file  KX_GameActuator.cpp
file  KX_GameActuator.h

actuator for global game stuff

file  KX_GameObject.cpp
file  KX_GameObject.h

General KX game object.

file  KX_IInterpolator.h
file  KX_IPhysicsController.cpp
file  KX_IPhysicsController.h
file  KX_IPO_SGController.cpp
file  KX_IPO_SGController.h
file  KX_IpoActuator.cpp
file  KX_IpoActuator.h

Do an object ipo.

file  KX_IPOTransform.h

An abstract object you can move around in a 3d world, and has some logic.

file  KX_IScalarInterpolator.h
file  KX_ISceneConverter.h
file  KX_ISystem.h

Abstract system.

file  KX_KetsjiEngine.cpp
file  KX_KetsjiEngine.h
file  KX_Light.cpp
file  KX_Light.h
file  KX_LightIpoSGController.cpp
file  KX_LightIpoSGController.h
file  KX_MaterialIpoController.cpp
file  KX_MaterialIpoController.h
file  KX_MeshProxy.cpp
file  KX_MeshProxy.h
file  KX_MotionState.cpp
file  KX_MotionState.h
file  KX_MouseFocusSensor.cpp
file  KX_MouseFocusSensor.h

KX_MouseFocusSensor determines mouse in/out/over events.

file  KX_NearSensor.cpp
file  KX_NearSensor.h

Sense if other objects are near.

file  KX_ObColorIpoSGController.cpp
file  KX_ObColorIpoSGController.h
file  KX_ObjectActuator.cpp
file  KX_ObjectActuator.h

Do translation/rotation actions.

file  KX_OrientationInterpolator.cpp
file  KX_OrientationInterpolator.h
file  KX_ParentActuator.cpp
file  KX_ParentActuator.h

Set or remove an objects parent.

file  KX_PhysicsEngineEnums.h
file  KX_PhysicsObjectWrapper.cpp
file  KX_PhysicsObjectWrapper.h
file  KX_PhysicsPropertiesobsolete.h
file  KX_PolygonMaterial.cpp
file  KX_PolygonMaterial.h
file  KX_PolyProxy.cpp
file  KX_PolyProxy.h
file  KX_PositionInterpolator.cpp
file  KX_PositionInterpolator.h
file  KX_PyConstraintBinding.cpp
file  KX_PyConstraintBinding.h
file  KX_PyMath.cpp
file  KX_PyMath.h

Initialize Python thingies.

file  KX_PythonInit.cpp
file  KX_PythonInit.h
file  KX_PythonInitTypes.cpp
file  KX_PythonInitTypes.h
file  KX_PythonSeq.cpp
file  KX_PythonSeq.h

Readonly sequence wrapper for lookups on logic bricks.

file  KX_RadarSensor.cpp
file  KX_RadarSensor.h
file  KX_RayCast.cpp
file  KX_RayCast.h
file  KX_RayEventManager.cpp
file  KX_RayEventManager.h

Manager for ray events.

file  KX_RaySensor.cpp
file  KX_RaySensor.h

Cast a ray and feel for objects.

file  KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator.cpp
file  KX_SCA_AddObjectActuator.h
file  KX_SCA_DynamicActuator.cpp
file  KX_SCA_DynamicActuator.h

Add object to the game world on action of this actuator.

file  KX_SCA_EndObjectActuator.cpp
file  KX_SCA_EndObjectActuator.h

Add object to the game world on action of this actuator.

file  KX_SCA_ReplaceMeshActuator.cpp
file  KX_SCA_ReplaceMeshActuator.h

Add object to the game world on action of this actuator.

file  KX_ScalarInterpolator.cpp
file  KX_ScalarInterpolator.h
file  KX_ScalingInterpolator.cpp
file  KX_ScalingInterpolator.h
file  KX_Scene.cpp
file  KX_Scene.h
file  KX_SceneActuator.cpp
file  KX_SceneActuator.h
file  KX_SG_BoneParentNodeRelationship.cpp
file  KX_SG_BoneParentNodeRelationship.h
file  KX_SG_NodeRelationships.cpp
file  KX_SG_NodeRelationships.h
file  KX_SoundActuator.cpp
file  KX_SoundActuator.h
file  KX_StateActuator.cpp
file  KX_StateActuator.h

Actuator to toggle visibility/invisibility of objects.

file  KX_TimeCategoryLogger.cpp
file  KX_TimeCategoryLogger.h
file  KX_TimeLogger.cpp
file  KX_TimeLogger.h
file  KX_TouchEventManager.cpp
file  KX_TouchEventManager.h
file  KX_TouchSensor.cpp
file  KX_TouchSensor.h

Senses touch and collision events.

file  KX_TrackToActuator.cpp
file  KX_TrackToActuator.h
file  KX_VehicleWrapper.cpp
file  KX_VehicleWrapper.h
file  KX_VertexProxy.cpp
file  KX_VertexProxy.h
file  KX_VisibilityActuator.cpp
file  KX_VisibilityActuator.h

Actuator to toggle visibility/invisibility of objects.

file  KX_WorldInfo.cpp
file  KX_WorldInfo.h
file  KX_WorldIpoController.cpp
file  KX_WorldIpoController.h

Detailed Description

check all headers and code files for proper licenses