Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006 by Blender Foundation
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * The Original Code is: all of this file.
00022  *
00023  * Contributor(s): none yet.
00024  *
00025  * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00026  */
00032 #ifndef RE_SHADER_EXT_H
00033 #define RE_SHADER_EXT_H
00035 /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
00036 /* this include is for shading and texture exports            */
00037 /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
00039 /* localized texture result data */
00040 /* note; tr tg tb ta has to remain in this order */
00041 typedef struct TexResult {
00042     float tin, tr, tg, tb, ta;
00043     int talpha;
00044     float *nor;
00045 } TexResult;
00047 /* localized shade result data */
00048 typedef struct ShadeResult 
00049 {
00050     float combined[4];
00051     float col[4];
00052     float alpha, mist, z;
00053     float emit[3];
00054     float diff[3];      /* no ramps, shadow, etc */
00055     float spec[3];
00056     float shad[4];      /* shad[3] is shadow intensity */
00057     float ao[3];
00058     float env[3];
00059     float indirect[3];
00060     float refl[3];
00061     float refr[3];
00062     float nor[3];
00063     float winspeed[4];
00064     float rayhits[4];
00065 } ShadeResult;
00067 /* only here for quick copy */
00068 struct ShadeInputCopy {
00070     struct Material *mat;
00071     struct VlakRen *vlr;
00072     struct StrandRen *strand;
00073     struct ObjectInstanceRen *obi;
00074     struct ObjectRen *obr;
00075     int facenr;
00076     float facenor[3];               /* copy from face */
00077     short flippednor;               /* is facenor flipped? */
00078     struct VertRen *v1, *v2, *v3;   /* vertices can be in any order for quads... */
00079     short i1, i2, i3;               /* original vertex indices */
00080     short puno;
00081     short osatex;
00082     float vn[3], vno[3];            /* actual render normal, and a copy to restore it */
00083     float n1[3], n2[3], n3[3];      /* vertex normals, corrected */
00084     int mode;                       /* base material mode (OR-ed result of entire node tree) */
00085 };
00087 typedef struct ShadeInputUV {
00088     float dxuv[3], dyuv[3], uv[3];
00089     char *name;
00090 } ShadeInputUV;
00092 typedef struct ShadeInputCol {
00093     float col[4];
00094     char *name;
00095 } ShadeInputCol;
00097 /* localized renderloop data */
00098 typedef struct ShadeInput
00099 {
00100     /* copy from face, also to extract tria from quad */
00101     /* note it mirrors a struct above for quick copy */
00103     struct Material *mat;
00104     struct VlakRen *vlr;
00105     struct StrandRen *strand;
00106     struct ObjectInstanceRen *obi;
00107     struct ObjectRen *obr;
00108     int facenr;
00109     float facenor[3];               /* copy from face */
00110     short flippednor;               /* is facenor flipped? */
00111     struct VertRen *v1, *v2, *v3;   /* vertices can be in any order for quads... */
00112     short i1, i2, i3;               /* original vertex indices */
00113     short puno;
00114     short osatex;
00115     float vn[3], vno[3];            /* actual render normal, and a copy to restore it */
00116     float n1[3], n2[3], n3[3];      /* vertex normals, corrected */
00117     int mode;                       /* base material mode (OR-ed result of entire node tree) */
00119     /* internal face coordinates */
00120     float u, v, dx_u, dx_v, dy_u, dy_v;
00121     float co[3], view[3], camera_co[3];
00123     /* copy from material, keep synced so we can do memcopy */
00124     /* current size: 23*4 */
00125     float r, g, b;
00126     float specr, specg, specb;
00127     float mirr, mirg, mirb;
00128     float ambr, ambb, ambg;
00130     float amb, emit, ang, spectra, ray_mirror;
00131     float alpha, refl, spec, zoffs, add;
00132     float translucency;
00133     /* end direct copy from material */
00135     /* individual copies: */
00136     int har; /* hardness */
00138     /* texture coordinates */
00139     float lo[3], gl[3], ref[3], orn[3], winco[3], sticky[3], vcol[4];
00140     float refcol[4], displace[3];
00141     float strandco, tang[3], nmapnorm[3], nmaptang[4], stress, winspeed[4];
00142     float duplilo[3], dupliuv[3];
00144     ShadeInputUV uv[8];   /* 8 = MAX_MTFACE */
00145     ShadeInputCol col[8]; /* 8 = MAX_MCOL */
00146     int totuv, totcol, actuv, actcol;
00148     /* dx/dy OSA coordinates */
00149     float dxco[3], dyco[3];
00150     float dxlo[3], dylo[3], dxgl[3], dygl[3];
00151     float dxref[3], dyref[3], dxorn[3], dyorn[3];
00152     float dxno[3], dyno[3], dxview, dyview;
00153     float dxlv[3], dylv[3];
00154     float dxwin[3], dywin[3];
00155     float dxsticky[3], dysticky[3];
00156     float dxrefract[3], dyrefract[3];
00157     float dxstrand, dystrand;
00159     /* AO is a pre-process now */
00160     float ao[3], indirect[3], env[3];
00162     int xs, ys;             /* pixel to be rendered */
00163     int mask;               /* subsample mask */
00164     float scanco[3];        /* original scanline coordinate without jitter */
00166     int samplenr;           /* sample counter, to detect if we should do shadow again */
00167     int depth;              /* 1 or larger on raytrace shading */
00168     int volume_depth;       /* number of intersections through volumes */
00170     /* for strand shading, normal at the surface */
00171     float surfnor[3], surfdist;
00173     /* from initialize, part or renderlayer */
00174     short do_preview;       /* for nodes, in previewrender */
00175     short do_manage;        /* color management flag */
00176     short thread, sample;   /* sample: ShadeSample array index */
00177     short nodes;            /* indicate node shading, temp hack to prevent recursion */
00179     unsigned int lay;
00180     int layflag, passflag, combinedflag;
00181     struct Group *light_override;
00182     struct Material *mat_override;
00184 #ifdef RE_RAYCOUNTER
00185     RayCounter raycounter;
00186 #endif
00188 } ShadeInput;
00191 /* node shaders... */
00192 struct Tex;
00193 struct MTex;
00194 struct ImBuf;
00196 /* this one uses nodes */
00197 int multitex_ext(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, float *dxt, float *dyt, int osatex, struct TexResult *texres);
00198 /* nodes disabled */
00199 int multitex_ext_safe(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, struct TexResult *texres);
00200 /* only for internal node usage */
00201 int multitex_nodes(struct Tex *tex, float *texvec, float *dxt, float *dyt, int osatex, struct TexResult *texres,
00202     short thread, short which_output, struct ShadeInput *shi, struct MTex *mtex);
00204 /* shaded view and bake */
00205 struct Render;
00206 struct Image;
00207 struct Object;
00209 int RE_bake_shade_all_selected(struct Render *re, int type, struct Object *actob, short *do_update, float *progress);
00210 struct Image *RE_bake_shade_get_image(void);
00211 void RE_bake_ibuf_filter(struct ImBuf *ibuf, char *mask, const int filter);
00213 #endif /* RE_SHADER_EXT_H */