Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * The Original Code is: all of this file.
00022  *
00023  * Contributor(s): none yet.
00024  *
00025  * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00026  */
00033 #include "BL_ArmatureObject.h"
00034 #include "BL_ActionActuator.h"
00035 #include "KX_BlenderSceneConverter.h"
00036 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
00037 #include "BLI_blenlib.h"
00038 #include "BLI_math.h"
00039 #include "BLI_utildefines.h"
00040 #include "BLI_ghash.h"
00041 #include "BIK_api.h"
00042 #include "BKE_action.h"
00043 #include "BKE_armature.h"
00045 #include "BKE_constraint.h"
00046 #include "CTR_Map.h"
00047 #include "CTR_HashedPtr.h"
00048 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
00049 #include "DNA_action_types.h"
00050 #include "DNA_armature_types.h"
00051 #include "DNA_object_types.h"
00052 #include "DNA_scene_types.h"
00053 #include "DNA_nla_types.h"
00054 #include "DNA_constraint_types.h"
00055 #include "KX_PythonSeq.h"
00056 #include "KX_PythonInit.h"
00057 #include "KX_KetsjiEngine.h"
00059 #include "MT_Matrix4x4.h"
00072 void game_copy_pose(bPose **dst, bPose *src, int copy_constraint)
00073 {
00074     bPose *out;
00075     bPoseChannel *pchan, *outpchan;
00076     GHash *ghash;
00078     /* the game engine copies the current armature pose and then swaps
00079      * the object pose pointer. this makes it possible to change poses
00080      * without affecting the original blender data. */
00082     if (!src) {
00083         *dst=NULL;
00084         return;
00085     }
00086     else if (*dst==src) {
00087         printf("copy_pose source and target are the same\n");
00088         *dst=NULL;
00089         return;
00090     }
00092     out= (bPose*)MEM_dupallocN(src);
00093     out->chanhash = NULL;
00094     out->agroups.first= out->agroups.last= NULL;
00095     out->ikdata = NULL;
00096     out->ikparam = MEM_dupallocN(out->ikparam);
00097     out->flag |= POSE_GAME_ENGINE;
00098     BLI_duplicatelist(&out->chanbase, &src->chanbase);
00100     /* remap pointers */
00101     ghash= BLI_ghash_new(BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash, BLI_ghashutil_ptrcmp, "game_copy_pose gh");
00103     pchan= (bPoseChannel*)src->chanbase.first;
00104     outpchan= (bPoseChannel*)out->chanbase.first;
00105     for (; pchan; pchan=pchan->next, outpchan=outpchan->next)
00106         BLI_ghash_insert(ghash, pchan, outpchan);
00108     for (pchan=(bPoseChannel*)out->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan=(bPoseChannel*)pchan->next) {
00109         pchan->parent= (bPoseChannel*)BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, pchan->parent);
00110         pchan->child= (bPoseChannel*)BLI_ghash_lookup(ghash, pchan->child);
00112         if (copy_constraint) {
00113             ListBase listb;
00114             // copy all constraint for backward compatibility
00115             copy_constraints(&listb, &pchan->constraints, FALSE);  // copy_constraints NULLs listb, no need to make extern for this operation.
00116             pchan->constraints= listb;
00117         } else {
00118             pchan->constraints.first = NULL;
00119             pchan->constraints.last = NULL;
00120         }
00122         // fails to link, props are not used in the BGE yet.
00123         /* if(pchan->prop)
00124             pchan->prop= IDP_CopyProperty(pchan->prop); */
00125         pchan->prop= NULL;
00126     }
00128     BLI_ghash_free(ghash, NULL, NULL);
00129     // set acceleration structure for channel lookup
00130     make_pose_channels_hash(out);
00131     *dst=out;
00132 }
00136 /* Only allowed for Poses with identical channels */
00137 void game_blend_poses(bPose *dst, bPose *src, float srcweight/*, short mode*/)
00138 {
00139     short mode= ACTSTRIPMODE_BLEND;
00141     bPoseChannel *dchan;
00142     const bPoseChannel *schan;
00143     bConstraint *dcon, *scon;
00144     float dstweight;
00145     int i;
00147     switch (mode){
00148     case ACTSTRIPMODE_BLEND:
00149         dstweight = 1.0F - srcweight;
00150         break;
00151     case ACTSTRIPMODE_ADD:
00152         dstweight = 1.0F;
00153         break;
00154     default :
00155         dstweight = 1.0F;
00156     }
00158     schan= (bPoseChannel*)src->chanbase.first;
00159     for (dchan = (bPoseChannel*)dst->chanbase.first; dchan; dchan=(bPoseChannel*)dchan->next, schan= (bPoseChannel*)schan->next){
00160         // always blend on all channels since we don't know which one has been set
00161         /* quat interpolation done separate */
00162         if (schan->rotmode == ROT_MODE_QUAT) {
00163             float dquat[4], squat[4];
00165             copy_qt_qt(dquat, dchan->quat);
00166             copy_qt_qt(squat, schan->quat);
00167             if (mode==ACTSTRIPMODE_BLEND)
00168                 interp_qt_qtqt(dchan->quat, dquat, squat, srcweight);
00169             else {
00170                 mul_fac_qt_fl(squat, srcweight);
00171                 mul_qt_qtqt(dchan->quat, dquat, squat);
00172             }
00174             normalize_qt(dchan->quat);
00175         }
00177         for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
00178             /* blending for loc and scale are pretty self-explanatory... */
00179             dchan->loc[i] = (dchan->loc[i]*dstweight) + (schan->loc[i]*srcweight);
00180             dchan->size[i] = 1.0f + ((dchan->size[i]-1.0f)*dstweight) + ((schan->size[i]-1.0f)*srcweight);
00182             /* euler-rotation interpolation done here instead... */
00183             // FIXME: are these results decent?
00184             if (schan->rotmode)
00185                 dchan->eul[i] = (dchan->eul[i]*dstweight) + (schan->eul[i]*srcweight);
00186         }
00187         for(dcon= (bConstraint*)dchan->constraints.first, scon= (bConstraint*)schan->constraints.first; dcon && scon; dcon= (bConstraint*)dcon->next, scon= (bConstraint*)scon->next) {
00188             /* no 'add' option for constraint blending */
00189             dcon->enforce= dcon->enforce*(1.0f-srcweight) + scon->enforce*srcweight;
00190         }
00191     }
00193     /* this pose is now in src time */
00194     dst->ctime= src->ctime;
00195 }
00197 void game_free_pose(bPose *pose)
00198 {
00199     if (pose) {
00200         /* free pose-channels and constraints */
00201         free_pose_channels(pose);
00203         /* free IK solver state */
00204         BIK_clear_data(pose);
00206         /* free IK solver param */
00207         if (pose->ikparam)
00208             MEM_freeN(pose->ikparam);
00210         MEM_freeN(pose);
00211     }
00212 }
00214 BL_ArmatureObject::BL_ArmatureObject(
00215                 void* sgReplicationInfo, 
00216                 SG_Callbacks callbacks, 
00217                 Object *armature,
00218                 Scene *scene,
00219                 int vert_deform_type)
00221 :   KX_GameObject(sgReplicationInfo,callbacks),
00222     m_controlledConstraints(),
00223     m_poseChannels(),
00224     m_objArma(armature),
00225     m_framePose(NULL),
00226     m_scene(scene), // maybe remove later. needed for where_is_pose
00227     m_lastframe(0.0),
00228     m_timestep(0.040),
00229     m_activeAct(NULL),
00230     m_activePriority(999),
00231     m_vert_deform_type(vert_deform_type),
00232     m_constraintNumber(0),
00233     m_channelNumber(0),
00234     m_lastapplyframe(0.0)
00235 {
00236     m_armature = (bArmature *)armature->data;
00238     /* we make a copy of blender object's pose, and then always swap it with
00239      * the original pose before calling into blender functions, to deal with
00240      * replica's or other objects using the same blender object */
00241     m_pose = NULL;
00242     game_copy_pose(&m_pose, m_objArma->pose, 1);
00243     // store the original armature object matrix
00244     memcpy(m_obmat, m_objArma->obmat, sizeof(m_obmat));
00245 }
00247 BL_ArmatureObject::~BL_ArmatureObject()
00248 {
00249     BL_ArmatureConstraint* constraint;
00250     while ((constraint = m_controlledConstraints.Remove()) != NULL) {
00251         delete constraint;
00252     }
00253     BL_ArmatureChannel* channel;
00254     while ((channel = static_cast<BL_ArmatureChannel*>(m_poseChannels.Remove())) != NULL) {
00255         delete channel;
00256     }
00257     if (m_pose)
00258         game_free_pose(m_pose);
00259     if (m_framePose)
00260         game_free_pose(m_framePose);
00261 }
00264 void BL_ArmatureObject::LoadConstraints(KX_BlenderSceneConverter* converter)
00265 {
00266     // first delete any existing constraint (should not have any)
00267     while (!m_controlledConstraints.Empty()) {
00268         BL_ArmatureConstraint* constraint = m_controlledConstraints.Remove();
00269         delete constraint;
00270     }
00271     m_constraintNumber = 0;
00273     // list all the constraint and convert them to BL_ArmatureConstraint
00274     // get the persistent pose structure
00275     bPoseChannel* pchan;
00276     bConstraint* pcon;
00277     bConstraintTypeInfo* cti;
00278     Object* blendtarget;
00279     KX_GameObject* gametarget;
00280     KX_GameObject* gamesubtarget;
00282     // and locate the constraint
00283     for (pchan = (bPoseChannel*)m_pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan=(bPoseChannel*)pchan->next) {
00284         for (pcon = (bConstraint*)pchan->constraints.first; pcon; pcon=(bConstraint*)pcon->next) {
00285             if (pcon->flag & CONSTRAINT_DISABLE)
00286                 continue;
00287             // which constraint should we support?
00288             switch (pcon->type) {
00289             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRACKTO:
00290             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC:
00291             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIKE:
00292             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIKE:
00293             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MINMAX:
00294             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_SIZELIKE:
00295             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCKTRACK:
00296             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_STRETCHTO:
00297             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_CLAMPTO:
00298             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRANSFORM:
00299             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_DISTLIMIT:
00300             case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRANSLIKE:
00301                 cti = constraint_get_typeinfo(pcon);
00302                 gametarget = gamesubtarget = NULL;
00303                 if (cti && cti->get_constraint_targets) {
00304                     ListBase listb = { NULL, NULL };
00305                     cti->get_constraint_targets(pcon, &listb);
00306                     if (listb.first) {
00307                         bConstraintTarget* target = (bConstraintTarget*)listb.first;
00308                         if (target->tar && target->tar != m_objArma) {
00309                             // only remember external objects, self target is handled automatically
00310                             blendtarget = target->tar;
00311                             gametarget = converter->FindGameObject(blendtarget);
00312                         }
00313                         if (target->next != NULL) {
00314                             // secondary target
00315                             target = (bConstraintTarget*)target->next;
00316                             if (target->tar && target->tar != m_objArma) {
00317                                 // only track external object
00318                                 blendtarget = target->tar;
00319                                 gamesubtarget = converter->FindGameObject(blendtarget);
00320                             }
00321                         }
00322                     }
00323                     if (cti->flush_constraint_targets)
00324                         cti->flush_constraint_targets(pcon, &listb, 1);
00325                 }
00326                 BL_ArmatureConstraint* constraint = new BL_ArmatureConstraint(this, pchan, pcon, gametarget, gamesubtarget);
00327                 m_controlledConstraints.AddBack(constraint);
00328                 m_constraintNumber++;
00329             }
00330         }
00331     }
00332 }
00334 BL_ArmatureConstraint* BL_ArmatureObject::GetConstraint(const char* posechannel, const char* constraintname)
00335 {
00336     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00337     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00338         BL_ArmatureConstraint* constraint = *cit;
00339         if (constraint->Match(posechannel, constraintname))
00340             return constraint;
00341     }
00342     return NULL;
00343 }
00345 BL_ArmatureConstraint* BL_ArmatureObject::GetConstraint(const char* posechannelconstraint)
00346 {
00347     // performance: use hash string instead of plain string compare
00348     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00349     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00350         BL_ArmatureConstraint* constraint = *cit;
00351         if (!strcmp(constraint->GetName(), posechannelconstraint))
00352             return constraint;
00353     }
00354     return NULL;
00355 }
00357 BL_ArmatureConstraint* BL_ArmatureObject::GetConstraint(int index)
00358 {
00359     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00360     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end() && index; ++cit, --index);
00361     return (cit.end()) ? NULL : *cit;
00362 }
00364 /* this function is called to populate the m_poseChannels list */
00365 void BL_ArmatureObject::LoadChannels()
00366 {
00367     if (m_poseChannels.Empty()) {
00368         bPoseChannel* pchan;
00369         BL_ArmatureChannel* proxy;
00371         m_channelNumber = 0;
00372         for (pchan = (bPoseChannel*)m_pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan=(bPoseChannel*)pchan->next) {
00373             proxy = new BL_ArmatureChannel(this, pchan);
00374             m_poseChannels.AddBack(proxy);
00375             m_channelNumber++;
00376         }
00377     }
00378 }
00380 BL_ArmatureChannel* BL_ArmatureObject::GetChannel(bPoseChannel* pchan)
00381 {
00382     LoadChannels();
00383     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureChannel> cit(m_poseChannels);
00384     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) 
00385     {
00386         BL_ArmatureChannel* channel = *cit;
00387         if (channel->m_posechannel == pchan)
00388             return channel;
00389     }
00390     return NULL;
00391 }
00393 BL_ArmatureChannel* BL_ArmatureObject::GetChannel(const char* str)
00394 {
00395     LoadChannels();
00396     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureChannel> cit(m_poseChannels);
00397     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) 
00398     {
00399         BL_ArmatureChannel* channel = *cit;
00400         if (!strcmp(channel->m_posechannel->name, str))
00401             return channel;
00402     }
00403     return NULL;
00404 }
00406 BL_ArmatureChannel* BL_ArmatureObject::GetChannel(int index)
00407 {
00408     LoadChannels();
00409     if (index < 0 || index >= m_channelNumber)
00410         return NULL;
00411     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureChannel> cit(m_poseChannels);
00412     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end() && index; ++cit, --index);
00413     return (cit.end()) ? NULL : *cit;
00414 }
00416 CValue* BL_ArmatureObject::GetReplica()
00417 {
00418     BL_ArmatureObject* replica = new BL_ArmatureObject(*this);
00419     replica->ProcessReplica();
00420     return replica;
00421 }
00423 void BL_ArmatureObject::ProcessReplica()
00424 {
00425     bPose *pose= m_pose;
00426     KX_GameObject::ProcessReplica();
00428     m_pose = NULL;
00429     m_framePose = NULL;
00430     game_copy_pose(&m_pose, pose, 1);   
00431 }
00433 void BL_ArmatureObject::ReParentLogic()
00434 {
00435     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00436     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00437         (*cit)->ReParent(this);
00438     }
00439     KX_GameObject::ReParentLogic();
00440 }
00442 void BL_ArmatureObject::Relink(CTR_Map<CTR_HashedPtr, void*> *obj_map)
00443 {
00444     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00445     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00446         (*cit)->Relink(obj_map);
00447     }
00448     KX_GameObject::Relink(obj_map);
00449 }
00451 bool BL_ArmatureObject::UnlinkObject(SCA_IObject* clientobj)
00452 {
00453     // clientobj is being deleted, make sure we don't hold any reference to it
00454     bool res = false;
00455     SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00456     for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00457         res |= (*cit)->UnlinkObject(clientobj);
00458     }
00459     return res;
00460 }
00462 void BL_ArmatureObject::ApplyPose()
00463 {
00464     m_armpose = m_objArma->pose;
00465     m_objArma->pose = m_pose;
00466     // in the GE, we use ctime to store the timestep
00467     m_pose->ctime = (float)m_timestep;
00468     //m_scene->r.cfra++;
00469     if(m_lastapplyframe != m_lastframe) {
00470         // update the constraint if any, first put them all off so that only the active ones will be updated
00471         SG_DList::iterator<BL_ArmatureConstraint> cit(m_controlledConstraints);
00472         for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00473             (*cit)->UpdateTarget();
00474         }
00475         // update ourself
00476         UpdateBlenderObjectMatrix(m_objArma);
00477         where_is_pose(m_scene, m_objArma); // XXX
00478         // restore ourself
00479         memcpy(m_objArma->obmat, m_obmat, sizeof(m_obmat));
00480         // restore active targets
00481         for (cit.begin(); !cit.end(); ++cit) {
00482             (*cit)->RestoreTarget();
00483         }
00484         m_lastapplyframe = m_lastframe;
00485     }
00486 }
00488 void BL_ArmatureObject::RestorePose()
00489 {
00490     m_objArma->pose = m_armpose;
00491     m_armpose = NULL;
00492 }
00494 void BL_ArmatureObject::SetPose(bPose *pose)
00495 {
00496     extract_pose_from_pose(m_pose, pose);
00497     m_lastapplyframe = -1.0;
00498 }
00500 bool BL_ArmatureObject::SetActiveAction(BL_ActionActuator *act, short priority, double curtime)
00501 {
00502     if (curtime != m_lastframe){
00503         m_activePriority = 9999;
00504         // compute the timestep for the underlying IK algorithm
00505         m_timestep = curtime-m_lastframe;
00506         m_lastframe= curtime;
00507         m_activeAct = NULL;
00508         // remember the pose at the start of the frame
00509         GetPose(&m_framePose);
00510     }
00512     if (act) 
00513     {
00514         if (priority<=m_activePriority)
00515         {
00516             if (priority<m_activePriority) {
00517                 // this action overwrites the previous ones, start from initial pose to cancel their effects
00518                 SetPose(m_framePose);
00519                 if (m_activeAct && (m_activeAct!=act))
00520                     /* Reset the blend timer since this new action cancels the old one */
00521                     m_activeAct->SetBlendTime(0.0); 
00522             }
00523             m_activeAct = act;
00524             m_activePriority = priority;
00525             m_lastframe = curtime;
00527             return true;
00528         }
00529         else{
00530             act->SetBlendTime(0.0);
00531             return false;
00532         }
00533     }
00534     return false;
00535 }
00537 BL_ActionActuator * BL_ArmatureObject::GetActiveAction()
00538 {
00539     return m_activeAct;
00540 }
00542 void BL_ArmatureObject::GetPose(bPose **pose)
00543 {
00544     /* If the caller supplies a null pose, create a new one. */
00545     /* Otherwise, copy the armature's pose channels into the caller-supplied pose */
00547     if (!*pose) {
00548         /*  probably not to good of an idea to
00549             duplicate everying, but it clears up 
00550             a crash and memory leakage when 
00551             &BL_ActionActuator::m_pose is freed
00552         */
00553         game_copy_pose(pose, m_pose, 0);
00554     }
00555     else {
00556         if (*pose == m_pose)
00557             // no need to copy if the pointers are the same
00558             return;
00560         extract_pose_from_pose(*pose, m_pose);
00561     }
00562 }
00564 void BL_ArmatureObject::GetMRDPose(bPose **pose)
00565 {
00566     /* If the caller supplies a null pose, create a new one. */
00567     /* Otherwise, copy the armature's pose channels into the caller-supplied pose */
00569     if (!*pose)
00570         game_copy_pose(pose, m_pose, 0);
00571     else
00572         extract_pose_from_pose(*pose, m_pose);
00573 }
00575 short BL_ArmatureObject::GetActivePriority()
00576 {
00577     return m_activePriority;
00578 }
00580 double BL_ArmatureObject::GetLastFrame()
00581 {
00582     return m_lastframe;
00583 }
00585 bool BL_ArmatureObject::GetBoneMatrix(Bone* bone, MT_Matrix4x4& matrix)
00586 {
00587     bPoseChannel *pchan;
00589     ApplyPose();
00590     pchan = get_pose_channel(m_objArma->pose, bone->name);
00591     if(pchan)
00592         matrix.setValue(&pchan->pose_mat[0][0]);
00593     RestorePose();
00595     return (pchan != NULL);
00596 }
00598 float BL_ArmatureObject::GetBoneLength(Bone* bone) const
00599 {
00600     return (float)(MT_Point3(bone->head) - MT_Point3(bone->tail)).length();
00601 }
00603 #ifdef WITH_PYTHON
00605 // PYTHON
00607 PyTypeObject BL_ArmatureObject::Type = {
00608     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
00609     "BL_ArmatureObject",
00610     sizeof(PyObjectPlus_Proxy),
00611     0,
00612     py_base_dealloc,
00613     0,
00614     0,
00615     0,
00616     0,
00617     py_base_repr,
00618     0,
00619     &KX_GameObject::Sequence,
00620     &KX_GameObject::Mapping,
00621     0,0,0,
00622     NULL,
00623     NULL,
00624     0,
00626     0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00627     Methods,
00628     0,
00629     0,
00630     &KX_GameObject::Type,
00631     0,0,0,0,0,0,
00632     py_base_new
00633 };
00635 PyMethodDef BL_ArmatureObject::Methods[] = {
00637     KX_PYMETHODTABLE_NOARGS(BL_ArmatureObject, update),
00638     {NULL,NULL} //Sentinel
00639 };
00641 PyAttributeDef BL_ArmatureObject::Attributes[] = {
00643     KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("constraints",       BL_ArmatureObject, pyattr_get_constraints),
00644     KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("channels",      BL_ArmatureObject, pyattr_get_channels),
00645     {NULL} //Sentinel
00646 };
00648 PyObject* BL_ArmatureObject::pyattr_get_constraints(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
00649 {
00650     return KX_PythonSeq_CreatePyObject((static_cast<BL_ArmatureObject*>(self_v))->m_proxy, KX_PYGENSEQ_OB_TYPE_CONSTRAINTS);
00651 }
00653 PyObject* BL_ArmatureObject::pyattr_get_channels(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
00654 {
00655     BL_ArmatureObject* self = static_cast<BL_ArmatureObject*>(self_v);
00656     self->LoadChannels(); // make sure we have the channels
00657     return KX_PythonSeq_CreatePyObject((static_cast<BL_ArmatureObject*>(self_v))->m_proxy, KX_PYGENSEQ_OB_TYPE_CHANNELS);
00658 }
00660 KX_PYMETHODDEF_DOC_NOARGS(BL_ArmatureObject, update, 
00661                           "update()\n"
00662                           "Make sure that the armature will be updated on next graphic frame.\n"
00663                           "This is automatically done if a KX_ArmatureActuator with mode run is active\n"
00664                           "or if an action is playing. This function is useful in other cases.\n")
00665 {
00666     SetActiveAction(NULL, 0, KX_GetActiveEngine()->GetFrameTime());
00667     Py_RETURN_NONE;
00668 }
00670 #endif // WITH_PYTHON