Blender V2.61 - r43446
Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Functions | Variables

editmesh_tools.c File Reference

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "BLO_sys_types.h"
#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
#include "DNA_modifier_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
#include "DNA_key_types.h"
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "RNA_define.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "BLI_blenlib.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_editVert.h"
#include "BLI_rand.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#include "BLI_linklist.h"
#include "BLI_heap.h"
#include "BLI_scanfill.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_depsgraph.h"
#include "BKE_global.h"
#include "BKE_key.h"
#include "BKE_mesh.h"
#include "BKE_bmesh.h"
#include "BKE_report.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "ED_mesh.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "ED_transform.h"
#include "ED_view3d.h"
#include "ED_object.h"
#include "mesh_intern.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  xvertsort
struct  facesort
struct  Collection
struct  CollectedEdge
struct  wUV
struct  wUVNode
struct  wUVEdge
struct  wUVEdgeCollect
struct  PathNode
struct  PathEdge


#define add_numbut(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)   {}
#define EDGENEW   2
#define FACENEW   2
#define EDGEINNER   4
#define EDGEOLD   8
#define DOUBLEOPFILL   16
#define VTEST(face, num, other)   (face->v##num != other->v1 && face->v##num != other->v2 && face->v##num != other->v3)
#define T2QUV_LIMIT   0.005f
#define T2QCOL_LIMIT   3
#define T2QDELETE   1
#define T2QCOMPLEX   2
#define T2QJOIN   4
#define FACE_MARKCLEAR(f)   (f->f1 = 1)
#define DIRECTION_CW   1
#define DIRECTION_CCW   2
#define AXIS_X   1
#define AXIS_Y   2
#define MERGELIMIT   0.000001


typedef struct xvertsort xvertsort
typedef EditFaceEVPtr
typedef EVPtr EVPTuple [2]
typedef struct Collection Collection
typedef struct CollectedEdge CollectedEdge
typedef struct wUV wUV
typedef struct wUVNode wUVNode
typedef struct wUVEdge wUVEdge
typedef struct wUVEdgeCollect wUVEdgeCollect
typedef struct PathNode PathNode
typedef struct PathEdge PathEdge


static void waitcursor (int UNUSED(val))
static void free_tagged_edges_faces (EditMesh *em, EditEdge *eed, EditFace *efa)
int EdgeLoopDelete (EditMesh *em, wmOperator *op)
static int vergxco (const void *v1, const void *v2)
static int vergface (const void *v1, const void *v2)
static void convert_to_triface (EditMesh *em, int direction)
int removedoublesflag (EditMesh *em, short flag, short automerge, float limit)
static int removedoublesflag_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_remove_doubles (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void xsortvert_flag__doSetX (void *userData, EditVert *UNUSED(eve), int x, int UNUSED(y), int index)
static void xsortvert_flag (bContext *C, int flag)
static int mesh_vertices_sort_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_vertices_sort (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void hashvert_flag (EditMesh *em, int flag)
static int mesh_vertices_randomize_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_vertices_randomize (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void extrude_mesh (Object *obedit, EditMesh *em, wmOperator *op, short type)
static int mesh_extrude_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(event))
static int mesh_extrude_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static EnumPropertyItemmesh_extrude_itemf (bContext *C, PointerRNA *UNUSED(ptr), PropertyRNA *UNUSED(prop), int *free)
void MESH_OT_extrude (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int split_mesh (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_split (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int extrude_repeat_mesh_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static int extrude_repeat_mesh_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(event))
void MESH_OT_extrude_repeat (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int spin_mesh (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, float *dvec, int steps, float degr, int dupli)
static int spin_mesh_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static int spin_mesh_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(event))
void MESH_OT_spin (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int screw_mesh_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static int screw_mesh_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *UNUSED(event))
void MESH_OT_screw (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void erase_edges (EditMesh *em, ListBase *l)
static void erase_faces (EditMesh *em, ListBase *l)
static void erase_vertices (EditMesh *em, ListBase *l)
static void delete_mesh (EditMesh *em, wmOperator *op, int event)
static int delete_mesh_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_delete (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void alter_co (float *co, EditEdge *edge, float smooth, float fractal, int beauty, float perc)
static EditVertsubdivide_edge_addvert (EditMesh *em, EditEdge *edge, float smooth, float fractal, int beauty, float percent)
static void flipvertarray (EditVert **arr, short size)
static void facecopy (EditMesh *em, EditFace *source, EditFace *target)
static void fill_quad_single (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts, int seltype)
static void fill_tri_single (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts, int seltype)
static void fill_quad_double_op (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts)
static void fill_quad_double_adj_path (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts)
static void fill_quad_double_adj_fan (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts)
static void fill_quad_double_adj_inner (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts)
static void fill_tri_double (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts)
static void fill_quad_triple (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts)
static void fill_quad_quadruple (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts, float smooth, float fractal, int beauty)
static void fill_tri_triple (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh, int numcuts, float smooth, float fractal, int beauty)
static void fill_quad_doublevert (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, int v1, int v2)
static void fill_quad_singlevert (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, struct GHash *gh)
static EditVertsubdivideedgenum (EditMesh *em, EditEdge *edge, int curpoint, int totpoint, float smooth, float fractal, int beauty)
void esubdivideflag (Object *obedit, EditMesh *em, int flag, float smooth, float fractal, int beauty, int numcuts, int corner_pattern, int seltype)
static int count_selected_edges (EditEdge *ed)
static int collect_quadedges (EVPTuple *efaa, EditEdge *eed, EditFace *efa)
static void givequadverts (EditFace *efa, EditFace *efa1, EditVert **v1, EditVert **v2, EditVert **v3, EditVert **v4, int *vindex)
static void untag_edges (EditFace *f)
static float measure_facepair (EditVert *v1, EditVert *v2, EditVert *v3, EditVert *v4, float limit)
static int compareFaceAttribs (EditMesh *em, EditFace *f1, EditFace *f2, EditEdge *eed)
static int fplcmp (const void *v1, const void *v2)
void join_triangles (EditMesh *em)
static void edge_flip (EditMesh *em)
static void edge_rotate (EditMesh *em, wmOperator *op, EditEdge *eed, int dir)
static int edge_rotate_selected (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_edge_rotate (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void UNUSED_FUNCTION() bevel_menu (EditMesh *em)
short sharesFace (EditMesh *em, EditEdge *e1, EditEdge *e2)
int EdgeLoopDelete (EditMesh *UNUSED(em), wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
static float mesh_rip_edgedist (ARegion *ar, float mat[][4], float *co1, float *co2, const int mval[2])
static void mesh_rip_setface (EditMesh *em, EditFace *sefa)
static int mesh_rip_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event)
void MESH_OT_rip (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void shape_propagate (Object *obedit, EditMesh *em, wmOperator *op)
static int shape_propagate_to_all_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_shape_propagate_to_all (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int blend_from_shape_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static EnumPropertyItemshape_itemf (bContext *C, PointerRNA *UNUSED(ptr), PropertyRNA *UNUSED(prop), int *free)
void MESH_OT_blend_from_shape (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void build_edgecollection (EditMesh *em, ListBase *allcollections)
static void freecollections (ListBase *allcollections)
static void append_weldedUV (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, EditVert *eve, int tfindex, ListBase *uvverts)
static void build_weldedUVs (EditMesh *em, ListBase *uvverts)
static void append_weldedUVEdge (EditMesh *em, EditFace *efa, EditEdge *eed, ListBase *uvedges)
static void build_weldedUVEdges (EditMesh *em, ListBase *uvedges, ListBase *uvverts)
static void free_weldedUVs (ListBase *uvverts)
static void collapse_edgeuvs (EditMesh *em)
static void collapseuvs (EditMesh *em, EditVert *mergevert)
static int collapseEdges (EditMesh *em)
static int merge_firstlast (EditMesh *em, int first, int uvmerge)
static void em_snap_to_center (EditMesh *em)
static void em_snap_to_cursor (EditMesh *em, bContext *C)
static int merge_target (bContext *C, EditMesh *em, int target, int uvmerge)
static int merge_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static EnumPropertyItemmerge_type_itemf (bContext *C, PointerRNA *UNUSED(ptr), PropertyRNA *UNUSED(prop), int *free)
void MESH_OT_merge (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int select_vertex_path_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_select_vertex_path (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int region_to_loop (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_region_to_loop (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int validate_loop (EditMesh *em, Collection *edgecollection)
static int loop_bisect (EditMesh *em, Collection *edgecollection)
static int loop_to_region (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_loop_to_region (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int mesh_rotate_uvs (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static int mesh_mirror_uvs (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static int mesh_rotate_colors (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static int mesh_mirror_colors (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_uvs_rotate (wmOperatorType *ot)
void MESH_OT_uvs_mirror (wmOperatorType *ot)
void MESH_OT_colors_rotate (wmOperatorType *ot)
void MESH_OT_colors_mirror (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int subdivide_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_subdivide (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void beautify_fill (EditMesh *em)
static void fill_mesh (EditMesh *em)
static int fill_mesh_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_fill (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int beautify_fill_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_beautify_fill (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void permutate (void *list, int num, int size, int *index)
static int float_sort (const void *v1, const void *v2)
static int sort_faces_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_sort_faces (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int quads_convert_to_tris_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_quads_convert_to_tris (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int tris_convert_to_quads_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_tris_convert_to_quads (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int edge_flip_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_edge_flip (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void mesh_set_smooth_faces (EditMesh *em, short smooth)
static int mesh_faces_shade_smooth_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_faces_shade_smooth (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int mesh_faces_shade_flat_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void MESH_OT_faces_shade_flat (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int select_axis_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
void MESH_OT_select_axis (wmOperatorType *ot)


EnumPropertyItem corner_type_items []
static EnumPropertyItem extrude_items []
static EnumPropertyItem prop_mesh_delete_types []
static const EnumPropertyItem direction_items []
static const EnumPropertyItem axis_items_xy []
static EnumPropertyItem merge_type_items []
static float * face_sort_floats

Detailed Description

Definition in file editmesh_tools.c.

Define Documentation

#define add_numbut (   a,
)    {}

Definition at line 90 of file editmesh_tools.c.

#define AXIS_X   1

Definition at line 3597 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by ntlTree::ntlTree().

#define AXIS_Y   2

Definition at line 3598 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by mesh_mirror_colors(), and mesh_mirror_uvs().

#define DIRECTION_CCW   2

Definition at line 3590 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by edge_rotate(), mesh_rotate_colors(), and mesh_rotate_uvs().

#define DIRECTION_CW   1
#define DOUBLEOPFILL   16

Definition at line 1456 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by esubdivideflag(), and fill_quad_double_op().

#define EDGEINNER   4
#define EDGENEW   2
#define EDGEOLD   8

Definition at line 1453 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by esubdivideflag().

#define FACE_MARKCLEAR (   f)    (f->f1 = 1)

Definition at line 3496 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by edge_flip().

#define FACENEW   2

Definition at line 1451 of file editmesh_tools.c.

#define MERGELIMIT   0.000001

Definition at line 4514 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by collapseEdges(), merge_firstlast(), and merge_target().


Definition at line 5226 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by MESH_OT_select_vertex_path(), and select_vertex_path_exec().


Definition at line 5227 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by MESH_OT_select_vertex_path().

#define T2QCOL_LIMIT   3

Definition at line 3260 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by compareFaceAttribs().

#define T2QCOMPLEX   2

Definition at line 3336 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by join_triangles().

#define T2QDELETE   1

Definition at line 3335 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by join_triangles().

#define T2QJOIN   4

Definition at line 3337 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by join_triangles().

#define T2QUV_LIMIT   0.005f

Definition at line 3259 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by compareFaceAttribs().

#define VTEST (   face,
)    (face->v##num != other->v1 && face->v##num != other->v2 && face->v##num != other->v3)

Definition at line 3114 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by givequadverts().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct CollectedEdge CollectedEdge
typedef struct Collection Collection
typedef EditFace* EVPtr

Definition at line 3026 of file editmesh_tools.c.

typedef EVPtr EVPTuple[2]

Definition at line 3027 of file editmesh_tools.c.

typedef struct PathEdge PathEdge
typedef struct PathNode PathNode
typedef struct wUV wUV
typedef struct wUVEdge wUVEdge
typedef struct wUVNode wUVNode
typedef struct xvertsort xvertsort

Function Documentation

static void alter_co ( float *  co,
EditEdge edge,
float  smooth,
float  fractal,
int  beauty,
float  perc 
) [static]
static void append_weldedUV ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
EditVert eve,
int  tfindex,
ListBase uvverts 
) [static]
static void append_weldedUVEdge ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
EditEdge eed,
ListBase uvedges 
) [static]
static void beautify_fill ( EditMesh em) [static]
static int beautify_fill_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static void UNUSED_FUNCTION() bevel_menu ( EditMesh em) [static]
static int blend_from_shape_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static void build_edgecollection ( EditMesh em,
ListBase allcollections 
) [static]
static void build_weldedUVEdges ( EditMesh em,
ListBase uvedges,
ListBase uvverts 
) [static]
static void build_weldedUVs ( EditMesh em,
ListBase uvverts 
) [static]
static void collapse_edgeuvs ( EditMesh em) [static]
static int collapseEdges ( EditMesh em) [static]
static void collapseuvs ( EditMesh em,
EditVert mergevert 
) [static]
static int collect_quadedges ( EVPTuple efaa,
EditEdge eed,
EditFace efa 
) [static]

builds EVPTuple array efaa of face tuples (in fact pointers to EditFaces) sharing one edge. arguments: selected edge list, face list. Edges will also be tagged accordingly (see eed->f2)

Definition at line 3034 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References EditFace::e1, EditFace::e2, EditFace::e3, EditFace::e4, EditEdge::f, EditFace::f, EditFace::f1, EditEdge::f1, EditEdge::f2, i, EditEdge::next, EditFace::next, NULL, EditEdge::p, SELECT, EditEdge::tmp, and EditFace::v4.

Referenced by beautify_fill(), edge_flip(), and join_triangles().

static int compareFaceAttribs ( EditMesh em,
EditFace f1,
EditFace f2,
EditEdge eed 
) [static]
static void convert_to_triface ( EditMesh em,
int  direction 
) [static]
static int count_selected_edges ( EditEdge ed) [static]

Definition at line 3014 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References EditEdge::f, EditEdge::next, EditEdge::p, SELECT, and EditEdge::tmp.

Referenced by beautify_fill(), edge_flip(), and join_triangles().

static void delete_mesh ( EditMesh em,
wmOperator op,
int  event 
) [static]
static int delete_mesh_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static void edge_flip ( EditMesh em) [static]
static int edge_flip_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static void edge_rotate ( EditMesh em,
wmOperator op,
EditEdge eed,
int  dir 
) [static]
static int edge_rotate_selected ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
int EdgeLoopDelete ( EditMesh UNUSEDem,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
int EdgeLoopDelete ( EditMesh em,
wmOperator op 

Referenced by delete_mesh().

static void em_snap_to_center ( EditMesh em) [static]
static void em_snap_to_cursor ( EditMesh em,
bContext C 
) [static]
static void erase_edges ( EditMesh em,
ListBase l 
) [static]
static void erase_faces ( EditMesh em,
ListBase l 
) [static]
static void erase_vertices ( EditMesh em,
ListBase l 
) [static]

Definition at line 1241 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References BLI_remlink(), EditVert::f, ListBase::first, free_editvert(), and EditVert::next.

Referenced by delete_mesh().

void esubdivideflag ( Object obedit,
EditMesh em,
int  flag,
float  smooth,
float  fractal,
int  beauty,
int  numcuts,
int  corner_pattern,
int  seltype 

Definition at line 2643 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References addedgelist(), B_BEAUTY, B_BEAUTY_SHORT, B_KNIFE, BLI_ghash_free(), BLI_ghash_haskey(), BLI_ghash_insert(), BLI_ghash_new(), BLI_ghashutil_ptrcmp(), BLI_ghashutil_ptrhash(), EditVert::co, DOUBLEOPFILL, EditFace::e1, EditFace::e2, EditFace::e3, EditFace::e4, EDGEINNER, EDGENEW, EDGEOLD, EditMesh::edges, EM_select_edge(), EM_selectmode_flush(), eModifierMode_Realtime, eModifierType_Mirror, EditEdge::f, EditVert::f, EditFace::f, EditFace::f1, EditVert::f1, EditEdge::f1, EditVert::f2, EditEdge::f2, fabsf, EditMesh::faces, fill_quad_double_adj_fan(), fill_quad_double_adj_inner(), fill_quad_double_adj_path(), fill_quad_double_op(), fill_quad_doublevert(), fill_quad_quadruple(), fill_quad_single(), fill_quad_singlevert(), fill_quad_triple(), fill_tri_double(), fill_tri_single(), fill_tri_triple(), ListBase::first, MirrorModifierData::flag, EditEdge::fp, free_tagged_edges_faces(), EditEdge::h, EditVert::h, EditFace::h, i, if(), len_v3v3(), length(), MEM_freeN(), MEM_mallocN(), MOD_MIR_AXIS_X, MOD_MIR_AXIS_Y, MOD_MIR_AXIS_Z, MOD_MIR_CLIPPING, ModifierData::mode, Object::modifiers, mul_mat3_m4_v3(), ModifierData::next, EditEdge::next, EditFace::next, EditVert::next, NULL, Object::obmat, recalc_editnormals(), SCE_SELECT_VERTEX, SELECT, EditMesh::selectmode, sort(), SUBDIV_SELECT_INNER, SUBDIV_SELECT_INNER_SEL, SUBDIV_SELECT_LOOPCUT, SUBDIV_SELECT_ORIG, subdivideedgenum(), EditEdge::tmp, MirrorModifierData::tolerance, ModifierData::type, EditFace::v1, EditEdge::v1, EditFace::v2, EditEdge::v2, EditFace::v3, EditFace::v4, VECCOPY, and EditMesh::verts.

Referenced by knife_cut_exec(), make_prim(), ringsel_finish(), and subdivide_exec().

static void extrude_mesh ( Object obedit,
EditMesh em,
wmOperator op,
short  type 
) [static]
static int extrude_repeat_mesh_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int extrude_repeat_mesh_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
wmEvent UNUSEDevent 
) [static]
static void facecopy ( EditMesh em,
EditFace source,
EditFace target 
) [static]
static void fill_mesh ( EditMesh em) [static]
static int fill_mesh_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_double_adj_fan ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_double_adj_inner ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_double_adj_path ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_double_op ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_doublevert ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
int  v1,
int  v2 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_quadruple ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts,
float  smooth,
float  fractal,
int  beauty 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_single ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts,
int  seltype 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_singlevert ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh 
) [static]
static void fill_quad_triple ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts 
) [static]
static void fill_tri_double ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts 
) [static]
static void fill_tri_single ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts,
int  seltype 
) [static]
static void fill_tri_triple ( EditMesh em,
EditFace efa,
struct GHash gh,
int  numcuts,
float  smooth,
float  fractal,
int  beauty 
) [static]
static void flipvertarray ( EditVert **  arr,
short  size 
) [static]
static int float_sort ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 
) [static]

Definition at line 6377 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by sort_faces_exec().

static int fplcmp ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 
) [static]

Definition at line 3324 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References EditEdge::crease.

Referenced by join_triangles().

static void free_tagged_edges_faces ( EditMesh em,
EditEdge eed,
EditFace efa 
) [static]
static void free_weldedUVs ( ListBase uvverts) [static]

Definition at line 4748 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References BLI_freelistN(), ListBase::first, wUV::next, and wUV::nodes.

Referenced by collapse_edgeuvs().

static void freecollections ( ListBase allcollections) [static]
static void givequadverts ( EditFace efa,
EditFace efa1,
EditVert **  v1,
EditVert **  v2,
EditVert **  v3,
EditVert **  v4,
int *  vindex 
) [static]

Definition at line 3117 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References NULL, EditFace::v1, EditFace::v2, EditFace::v3, and VTEST.

Referenced by beautify_fill(), edge_flip(), and join_triangles().

static void hashvert_flag ( EditMesh em,
int  flag 
) [static]
void join_triangles ( EditMesh em)
static int loop_bisect ( EditMesh em,
Collection edgecollection 
) [static]
static int loop_to_region ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static float measure_facepair ( EditVert v1,
EditVert v2,
EditVert v3,
EditVert v4,
float  limit 
) [static]
static int merge_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int merge_firstlast ( EditMesh em,
int  first,
int  uvmerge 
) [static]
static int merge_target ( bContext C,
EditMesh em,
int  target,
int  uvmerge 
) [static]
static EnumPropertyItem* merge_type_itemf ( bContext C,
PointerRNA UNUSEDptr,
PropertyRNA UNUSEDprop,
int *  free 
) [static]
static int mesh_extrude_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int mesh_extrude_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
wmEvent UNUSEDevent 
) [static]
static EnumPropertyItem* mesh_extrude_itemf ( bContext C,
PointerRNA UNUSEDptr,
PropertyRNA UNUSEDprop,
int *  free 
) [static]
static int mesh_faces_shade_flat_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int mesh_faces_shade_smooth_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int mesh_mirror_colors ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int mesh_mirror_uvs ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
void MESH_OT_beautify_fill ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_blend_from_shape ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_colors_mirror ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_colors_rotate ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_delete ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_edge_flip ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_edge_rotate ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_extrude ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_extrude_repeat ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_faces_shade_flat ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_faces_shade_smooth ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_fill ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_loop_to_region ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_merge ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_quads_convert_to_tris ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_region_to_loop ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_remove_doubles ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_rip ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_screw ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_select_axis ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_select_vertex_path ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_shape_propagate_to_all ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_sort_faces ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_spin ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_split ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_subdivide ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_tris_convert_to_quads ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_uvs_mirror ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_uvs_rotate ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_vertices_randomize ( wmOperatorType ot)
void MESH_OT_vertices_sort ( wmOperatorType ot)
static float mesh_rip_edgedist ( ARegion ar,
float  mat[][4],
float *  co1,
float *  co2,
const int  mval[2] 
) [static]

Definition at line 4044 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References dist_to_line_segment_v2(), and ED_view3d_project_float().

Referenced by mesh_rip_invoke().

static int mesh_rip_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
wmEvent event 
) [static]
static void mesh_rip_setface ( EditMesh em,
EditFace sefa 
) [static]
static int mesh_rotate_colors ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int mesh_rotate_uvs ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static void mesh_set_smooth_faces ( EditMesh em,
short  smooth 
) [static]
static int mesh_vertices_randomize_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int mesh_vertices_sort_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]

Definition at line 571 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References OPERATOR_FINISHED, SELECT, and xsortvert_flag().

Referenced by MESH_OT_vertices_sort().

static void permutate ( void *  list,
int  num,
int  size,
int *  index 
) [static]

Definition at line 6358 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References i, len(), MEM_freeN(), MEM_mallocN(), and size().

Referenced by sort_faces_exec().

static int quads_convert_to_tris_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int region_to_loop ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
int removedoublesflag ( EditMesh em,
short  flag,
short  automerge,
float  limit 
static int removedoublesflag_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int screw_mesh_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int screw_mesh_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
wmEvent UNUSEDevent 
) [static]
static int select_axis_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int select_vertex_path_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static EnumPropertyItem* shape_itemf ( bContext C,
PointerRNA UNUSEDptr,
PropertyRNA UNUSEDprop,
int *  free 
) [static]

Definition at line 4440 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References CTX_data_edit_object(), Object::data, and NULL.

Referenced by MESH_OT_blend_from_shape().

static void shape_propagate ( Object obedit,
EditMesh em,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int shape_propagate_to_all_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
short sharesFace ( EditMesh em,
EditEdge e1,
EditEdge e2 
static int sort_faces_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int spin_mesh ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
float *  dvec,
int  steps,
float  degr,
int  dupli 
) [static]
static int spin_mesh_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int spin_mesh_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
wmEvent UNUSEDevent 
) [static]
static int split_mesh ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static EditVert* subdivide_edge_addvert ( EditMesh em,
EditEdge edge,
float  smooth,
float  fractal,
int  beauty,
float  percent 
) [static]
static int subdivide_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static EditVert* subdivideedgenum ( EditMesh em,
EditEdge edge,
int  curpoint,
int  totpoint,
float  smooth,
float  fractal,
int  beauty 
) [static]
static int tris_convert_to_quads_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static void untag_edges ( EditFace f) [static]

Definition at line 3161 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References EditFace::e1, EditFace::e2, EditFace::e3, EditFace::e4, and EditEdge::f1.

Referenced by free_tagged_edges_faces().

static int validate_loop ( EditMesh em,
Collection edgecollection 
) [static]
static int vergface ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 
) [static]

Definition at line 130 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References facesort::x.

Referenced by removedoublesflag().

static int vergxco ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 
) [static]

Definition at line 115 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References xvertsort::x.

Referenced by removedoublesflag(), and xsortvert_flag().

static void waitcursor ( int   UNUSEDval) [static]

Definition at line 89 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by fill_mesh(), and join_triangles().

static void xsortvert_flag ( bContext C,
int  flag 
) [static]
static void xsortvert_flag__doSetX ( void *  userData,
EditVert UNUSEDeve,
int  x,
int   UNUSEDy,
int  index 
) [static]

Definition at line 525 of file editmesh_tools.c.

References xvertsort::x.

Referenced by xsortvert_flag().

Variable Documentation

const EnumPropertyItem axis_items_xy[] [static]
Initial value:
    {AXIS_X, "X", 0, "X", ""},
    {AXIS_Y, "Y", 0, "Y", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}}

Definition at line 3600 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Initial value:
    {SUBDIV_CORNER_PATH,  "PATH", 0, "Path", ""},
    {SUBDIV_CORNER_INNERVERT,  "INNER_VERTEX", 0, "Inner Vertex", ""},
    {SUBDIV_CORNER_FAN,  "FAN",  0, "Fan", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}}

Definition at line 96 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Initial value:
    {DIRECTION_CW, "CW", 0, "Clockwise", ""},
    {DIRECTION_CCW, "CCW", 0, "Counter Clockwise", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}}

Definition at line 3592 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by ARMATURE_OT_select_hierarchy(), CURVE_OT_cyclic_toggle(), POSE_OT_select_hierarchy(), and uv_transform_properties().

Initial value:
        {1, "REGION", 0, "Region", ""},
        {2, "FACES", 0, "Individual Faces", ""},
        {3, "EDGES", 0, "Only Edges", ""},
        {4, "VERTS", 0, "Only Vertices", ""},
        {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}}

Definition at line 756 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by mesh_extrude_itemf().

float* face_sort_floats [static]

Definition at line 6376 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Initial value:
    {6, "FIRST", 0, "At First", ""},
    {1, "LAST", 0, "At Last", ""},
    {3, "CENTER", 0, "At Center", ""},
    {4, "CURSOR", 0, "At Cursor", ""},
    {5, "COLLAPSE", 0, "Collapse", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}}

Definition at line 5144 of file editmesh_tools.c.

Referenced by merge_type_itemf().

Initial value:
    {10,"VERT",     0, "Vertices", ""},
    {1, "EDGE",     0, "Edges", ""},
    {2, "FACE",     0, "Faces", ""},
    {3, "ALL",      0, "All", ""},
    {4, "EDGE_FACE",0, "Edges & Faces", ""},
    {5, "ONLY_FACE",0, "Only Faces", ""},
    {6, "EDGE_LOOP",0, "Edge Loop", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 1396 of file editmesh_tools.c.