Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 /*
00005  * ConstraintSet.cpp
00006  *
00007  *  Created on: Jan 5, 2009
00008  *      Author: rubensmits
00009  */
00011 #include "ConstraintSet.hpp"
00012 #include "kdl/utilities/svd_eigen_HH.hpp"
00014 namespace iTaSC {
00016 ConstraintSet::ConstraintSet(unsigned int _nc,double accuracy,unsigned int maximum_iterations):
00017     m_nc(_nc),
00018     m_Cf(e_zero_matrix(m_nc,6)),
00019     m_Wy(e_scalar_vector(m_nc,1.0)),
00020     m_y(m_nc),m_ydot(e_zero_vector(m_nc)),m_chi(e_zero_vector(6)),
00021     m_S(6),m_temp(6),m_tdelta(6),
00022     m_Jf(e_identity_matrix(6,6)),
00023     m_U(e_identity_matrix(6,6)),m_V(e_identity_matrix(6,6)),m_B(e_zero_matrix(6,6)),
00024     m_Jf_inv(e_zero_matrix(6,6)),
00025     m_internalPose(F_identity), m_externalPose(F_identity),
00026     m_constraintCallback(NULL), m_constraintParam(NULL), 
00027     m_toggle(false),m_substep(false),
00028     m_threshold(accuracy),m_maxIter(maximum_iterations)
00029 {
00030     m_maxDeltaChi = e_scalar(0.52);
00031 }
00033 ConstraintSet::ConstraintSet():
00034     m_nc(0), 
00035     m_internalPose(F_identity), m_externalPose(F_identity),
00036     m_constraintCallback(NULL), m_constraintParam(NULL), 
00037     m_toggle(false),m_substep(false),
00038     m_threshold(0.0),m_maxIter(0)
00039 {
00040     m_maxDeltaChi = e_scalar(0.52);
00041 }
00043 void ConstraintSet::reset(unsigned int _nc,double accuracy,unsigned int maximum_iterations)
00044 {
00045     m_nc = _nc;
00046     m_Jf = e_identity_matrix(6,6);
00047     m_Cf = e_zero_matrix(m_nc,6);
00048     m_U = e_identity_matrix(6,6);
00049     m_V = e_identity_matrix(6,6);
00050     m_B = e_zero_matrix(6,6);
00051     m_Jf_inv = e_zero_matrix(6,6),
00052     m_Wy = e_scalar_vector(m_nc,1.0),
00053     m_chi = e_zero_vector(6);
00054     m_chidot = e_zero_vector(6);
00055     m_y = e_zero_vector(m_nc);
00056     m_ydot = e_zero_vector(m_nc);
00057     m_S = e_zero_vector(6);
00058     m_temp = e_zero_vector(6);
00059     m_tdelta = e_zero_vector(6);
00060     m_threshold = accuracy;
00061     m_maxIter = maximum_iterations;
00062 }
00064 ConstraintSet::~ConstraintSet() {
00066 }
00068 void ConstraintSet::modelUpdate(Frame& _external_pose,const Timestamp& timestamp)
00069 {
00070     m_chi+=m_chidot*timestamp.realTimestep;
00071     m_externalPose = _external_pose;
00073     //update the internal pose and Jf
00074     updateJacobian();
00075     //check if loop is already closed, if not update the pose and Jf
00076     unsigned int iter=0;
00077     while(iter<5&&!closeLoop())
00078         iter++;
00079 }
00081 double ConstraintSet::getMaxTimestep(double& timestep)
00082 {
00083     e_scalar maxChidot = m_chidot.array().abs().maxCoeff();
00084     if (timestep*maxChidot > m_maxDeltaChi) {
00085         timestep = m_maxDeltaChi/maxChidot;
00086     }
00087     return timestep;
00088 }
00090 bool ConstraintSet::initialise(Frame& init_pose){
00091     m_externalPose=init_pose;
00092     // get current Jf
00093     updateJacobian();
00095     unsigned int iter=0;
00096     while(iter<m_maxIter&&!closeLoop()){
00097         iter++;
00098     }
00099     if (iter<m_maxIter)
00100         return true;
00101     else
00102         return false;
00103 }
00105 bool ConstraintSet::setControlParameter(int id, ConstraintAction action, double data, double timestep)
00106 {
00107     ConstraintValues values;
00108     ConstraintSingleValue value;
00109     values.values = &value;
00110     values.number = 0;
00111     values.action = action;
00112 = id;
00113     value.action = action;
00114 = id;
00115     switch (action) {
00116     case ACT_NONE:
00117         return true;
00118     case ACT_VALUE:
00119         value.yd = data;
00120         values.number = 1;
00121         break;
00122     case ACT_VELOCITY:
00123         value.yddot = data;
00124         values.number = 1;
00125         break;
00126     case ACT_TOLERANCE:
00127         values.tolerance = data;
00128         break;
00129     case ACT_FEEDBACK:
00130 = data;
00131         break;
00132     case ACT_ALPHA:
00133         values.alpha = data;
00134         break;
00135     default:
00136         assert(action==ACT_NONE);
00137         break;
00138     }
00139     return setControlParameters(&values, 1, timestep);
00140 }
00142 bool ConstraintSet::closeLoop(){
00143     //Invert Jf
00144     //TODO: svd_boost_Macie has problems if Jf contains zero-rows
00145     //toggle=!toggle;
00146     //svd_boost_Macie(Jf,U,S,V,B,temp,1e-3*threshold,toggle);
00147     int ret = KDL::svd_eigen_HH(m_Jf,m_U,m_S,m_V,m_temp);
00148     if(ret<0)
00149         return false;
00151     // the reference point and frame of the jacobian is the base frame
00152     // m_externalPose-m_internalPose is the twist to extend the end effector
00153     // to get the required pose => change the reference point to the base frame
00154     Twist twist_delta(diff(m_internalPose,m_externalPose));
00155     twist_delta=twist_delta.RefPoint(-m_internalPose.p);
00156     for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++)
00157         m_tdelta(i)=twist_delta(i);
00158     //TODO: use damping in constraintset inversion?
00159     for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++)
00160         if(m_S(i)<m_threshold){
00161             m_B.row(i).setConstant(0.0);
00162         }else
00163             m_B.row(i) = m_U.col(i)/m_S(i);
00165     m_Jf_inv.noalias()=m_V*m_B;
00167     m_chi.noalias()+=m_Jf_inv*m_tdelta;
00168     updateJacobian();
00169     // m_externalPose-m_internalPose in end effector frame
00170     // this is just to compare the pose, a different formula would work too
00171     return Equal(m_internalPose.Inverse()*m_externalPose,F_identity,m_threshold);
00173 }
00174 }