Blender V2.61 - r43446
Defines | Typedefs | Functions

WM_api.h File Reference

#include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h"
#include "WM_keymap.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define WM_WINDOW_RENDER   0
#define SEL_TOGGLE   0
#define SEL_SELECT   1
#define SEL_DESELECT   2
#define SEL_INVERT   3
#define WM_FILESEL_RELPATH   (1 << 0)
#define WM_FILESEL_DIRECTORY   (1 << 1)
#define WM_FILESEL_FILENAME   (1 << 2)
#define WM_FILESEL_FILEPATH   (1 << 3)
#define WM_FILESEL_FILES   (1 << 4)
#define WM_JOB_PRIORITY   1
#define WM_JOB_EXCL_RENDER   2
#define WM_JOB_PROGRESS   4
#define WM_JOB_SUSPEND   8


typedef struct wmJob wmJob


void WM_setprefsize (int stax, int stay, int sizx, int sizy)
void WM_setinitialstate_fullscreen (void)
void WM_setinitialstate_normal (void)
void WM_init (struct bContext *C, int argc, const char **argv)
void WM_exit_ext (struct bContext *C, const short do_python)
void WM_exit (struct bContext *C)
void WM_main (struct bContext *C)
int WM_init_game (struct bContext *C)
void WM_init_splash (struct bContext *C)
void WM_check (struct bContext *C)
struct wmWindowWM_window_open (struct bContext *C, struct rcti *rect)
void WM_window_open_temp (struct bContext *C, struct rcti *position, int type)
int WM_read_homefile_exec (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_read_homefile (struct bContext *C, struct ReportList *reports, short from_memory)
int WM_write_homefile (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
void WM_read_file (struct bContext *C, const char *filepath, struct ReportList *reports)
int WM_write_file (struct bContext *C, const char *target, int fileflags, struct ReportList *reports, int copy)
void WM_read_autosavefile (struct bContext *C)
void WM_autosave_init (struct wmWindowManager *wm)
void WM_cursor_set (struct wmWindow *win, int curs)
void WM_cursor_modal (struct wmWindow *win, int curs)
void WM_cursor_restore (struct wmWindow *win)
void WM_cursor_wait (int val)
void WM_cursor_grab (struct wmWindow *win, int wrap, int hide, int *bounds)
void WM_cursor_ungrab (struct wmWindow *win)
void WM_timecursor (struct wmWindow *win, int nr)
void * WM_paint_cursor_activate (struct wmWindowManager *wm, int(*poll)(struct bContext *C), void(*draw)(struct bContext *C, int, int, void *customdata), void *customdata)
void WM_paint_cursor_end (struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *handle)
void WM_cursor_warp (struct wmWindow *win, int x, int y)
int WM_userdef_event_map (int kmitype)
struct wmEventHandlerWM_event_add_keymap_handler (ListBase *handlers, wmKeyMap *keymap)
struct wmEventHandlerWM_event_add_keymap_handler_bb (ListBase *handlers, wmKeyMap *keymap, rcti *bb, rcti *swinbb)
struct wmEventHandlerWM_event_add_keymap_handler_priority (ListBase *handlers, wmKeyMap *keymap, int priority)
void WM_event_remove_keymap_handler (ListBase *handlers, wmKeyMap *keymap)
struct wmEventHandlerWM_event_add_ui_handler (const struct bContext *C, ListBase *handlers, int(*func)(struct bContext *C, struct wmEvent *event, void *userdata), void(*remove)(struct bContext *C, void *userdata), void *userdata)
void WM_event_remove_ui_handler (ListBase *handlers, int(*func)(struct bContext *C, struct wmEvent *event, void *userdata), void(*remove)(struct bContext *C, void *userdata), void *userdata, int postpone)
void WM_event_remove_area_handler (struct ListBase *handlers, void *area)
struct wmEventHandlerWM_event_add_modal_handler (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
void WM_event_remove_handlers (struct bContext *C, ListBase *handlers)
struct wmEventHandlerWM_event_add_dropbox_handler (ListBase *handlers, ListBase *dropboxes)
void WM_event_add_mousemove (struct bContext *C)
int WM_modal_tweak_exit (struct wmEvent *evt, int tweak_event)
void WM_event_add_notifier (const struct bContext *C, unsigned int type, void *reference)
void WM_main_add_notifier (unsigned int type, void *reference)
void wm_event_add (struct wmWindow *win, struct wmEvent *event_to_add)
struct wmTimerWM_event_add_timer (struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, int event_type, double timestep)
void WM_event_remove_timer (struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, struct wmTimer *timer)
void WM_event_timer_sleep (struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, struct wmTimer *timer, int dosleep)
int WM_menu_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_enum_search_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_operator_confirm (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_operator_filesel (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_operator_winactive (struct bContext *C)
int WM_operator_props_popup (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_operator_props_dialog_popup (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height)
int WM_operator_redo_popup (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_operator_ui_popup (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, int width, int height)
int WM_operator_confirm_message (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, const char *message)
void WM_operator_free (struct wmOperator *op)
void WM_operator_stack_clear (struct wmWindowManager *wm)
struct wmOperatorTypeWM_operatortype_find (const char *idnamem, int quiet)
struct GHashIteratorWM_operatortype_iter (void)
void WM_operatortype_append (void(*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *))
void WM_operatortype_append_ptr (void(*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *), void *userdata)
void WM_operatortype_append_macro_ptr (void(*opfunc)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *), void *userdata)
int WM_operatortype_remove (const char *idname)
struct wmOperatorTypeWM_operatortype_append_macro (const char *idname, const char *name, int flag)
struct wmOperatorTypeMacroWM_operatortype_macro_define (struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *idname)
int WM_operator_poll (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot)
int WM_operator_poll_context (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, int context)
int WM_operator_call (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_operator_call_notest (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_operator_repeat (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_operator_repeat_check (const struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_operator_name_call (struct bContext *C, const char *opstring, int context, struct PointerRNA *properties)
int WM_operator_call_py (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, int context, struct PointerRNA *properties, struct ReportList *reports)
void WM_operator_properties_alloc (struct PointerRNA **ptr, struct IDProperty **properties, const char *opstring)
void WM_operator_properties_sanitize (struct PointerRNA *ptr, const short no_context)
void WM_operator_properties_reset (struct wmOperator *op)
void WM_operator_properties_create (struct PointerRNA *ptr, const char *opstring)
void WM_operator_properties_create_ptr (struct PointerRNA *ptr, struct wmOperatorType *ot)
void WM_operator_properties_free (struct PointerRNA *ptr)
void WM_operator_properties_filesel (struct wmOperatorType *ot, int filter, short type, short action, short flag)
void WM_operator_properties_gesture_border (struct wmOperatorType *ot, int extend)
void WM_operator_properties_gesture_straightline (struct wmOperatorType *ot, int cursor)
void WM_operator_properties_select_all (struct wmOperatorType *ot)
int WM_operator_check_ui_enabled (const struct bContext *C, const char *idname)
wmOperatorWM_operator_last_redo (const struct bContext *C)
char * WM_operator_pystring (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperatorType *ot, struct PointerRNA *opptr, int all_args)
void WM_operator_bl_idname (char *to, const char *from)
void WM_operator_py_idname (char *to, const char *from)
void WM_menutype_init (void)
struct MenuTypeWM_menutype_find (const char *idname, int quiet)
int WM_menutype_add (struct MenuType *mt)
void WM_menutype_freelink (struct MenuType *mt)
void WM_menutype_free (void)
int WM_border_select_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_border_select_modal (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_border_select_cancel (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_gesture_circle_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_circle_modal (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_circle_cancel (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_gesture_lines_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_lines_modal (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_lines_cancel (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_gesture_lasso_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_lasso_modal (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_lasso_cancel (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
int WM_gesture_straightline_invoke (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_straightline_modal (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op, struct wmEvent *event)
int WM_gesture_straightline_cancel (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
void WM_OT_tweak_gesture (struct wmOperatorType *ot)
struct wmGestureWM_gesture_new (struct bContext *C, struct wmEvent *event, int type)
void WM_gesture_end (struct bContext *C, struct wmGesture *gesture)
void WM_gestures_remove (struct bContext *C)
void WM_event_add_fileselect (struct bContext *C, struct wmOperator *op)
void WM_event_fileselect_event (struct bContext *C, void *ophandle, int eventval)
void WM_event_print (struct wmEvent *event)
struct wmDragWM_event_start_drag (struct bContext *C, int icon, int type, void *poin, double value)
void WM_event_drag_image (struct wmDrag *, struct ImBuf *, float scale, int sx, int sy)
struct wmDropBoxWM_dropbox_add (ListBase *lb, const char *idname, int(*poll)(struct bContext *, struct wmDrag *, struct wmEvent *event), void(*copy)(struct wmDrag *, struct wmDropBox *))
ListBaseWM_dropboxmap_find (const char *idname, int spaceid, int regionid)
void wmSubWindowSet (struct wmWindow *win, int swinid)
void wmSubWindowScissorSet (struct wmWindow *win, int swinid, struct rcti *srct)
void wmFrustum (float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float n, float f)
void wmOrtho (float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float n, float f)
void wmOrtho2 (float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2)
void WM_set_framebuffer_index_color (int index)
int WM_framebuffer_to_index (unsigned int col)
struct wmJobWM_jobs_get (struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmWindow *win, void *owner, const char *name, int flag)
int WM_jobs_test (struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner)
float WM_jobs_progress (struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner)
char * WM_jobs_name (struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner)
int WM_jobs_is_running (struct wmJob *)
void * WM_jobs_get_customdata (struct wmJob *)
void WM_jobs_customdata (struct wmJob *, void *customdata, void(*free)(void *))
void WM_jobs_timer (struct wmJob *, double timestep, unsigned int note, unsigned int endnote)
void WM_jobs_callbacks (struct wmJob *, void(*startjob)(void *, short *, short *, float *), void(*initjob)(void *), void(*update)(void *), void(*endjob)(void *))
void WM_jobs_start (struct wmWindowManager *wm, struct wmJob *)
void WM_jobs_stop (struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner, void *startjob)
void WM_jobs_kill (struct wmWindowManager *wm, void *owner, void(*)(void *, short int *, short int *, float *))
void WM_jobs_stop_all (struct wmWindowManager *wm)
int WM_jobs_has_running (struct wmWindowManager *wm)
char * WM_clipboard_text_get (int selection)
void WM_clipboard_text_set (char *buf, int selection)
void WM_progress_set (struct wmWindow *win, float progress)
void WM_progress_clear (struct wmWindow *win)
void WM_redraw_windows (struct bContext *C)
int write_crash_blend (void)

Detailed Description

Definition in file WM_api.h.

Define Documentation

#define SEL_DESELECT   2
#define SEL_INVERT   3
#define SEL_SELECT   1
#define SEL_TOGGLE   0
#define WM_FILESEL_DIRECTORY   (1 << 1)
#define WM_FILESEL_FILENAME   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 225 of file WM_api.h.

Referenced by WM_operator_properties_filesel(), and WM_OT_link_append().

#define WM_FILESEL_FILEPATH   (1 << 3)
#define WM_FILESEL_FILES   (1 << 4)
#define WM_FILESEL_RELPATH   (1 << 0)
#define WM_JOB_EXCL_RENDER   2
#define WM_JOB_PRIORITY   1
#define WM_JOB_PROGRESS   4
#define WM_JOB_SUSPEND   8

Definition at line 299 of file WM_api.h.

Referenced by ED_preview_icon_job(), screen_render_invoke(), and wm_jobs_test_suspend_stop().


Definition at line 88 of file WM_api.h.

#define WM_WINDOW_RENDER   0

Definition at line 86 of file WM_api.h.

Referenced by render_view_open(), and WM_window_open_temp().


Definition at line 87 of file WM_api.h.

Referenced by userpref_show_invoke().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct wmJob wmJob

Definition at line 65 of file WM_api.h.

Function Documentation

void WM_autosave_init ( struct wmWindowManager wm)
int WM_border_select_cancel ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
int WM_border_select_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_border_select_modal ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
void WM_check ( struct bContext C)
char* WM_clipboard_text_get ( int  selection)
void WM_clipboard_text_set ( char *  buf,
int  selection 
void WM_cursor_grab ( struct wmWindow win,
int  wrap,
int  hide,
int *  bounds 
void WM_cursor_modal ( struct wmWindow win,
int  curs 
void WM_cursor_restore ( struct wmWindow win)
void WM_cursor_set ( struct wmWindow win,
int  curs 
void WM_cursor_ungrab ( struct wmWindow win)
void WM_cursor_wait ( int  val)
void WM_cursor_warp ( struct wmWindow win,
int  x,
int  y 
struct wmDropBox* WM_dropbox_add ( ListBase lb,
const char *  idname,
int(*)(struct bContext *, struct wmDrag *, struct wmEvent *event)  poll,
void(*)(struct wmDrag *, struct wmDropBox *)  copy 
) [read]
ListBase* WM_dropboxmap_find ( const char *  idname,
int  spaceid,
int  regionid 
int WM_enum_search_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
void wm_event_add ( struct wmWindow win,
struct wmEvent event_to_add 
struct wmEventHandler* WM_event_add_dropbox_handler ( ListBase handlers,
ListBase dropboxes 
) [read]
void WM_event_add_fileselect ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
struct wmEventHandler* WM_event_add_keymap_handler ( ListBase handlers,
wmKeyMap keymap 
) [read]
struct wmEventHandler* WM_event_add_keymap_handler_bb ( ListBase handlers,
wmKeyMap keymap,
rcti bb,
rcti swinbb 
) [read]
struct wmEventHandler* WM_event_add_keymap_handler_priority ( ListBase handlers,
wmKeyMap keymap,
int  priority 
) [read]
struct wmEventHandler* WM_event_add_modal_handler ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
) [read]

Definition at line 2147 of file wm_event_system.c.

References BLI_addhead(), CTX_wm_area(), CTX_wm_region(), CTX_wm_window(), MEM_callocN(), wmWindow::modalhandlers, wmEventHandler::op, wmEventHandler::op_area, wmEventHandler::op_region, and wmOperator::opm.

Referenced by actionzone_invoke(), area_join_invoke(), area_move_invoke(), area_split_invoke(), area_swap_invoke(), brush_edit_invoke(), change_frame_invoke(), console_modal_select_invoke(), ed_marker_move_invoke(), eyedropper_invoke(), fly_invoke(), gpencil_draw_invoke(), grab_clone_invoke(), graphview_cursor_invoke(), image_record_composite_invoke(), image_sample_invoke(), image_view_pan_init(), image_view_zoom_init(), minimize_stretch_invoke(), multiresbake_image_exec(), node_link_invoke(), node_resize_invoke(), objects_bake_render_invoke(), paint_invoke(), pose_slide_invoke_common(), poselib_preview_invoke(), radial_control_invoke(), region_scale_invoke(), ringcut_invoke(), sample_color_invoke(), sample_invoke(), screen_opengl_render_invoke(), screen_render_invoke(), scroller_activate_invoke(), sculpt_brush_stroke_invoke(), sketch_draw_gesture(), sketch_draw_stroke(), slide_marker_invoke(), snode_bg_viewmove_invoke(), solve_camera_invoke(), text_scroll_bar_invoke(), text_scroll_invoke(), text_set_selection_invoke(), track_markers_invoke(), transform_invoke(), view_pan_init(), view_pan_invoke(), view_zoom_init(), view_zoomdrag_invoke(), viewdolly_invoke(), viewmove_invoke(), viewrotate_invoke(), viewzoom_invoke(), vpaint_invoke(), WM_border_select_invoke(), WM_gesture_circle_invoke(), WM_gesture_lasso_invoke(), WM_gesture_lines_invoke(), WM_gesture_straightline_invoke(), and wpaint_invoke().

void WM_event_add_mousemove ( struct bContext C)
void WM_event_add_notifier ( const struct bContext C,
unsigned int  type,
void *  reference 
struct wmTimer* WM_event_add_timer ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
struct wmWindow win,
int  event_type,
double  timestep 
) [read]
struct wmEventHandler* WM_event_add_ui_handler ( const struct bContext C,
ListBase handlers,
int(*)(struct bContext *C, struct wmEvent *event, void *userdata)  func,
void(*)(struct bContext *C, void *userdata)  remove,
void *  userdata 
) [read]
void WM_event_drag_image ( struct wmDrag ,
struct ImBuf ,
float  scale,
int  sx,
int  sy 

Definition at line 166 of file wm_dragdrop.c.

References wmDrag::imb, wmDrag::scale, wmDrag::sx, and wmDrag::sy.

Referenced by ui_but_start_drag().

void WM_event_fileselect_event ( struct bContext C,
void *  ophandle,
int  eventval 
void WM_event_print ( struct wmEvent event)
void WM_event_remove_area_handler ( struct ListBase handlers,
void *  area 
void WM_event_remove_handlers ( struct bContext C,
ListBase handlers 
void WM_event_remove_keymap_handler ( ListBase handlers,
wmKeyMap keymap 
void WM_event_remove_timer ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
struct wmWindow win,
struct wmTimer timer 
void WM_event_remove_ui_handler ( ListBase handlers,
int(*)(struct bContext *C, struct wmEvent *event, void *userdata)  func,
void(*)(struct bContext *C, void *userdata)  remove,
void *  userdata,
int  postpone 
struct wmDrag* WM_event_start_drag ( struct bContext C,
int  icon,
int  type,
void *  poin,
double  value 
) [read]
void WM_event_timer_sleep ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
struct wmWindow win,
struct wmTimer timer,
int  dosleep 
void WM_exit ( struct bContext C)

Definition at line 462 of file wm_init_exit.c.

References G, and WM_exit_ext().

Referenced by ghost_event_proc(), main(), wm_exit_blender_op(), and wm_window_close().

void WM_exit_ext ( struct bContext C,
const short  do_python 
int WM_framebuffer_to_index ( unsigned int  col)
int WM_gesture_circle_cancel ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 2515 of file wm_operators.c.

References OPERATOR_CANCELLED, and wm_gesture_end().

Referenced by UV_OT_circle_select(), and VIEW3D_OT_select_circle().

int WM_gesture_circle_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_gesture_circle_modal ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
void WM_gesture_end ( struct bContext C,
struct wmGesture gesture 
int WM_gesture_lasso_cancel ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 2737 of file wm_operators.c.

References OPERATOR_CANCELLED, and wm_gesture_end().

Referenced by VIEW3D_OT_select_lasso().

int WM_gesture_lasso_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_gesture_lasso_modal ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_gesture_lines_cancel ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 2744 of file wm_operators.c.

References OPERATOR_CANCELLED, and wm_gesture_end().

Referenced by LOGIC_OT_links_cut(), MESH_OT_knife_cut(), and NODE_OT_links_cut().

int WM_gesture_lines_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_gesture_lines_modal ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 

Definition at line 2732 of file wm_operators.c.

References WM_gesture_lasso_modal().

Referenced by LOGIC_OT_links_cut(), MESH_OT_knife_cut(), and NODE_OT_links_cut().

struct wmGesture* WM_gesture_new ( struct bContext C,
struct wmEvent event,
int  type 
) [read]
int WM_gesture_straightline_cancel ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 2872 of file wm_operators.c.

References OPERATOR_CANCELLED, and wm_gesture_end().

Referenced by IMAGE_OT_sample_line().

int WM_gesture_straightline_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_gesture_straightline_modal ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
void WM_gestures_remove ( struct bContext C)

Definition at line 117 of file wm_gesture.c.

References CTX_wm_window(), ListBase::first, wmWindow::gesture, and WM_gesture_end().

Referenced by ui_but_start_drag().

void WM_init ( struct bContext C,
int  argc,
const char **  argv 
int WM_init_game ( struct bContext C)
void WM_init_splash ( struct bContext C)
void WM_jobs_callbacks ( struct wmJob ,
void(*)(void *, short *, short *, float *)  startjob,
void(*)(void *)  initjob,
void(*)(void *)  update,
void(*)(void *)  endjob 
void WM_jobs_customdata ( struct wmJob ,
void *  customdata,
void(*)(void *)  free 
struct wmJob* WM_jobs_get ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
struct wmWindow win,
void *  owner,
const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [read]
void* WM_jobs_get_customdata ( struct wmJob )

Definition at line 208 of file wm_jobs.c.

References wmJob::customdata, and wmJob::run_customdata.

Referenced by seq_proxy_build_job().

int WM_jobs_has_running ( struct wmWindowManager wm)

Definition at line 515 of file wm_jobs.c.

References ListBase::first, wmWindowManager::jobs, wmJob::next, and wmJob::running.

int WM_jobs_is_running ( struct wmJob )

Definition at line 203 of file wm_jobs.c.

References wmJob::running.

Referenced by seq_proxy_build_job().

void WM_jobs_kill ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
void *  owner,
void(*)(void *, short int *, short int *, float *)   
char* WM_jobs_name ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
void *  owner 

Definition at line 193 of file wm_jobs.c.

References wmJob::name, NULL, and wm_job_find().

Referenced by uiTemplateRunningJobs().

float WM_jobs_progress ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
void *  owner 

Definition at line 183 of file wm_jobs.c.

References wmJob::flag, NULL, wmJob::progress, wm_job_find(), and WM_JOB_PROGRESS.

Referenced by uiTemplateRunningJobs().

void WM_jobs_start ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
struct wmJob  
void WM_jobs_stop ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
void *  owner,
void *  startjob 
void WM_jobs_stop_all ( struct wmWindowManager wm)
int WM_jobs_test ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
void *  owner 
void WM_jobs_timer ( struct wmJob ,
double  timestep,
unsigned int  note,
unsigned int  endnote 
void WM_main ( struct bContext C)

Definition at line 358 of file wm.c.

References wm_draw_update(), wm_event_do_handlers(), wm_event_do_notifiers(), and wm_window_process_events().

Referenced by main().

void WM_main_add_notifier ( unsigned int  type,
void *  reference 
int WM_menu_invoke ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_menutype_add ( struct MenuType mt)

Definition at line 172 of file wm.c.

References BLI_ghash_insert(), and MenuType::idname.

Referenced by node_menus_register(), and recent_files_menu_register().

struct MenuType* WM_menutype_find ( const char *  idname,
int  quiet 
) [read]

Definition at line 156 of file wm.c.

References BLI_ghash_lookup(), mt, and NULL.

Referenced by uiItemM(), uiPupMenuInvoke(), and wm_block_create_splash().

void WM_menutype_free ( void  )
void WM_menutype_freelink ( struct MenuType mt)

Definition at line 178 of file wm.c.

References BLI_ghash_remove(), MenuType::idname, MEM_freeN(), and NULL.

void WM_menutype_init ( void  )

Definition at line 184 of file wm.c.

References BLI_ghash_new(), BLI_ghashutil_strcmp(), and BLI_ghashutil_strhash().

Referenced by WM_init().

int WM_modal_tweak_exit ( struct wmEvent evt,
int  tweak_event 
void WM_operator_bl_idname ( char *  to,
const char *  from 

Definition at line 476 of file wm_operators.c.

References BLI_ascii_strtoupper(), BLI_strncpy(), and OP_MAX_TYPENAME.

Referenced by WM_operatortype_find().

int WM_operator_call ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 605 of file wm_event_system.c.

References wm_operator_exec().

Referenced by dialog_exec_cb(), operator_cb(), and wm_operator_ui_popup_ok().

int WM_operator_call_notest ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 613 of file wm_event_system.c.

References wm_operator_exec_notest().

Referenced by wm_link_append_invoke(), and WM_operator_filesel().

int WM_operator_call_py ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperatorType ot,
int  context,
struct PointerRNA properties,
struct ReportList reports 
int WM_operator_check_ui_enabled ( const struct bContext C,
const char *  idname 
int WM_operator_confirm ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
int WM_operator_confirm_message ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
const char *  message 
int WM_operator_filesel ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
void WM_operator_free ( struct wmOperator op)
wmOperator* WM_operator_last_redo ( const struct bContext C)
int WM_operator_name_call ( struct bContext C,
const char *  opstring,
int  context,
struct PointerRNA properties 
int WM_operator_poll ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperatorType ot 
int WM_operator_poll_context ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperatorType ot,
int  context 

Definition at line 417 of file wm_event_system.c.

References NULL, TRUE, and wm_operator_call_internal().

Referenced by pyop_call(), pyop_poll(), ui_tooltip_create(), and uiEndBlock().

void WM_operator_properties_alloc ( struct PointerRNA **  ptr,
struct IDProperty **  properties,
const char *  opstring 
void WM_operator_properties_create ( struct PointerRNA ptr,
const char *  opstring 
void WM_operator_properties_create_ptr ( struct PointerRNA ptr,
struct wmOperatorType ot 
void WM_operator_properties_filesel ( struct wmOperatorType ot,
int  filter,
short  type,
short  action,
short  flag 
void WM_operator_properties_free ( struct PointerRNA ptr)
void WM_operator_properties_gesture_border ( struct wmOperatorType ot,
int  extend 
void WM_operator_properties_gesture_straightline ( struct wmOperatorType ot,
int  cursor 

Definition at line 911 of file wm_operators.c.

References RNA_def_int(), and wmOperatorType::srna.

Referenced by IMAGE_OT_sample_line().

void WM_operator_properties_reset ( struct wmOperator op)
void WM_operator_properties_sanitize ( struct PointerRNA ptr,
const short  no_context 
void WM_operator_properties_select_all ( struct wmOperatorType ot)
int WM_operator_props_dialog_popup ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
int  width,
int  height 
int WM_operator_props_popup ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
struct wmEvent event 
void WM_operator_py_idname ( char *  to,
const char *  from 
char* WM_operator_pystring ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperatorType ot,
struct PointerRNA opptr,
int  all_args 
int WM_operator_redo_popup ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
int WM_operator_repeat ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 

Definition at line 619 of file wm_event_system.c.

References wm_operator_exec().

Referenced by ED_undo_operator_repeat(), repeat_history_exec(), and repeat_last_exec().

int WM_operator_repeat_check ( const struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
void WM_operator_stack_clear ( struct wmWindowManager wm)
int WM_operator_ui_popup ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op,
int  width,
int  height 
int WM_operator_winactive ( struct bContext C)
void WM_operatortype_append ( void(*)(struct wmOperatorType *)  opfunc)
struct wmOperatorType* WM_operatortype_append_macro ( const char *  idname,
const char *  name,
int  flag 
) [read]
void WM_operatortype_append_macro_ptr ( void(*)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *)  opfunc,
void *  userdata 
void WM_operatortype_append_ptr ( void(*)(struct wmOperatorType *, void *)  opfunc,
void *  userdata 
struct wmOperatorType* WM_operatortype_find ( const char *  idnamem,
int  quiet 
) [read]
struct GHashIterator* WM_operatortype_iter ( void  ) [read]

Definition at line 137 of file wm_operators.c.

References BLI_ghashIterator_new().

Referenced by operator_search_cb(), and pyop_dir().

struct wmOperatorTypeMacro* WM_operatortype_macro_define ( struct wmOperatorType ot,
const char *  idname 
) [read]
int WM_operatortype_remove ( const char *  idname)
void WM_OT_tweak_gesture ( struct wmOperatorType ot)
void* WM_paint_cursor_activate ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
int(*)(struct bContext *C)  poll,
void(*)(struct bContext *C, int, int, void *customdata)  draw,
void *  customdata 
void WM_paint_cursor_end ( struct wmWindowManager wm,
void *  handle 
void WM_progress_clear ( struct wmWindow win)

Definition at line 1079 of file wm_window.c.

References GHOST_EndProgressBar(), and wmWindow::ghostwin.

Referenced by wm_jobs_timer().

void WM_progress_set ( struct wmWindow win,
float  progress 

Definition at line 1074 of file wm_window.c.

References GHOST_SetProgressBar(), and wmWindow::ghostwin.

Referenced by wm_jobs_timer().

void WM_read_autosavefile ( struct bContext C)
void WM_read_file ( struct bContext C,
const char *  filepath,
struct ReportList reports 
int WM_read_homefile ( struct bContext C,
struct ReportList reports,
short  from_memory 
int WM_read_homefile_exec ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
void WM_redraw_windows ( struct bContext C)
void WM_set_framebuffer_index_color ( int  index)
void WM_setinitialstate_fullscreen ( void  )

Definition at line 1157 of file wm_window.c.

References GHOST_kWindowStateFullScreen, and initialstate.

Referenced by without_borders().

void WM_setinitialstate_normal ( void  )

Definition at line 1162 of file wm_window.c.

References GHOST_kWindowStateNormal, and initialstate.

Referenced by with_borders().

void WM_setprefsize ( int  stax,
int  stay,
int  sizx,
int  sizy 

Definition at line 1147 of file wm_window.c.

References prefsizx, prefsizy, prefstax, prefstay, and useprefsize.

Referenced by prefsize(), and wm_set_apple_prefsize().

void WM_timecursor ( struct wmWindow win,
int  nr 
int WM_userdef_event_map ( int  kmitype)
struct wmWindow* WM_window_open ( struct bContext C,
struct rcti rect 
) [read]
void WM_window_open_temp ( struct bContext C,
struct rcti position,
int  type 
int WM_write_file ( struct bContext C,
const char *  target,
int  fileflags,
struct ReportList reports,
int  copy 
int WM_write_homefile ( struct bContext C,
struct wmOperator op 
void wmFrustum ( float  x1,
float  x2,
float  y1,
float  y2,
float  n,
float  f 

Definition at line 282 of file wm_subwindow.c.

Referenced by setwinmatrixview3d().

void wmOrtho ( float  x1,
float  x2,
float  y1,
float  y2,
float  n,
float  f 

Definition at line 290 of file wm_subwindow.c.

Referenced by setwinmatrixview3d(), and wmOrtho2().

void wmOrtho2 ( float  x1,
float  x2,
float  y1,
float  y2 
void wmSubWindowScissorSet ( struct wmWindow win,
int  swinid,
struct rcti srct 
void wmSubWindowSet ( struct wmWindow win,
int  swinid 
int write_crash_blend ( void  )