Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 This source file is part of VideoTexture library
00005 Copyright (c) 2007 The Zdeno Ash Miklas
00007 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
00008 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
00009 Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
00010 version.
00012 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00013 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
00014 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
00017 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
00018 Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to
00020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 */
00027 // implementation
00029 #include <PyObjectPlus.h>
00030 #include <structmember.h>
00031 #include <float.h>
00032 #include <math.h>
00035 #include "GL/glew.h"
00037 #include "KX_PythonInit.h"
00038 #include "DNA_scene_types.h"
00039 #include "RAS_CameraData.h"
00040 #include "RAS_MeshObject.h"
00041 #include "BLI_math.h"
00043 #include "ImageRender.h"
00044 #include "ImageBase.h"
00045 #include "BlendType.h"
00046 #include "Exception.h"
00047 #include "Texture.h"
00049 ExceptionID SceneInvalid, CameraInvalid, ObserverInvalid;
00050 ExceptionID MirrorInvalid, MirrorSizeInvalid, MirrorNormalInvalid, MirrorHorizontal, MirrorTooSmall;
00051 ExpDesc SceneInvalidDesc (SceneInvalid, "Scene object is invalid");
00052 ExpDesc CameraInvalidDesc (CameraInvalid, "Camera object is invalid");
00053 ExpDesc ObserverInvalidDesc (ObserverInvalid, "Observer object is invalid");
00054 ExpDesc MirrorInvalidDesc (MirrorInvalid, "Mirror object is invalid");
00055 ExpDesc MirrorSizeInvalidDesc (MirrorSizeInvalid, "Mirror has no vertex or no size");
00056 ExpDesc MirrorNormalInvalidDesc (MirrorNormalInvalid, "Cannot determine mirror plane");
00057 ExpDesc MirrorHorizontalDesc (MirrorHorizontal, "Mirror is horizontal in local space");
00058 ExpDesc MirrorTooSmallDesc (MirrorTooSmall, "Mirror is too small");
00060 // constructor
00061 ImageRender::ImageRender (KX_Scene * scene, KX_Camera * camera) : 
00062     ImageViewport(),
00063     m_render(true),
00064     m_scene(scene),
00065     m_camera(camera),
00066     m_owncamera(false),
00067     m_observer(NULL),
00068     m_mirror(NULL),
00069     m_clip(100.f)
00070 {
00071     // initialize background color
00072     setBackground(0, 0, 255, 255);
00073     // retrieve rendering objects
00074     m_engine = KX_GetActiveEngine();
00075     m_rasterizer = m_engine->GetRasterizer();
00076     m_canvas = m_engine->GetCanvas();
00077     m_rendertools = m_engine->GetRenderTools();
00078 }
00080 // destructor
00081 ImageRender::~ImageRender (void)
00082 {
00083     if (m_owncamera)
00084         m_camera->Release();
00085 }
00088 // set background color
00089 void ImageRender::setBackground (int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
00090 {
00091     m_background[0] = (red < 0) ? 0.f : (red > 255) ? 1.f : float(red)/255.f;
00092     m_background[1] = (green < 0) ? 0.f : (green > 255) ? 1.f : float(green)/255.f;
00093     m_background[2] = (blue < 0) ? 0.f : (blue > 255) ? 1.f : float(blue)/255.f;
00094     m_background[3] = (alpha < 0) ? 0.f : (alpha > 255) ? 1.f : float(alpha)/255.f;
00095 }
00098 // capture image from viewport
00099 void ImageRender::calcImage (unsigned int texId, double ts)
00100 {
00101     if (m_rasterizer->GetDrawingMode() != RAS_IRasterizer::KX_TEXTURED ||   // no need for texture
00102             m_camera->GetViewport() ||        // camera must be inactive
00103             m_camera == m_scene->GetActiveCamera())
00104     {
00105         // no need to compute texture in non texture rendering
00106         m_avail = false;
00107         return;
00108     }
00109     // render the scene from the camera
00110     Render();
00111     // get image from viewport
00112     ImageViewport::calcImage(texId, ts);
00113     // restore OpenGL state
00114     m_canvas->EndFrame();
00115 }
00117 void ImageRender::Render()
00118 {
00119     RAS_FrameFrustum frustrum;
00121     if (!m_render)
00122         return;
00124     if (m_mirror)
00125     {
00126         // mirror mode, compute camera frustrum, position and orientation
00127         // convert mirror position and normal in world space
00128         const MT_Matrix3x3 & mirrorObjWorldOri = m_mirror->GetSGNode()->GetWorldOrientation();
00129         const MT_Point3 & mirrorObjWorldPos = m_mirror->GetSGNode()->GetWorldPosition();
00130         const MT_Vector3 & mirrorObjWorldScale = m_mirror->GetSGNode()->GetWorldScaling();
00131         MT_Point3 mirrorWorldPos =
00132                 mirrorObjWorldPos + mirrorObjWorldScale * (mirrorObjWorldOri * m_mirrorPos);
00133         MT_Vector3 mirrorWorldZ = mirrorObjWorldOri * m_mirrorZ;
00134         // get observer world position
00135         const MT_Point3 & observerWorldPos = m_observer->GetSGNode()->GetWorldPosition();
00136         // get plane D term = mirrorPos . normal
00137         MT_Scalar mirrorPlaneDTerm =;
00138         // compute distance of observer to mirror = D - observerPos . normal
00139         MT_Scalar observerDistance = mirrorPlaneDTerm -;
00140         // if distance < 0.01 => observer is on wrong side of mirror, don't render
00141         if (observerDistance < 0.01f)
00142             return;
00143         // set camera world position = observerPos + normal * 2 * distance
00144         MT_Point3 cameraWorldPos = observerWorldPos + (MT_Scalar(2.0)*observerDistance)*mirrorWorldZ;
00145         m_camera->GetSGNode()->SetLocalPosition(cameraWorldPos);
00146         // set camera orientation: z=normal, y=mirror_up in world space, x= y x z
00147         MT_Vector3 mirrorWorldY = mirrorObjWorldOri * m_mirrorY;
00148         MT_Vector3 mirrorWorldX = mirrorObjWorldOri * m_mirrorX;
00149         MT_Matrix3x3 cameraWorldOri(
00150                     mirrorWorldX[0], mirrorWorldY[0], mirrorWorldZ[0],
00151                     mirrorWorldX[1], mirrorWorldY[1], mirrorWorldZ[1],
00152                     mirrorWorldX[2], mirrorWorldY[2], mirrorWorldZ[2]);
00153         m_camera->GetSGNode()->SetLocalOrientation(cameraWorldOri);
00154         m_camera->GetSGNode()->UpdateWorldData(0.0);
00155         // compute camera frustrum:
00156         //   get position of mirror relative to camera: offset = mirrorPos-cameraPos
00157         MT_Vector3 mirrorOffset = mirrorWorldPos - cameraWorldPos;
00158         //   convert to camera orientation
00159         mirrorOffset = mirrorOffset * cameraWorldOri;
00160         //   scale mirror size to world scale:
00161         //     get closest local axis for mirror Y and X axis and scale height and width by local axis scale
00162         MT_Scalar x, y;
00163         x = fabs(m_mirrorY[0]);
00164         y = fabs(m_mirrorY[1]);
00165         float height = (x > y) ?
00166                     ((x > fabs(m_mirrorY[2])) ? mirrorObjWorldScale[0] : mirrorObjWorldScale[2]):
00167                     ((y > fabs(m_mirrorY[2])) ? mirrorObjWorldScale[1] : mirrorObjWorldScale[2]);
00168         x = fabs(m_mirrorX[0]);
00169         y = fabs(m_mirrorX[1]);
00170         float width = (x > y) ?
00171                     ((x > fabs(m_mirrorX[2])) ? mirrorObjWorldScale[0] : mirrorObjWorldScale[2]):
00172                     ((y > fabs(m_mirrorX[2])) ? mirrorObjWorldScale[1] : mirrorObjWorldScale[2]);
00173         width *= m_mirrorHalfWidth;
00174         height *= m_mirrorHalfHeight;
00175         //   left = offsetx-width
00176         //   right = offsetx+width
00177         //   top = offsety+height
00178         //   bottom = offsety-height
00179         //   near = -offsetz
00180         //   far = near+100
00181         frustrum.x1 = mirrorOffset[0]-width;
00182         frustrum.x2 = mirrorOffset[0]+width;
00183         frustrum.y1 = mirrorOffset[1]-height;
00184         frustrum.y2 = mirrorOffset[1]+height;
00185         frustrum.camnear = -mirrorOffset[2];
00186         frustrum.camfar = -mirrorOffset[2]+m_clip;
00187     }
00188     // Store settings to be restored later
00189     const RAS_IRasterizer::StereoMode stereomode = m_rasterizer->GetStereoMode();
00190     RAS_Rect area = m_canvas->GetWindowArea();
00192     // The screen area that ImageViewport will copy is also the rendering zone
00193     m_canvas->SetViewPort(m_position[0], m_position[1], m_position[0]+m_capSize[0]-1, m_position[1]+m_capSize[1]-1);
00194     m_canvas->ClearColor(m_background[0], m_background[1], m_background[2], m_background[3]);
00195     m_canvas->ClearBuffer(RAS_ICanvas::COLOR_BUFFER|RAS_ICanvas::DEPTH_BUFFER);
00196     m_rasterizer->BeginFrame(RAS_IRasterizer::KX_TEXTURED,m_engine->GetClockTime());
00197     m_rendertools->BeginFrame(m_rasterizer);
00198     m_engine->SetWorldSettings(m_scene->GetWorldInfo());
00199     m_rendertools->SetAuxilaryClientInfo(m_scene);
00200     m_rasterizer->DisplayFog();
00201     // matrix calculation, don't apply any of the stereo mode
00202     m_rasterizer->SetStereoMode(RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_STEREO_NOSTEREO);
00203     if (m_mirror)
00204     {
00205         // frustrum was computed above
00206         // get frustrum matrix and set projection matrix
00207         MT_Matrix4x4 projmat = m_rasterizer->GetFrustumMatrix(
00208                     frustrum.x1, frustrum.x2, frustrum.y1, frustrum.y2, frustrum.camnear, frustrum.camfar);
00210         m_camera->SetProjectionMatrix(projmat);
00211     } else if (m_camera->hasValidProjectionMatrix())
00212     {
00213         m_rasterizer->SetProjectionMatrix(m_camera->GetProjectionMatrix());
00214     } else
00215     {
00216         float lens = m_camera->GetLens();
00217         float sensor_x = m_camera->GetSensorWidth();
00218         float sensor_y = m_camera->GetSensorHeight();
00219         bool orthographic = !m_camera->GetCameraData()->m_perspective;
00220         float nearfrust = m_camera->GetCameraNear();
00221         float farfrust = m_camera->GetCameraFar();
00222         float aspect_ratio = 1.0f;
00223         Scene *blenderScene = m_scene->GetBlenderScene();
00224         MT_Matrix4x4 projmat;
00226         // compute the aspect ratio from frame blender scene settings so that render to texture
00227         // works the same in Blender and in Blender player
00228         if (blenderScene->r.ysch != 0)
00229             aspect_ratio = float(blenderScene->r.xsch*blenderScene->r.xasp) / float(blenderScene->r.ysch*blenderScene->r.yasp);
00231         if (orthographic) {
00233             RAS_FramingManager::ComputeDefaultOrtho(
00234                         nearfrust,
00235                         farfrust,
00236                         m_camera->GetScale(),
00237                         aspect_ratio,
00238                         m_camera->GetSensorFit(),
00239                         frustrum
00240                         );
00242             projmat = m_rasterizer->GetOrthoMatrix(
00243                         frustrum.x1, frustrum.x2, frustrum.y1, frustrum.y2, frustrum.camnear, frustrum.camfar);
00244         } else
00245         {
00246             RAS_FramingManager::ComputeDefaultFrustum(
00247                         nearfrust,
00248                         farfrust,
00249                         lens,
00250                         sensor_x,
00251                         sensor_y,
00252                         RAS_SENSORFIT_AUTO,
00253                         aspect_ratio,
00254                         frustrum);
00256             projmat = m_rasterizer->GetFrustumMatrix(
00257                         frustrum.x1, frustrum.x2, frustrum.y1, frustrum.y2, frustrum.camnear, frustrum.camfar);
00258         }
00259         m_camera->SetProjectionMatrix(projmat);
00260     }
00262     MT_Transform camtrans(m_camera->GetWorldToCamera());
00263     MT_Matrix4x4 viewmat(camtrans);
00265     m_rasterizer->SetViewMatrix(viewmat, m_camera->NodeGetWorldOrientation(), m_camera->NodeGetWorldPosition(), m_camera->GetCameraData()->m_perspective);
00266     m_camera->SetModelviewMatrix(viewmat);
00267     // restore the stereo mode now that the matrix is computed
00268     m_rasterizer->SetStereoMode(stereomode);
00270     m_scene->CalculateVisibleMeshes(m_rasterizer,m_camera);
00272     m_scene->RenderBuckets(camtrans, m_rasterizer, m_rendertools);
00274     // restore the canvas area now that the render is completed
00275     m_canvas->GetWindowArea() = area;
00276 }
00279 // cast Image pointer to ImageRender
00280 inline ImageRender * getImageRender (PyImage * self)
00281 { return static_cast<ImageRender*>(self->m_image); }
00284 // python methods
00286 // Blender Scene type
00287 BlendType<KX_Scene> sceneType ("KX_Scene");
00288 // Blender Camera type
00289 BlendType<KX_Camera> cameraType ("KX_Camera");
00292 // object initialization
00293 static int ImageRender_init (PyObject * pySelf, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds)
00294 {
00295     // parameters - scene object
00296     PyObject * scene;
00297     // camera object
00298     PyObject * camera;
00299     // parameter keywords
00300     static const char *kwlist[] = {"sceneObj", "cameraObj", NULL};
00301     // get parameters
00302     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO",
00303         const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &scene, &camera))
00304         return -1;
00305     try
00306     {
00307         // get scene pointer
00308         KX_Scene * scenePtr (NULL);
00309         if (scene != NULL) scenePtr = sceneType.checkType(scene);
00310         // throw exception if scene is not available
00311         if (scenePtr == NULL) THRWEXCP(SceneInvalid, S_OK);
00313         // get camera pointer
00314         KX_Camera * cameraPtr (NULL);
00315         if (camera != NULL) cameraPtr = cameraType.checkType(camera);
00316         // throw exception if camera is not available
00317         if (cameraPtr == NULL) THRWEXCP(CameraInvalid, S_OK);
00319         // get pointer to image structure
00320         PyImage * self = reinterpret_cast<PyImage*>(pySelf);
00321         // create source object
00322         if (self->m_image != NULL) delete self->m_image;
00323         self->m_image = new ImageRender(scenePtr, cameraPtr);
00324     }
00325     catch (Exception & exp)
00326     {
00328         return -1;
00329     }
00330     // initialization succeded
00331     return 0;
00332 }
00335 // get background color
00336 PyObject * getBackground (PyImage * self, void * closure)
00337 {
00338     return Py_BuildValue("[BBBB]",
00339                          getImageRender(self)->getBackground(0),
00340                          getImageRender(self)->getBackground(1),
00341                          getImageRender(self)->getBackground(2),
00342                          getImageRender(self)->getBackground(3));
00343 }
00345 // set color
00346 static int setBackground (PyImage * self, PyObject * value, void * closure)
00347 {
00348     // check validity of parameter
00349     if (value == NULL || !PySequence_Check(value) || PySequence_Size(value) != 4
00350         || !PyLong_Check(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 0))
00351         || !PyLong_Check(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 1))
00352         || !PyLong_Check(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 2))
00353         || !PyLong_Check(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 3)))
00354     {
00355         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The value must be a sequence of 4 integer between 0 and 255");
00356         return -1;
00357     }
00358     // set background color
00359     getImageRender(self)->setBackground((unsigned char)(PyLong_AsSsize_t(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 0))),
00360         (unsigned char)(PyLong_AsSsize_t(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 1))),
00361         (unsigned char)(PyLong_AsSsize_t(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 2))),
00362         (unsigned char)(PyLong_AsSsize_t(PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(value, 3))));
00363     // success
00364     return 0;
00365 }
00368 // methods structure
00369 static PyMethodDef imageRenderMethods[] =
00370 { // methods from ImageBase class
00371     {"refresh", (PyCFunction)Image_refresh, METH_NOARGS, "Refresh image - invalidate its current content"},
00372     {NULL}
00373 };
00374 // attributes structure
00375 static PyGetSetDef imageRenderGetSets[] =
00376 { 
00377     {(char*)"background", (getter)getBackground, (setter)setBackground, (char*)"background color", NULL},
00378     // attribute from ImageViewport
00379     {(char*)"capsize", (getter)ImageViewport_getCaptureSize, (setter)ImageViewport_setCaptureSize, (char*)"size of render area", NULL},
00380     {(char*)"alpha", (getter)ImageViewport_getAlpha, (setter)ImageViewport_setAlpha, (char*)"use alpha in texture", NULL},
00381     {(char*)"whole", (getter)ImageViewport_getWhole, (setter)ImageViewport_setWhole, (char*)"use whole viewport to render", NULL},
00382     // attributes from ImageBase class
00383     {(char*)"valid", (getter)Image_valid, NULL, (char*)"bool to tell if an image is available", NULL},
00384     {(char*)"image", (getter)Image_getImage, NULL, (char*)"image data", NULL},
00385     {(char*)"size", (getter)Image_getSize, NULL, (char*)"image size", NULL},
00386     {(char*)"scale", (getter)Image_getScale, (setter)Image_setScale, (char*)"fast scale of image (near neighbour)", NULL},
00387     {(char*)"flip", (getter)Image_getFlip, (setter)Image_setFlip, (char*)"flip image vertically", NULL},
00388     {(char*)"filter", (getter)Image_getFilter, (setter)Image_setFilter, (char*)"pixel filter", NULL},
00389     {NULL}
00390 };
00393 // define python type
00394 PyTypeObject ImageRenderType =
00395 { 
00396     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
00397     "VideoTexture.ImageRender",   /*tp_name*/
00398     sizeof(PyImage),          /*tp_basicsize*/
00399     0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
00400     (destructor)Image_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
00401     0,                         /*tp_print*/
00402     0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
00403     0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
00404     0,                         /*tp_compare*/
00405     0,                         /*tp_repr*/
00406     0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
00407     0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
00408     0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
00409     0,                         /*tp_hash */
00410     0,                         /*tp_call*/
00411     0,                         /*tp_str*/
00412     0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
00413     0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
00414     &imageBufferProcs,         /*tp_as_buffer*/
00415     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
00416     "Image source from render",       /* tp_doc */
00417     0,                     /* tp_traverse */
00418     0,                     /* tp_clear */
00419     0,                     /* tp_richcompare */
00420     0,                     /* tp_weaklistoffset */
00421     0,                     /* tp_iter */
00422     0,                     /* tp_iternext */
00423     imageRenderMethods,    /* tp_methods */
00424     0,                   /* tp_members */
00425     imageRenderGetSets,          /* tp_getset */
00426     0,                         /* tp_base */
00427     0,                         /* tp_dict */
00428     0,                         /* tp_descr_get */
00429     0,                         /* tp_descr_set */
00430     0,                         /* tp_dictoffset */
00431     (initproc)ImageRender_init,     /* tp_init */
00432     0,                         /* tp_alloc */
00433     Image_allocNew,           /* tp_new */
00434 };
00436 // object initialization
00437 static int ImageMirror_init (PyObject * pySelf, PyObject * args, PyObject * kwds)
00438 {
00439     // parameters - scene object
00440     PyObject * scene;
00441     // reference object for mirror
00442     PyObject * observer;
00443     // object holding the mirror
00444     PyObject * mirror;
00445     // material of the mirror
00446     short materialID = 0;
00447     // parameter keywords
00448     static const char *kwlist[] = {"scene", "observer", "mirror", "material", NULL};
00449     // get parameters
00450     if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OOO|h",
00451                                      const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &scene, &observer, &mirror, &materialID))
00452         return -1;
00453     try
00454     {
00455         // get scene pointer
00456         KX_Scene * scenePtr (NULL);
00457         if (scene != NULL && PyObject_TypeCheck(scene, &KX_Scene::Type))
00458             scenePtr = static_cast<KX_Scene*>BGE_PROXY_REF(scene);
00459         else
00460             THRWEXCP(SceneInvalid, S_OK);
00462         if(scenePtr==NULL) /* incase the python proxy reference is invalid */
00463             THRWEXCP(SceneInvalid, S_OK);
00465         // get observer pointer
00466         KX_GameObject * observerPtr (NULL);
00467         if (observer != NULL && PyObject_TypeCheck(observer, &KX_GameObject::Type))
00468             observerPtr = static_cast<KX_GameObject*>BGE_PROXY_REF(observer);
00469         else if (observer != NULL && PyObject_TypeCheck(observer, &KX_Camera::Type))
00470             observerPtr = static_cast<KX_Camera*>BGE_PROXY_REF(observer);
00471         else
00472             THRWEXCP(ObserverInvalid, S_OK);
00474         if(observerPtr==NULL) /* incase the python proxy reference is invalid */
00475             THRWEXCP(ObserverInvalid, S_OK);
00477         // get mirror pointer
00478         KX_GameObject * mirrorPtr (NULL);
00479         if (mirror != NULL && PyObject_TypeCheck(mirror, &KX_GameObject::Type))
00480             mirrorPtr = static_cast<KX_GameObject*>BGE_PROXY_REF(mirror);
00481         else
00482             THRWEXCP(MirrorInvalid, S_OK);
00484         if(mirrorPtr==NULL) /* incase the python proxy reference is invalid */
00485             THRWEXCP(MirrorInvalid, S_OK);
00487         // locate the material in the mirror
00488         RAS_IPolyMaterial * material = getMaterial(mirror, materialID);
00489         if (material == NULL)
00490             THRWEXCP(MaterialNotAvail, S_OK);
00492         // get pointer to image structure
00493         PyImage * self = reinterpret_cast<PyImage*>(pySelf);
00495         // create source object
00496         if (self->m_image != NULL)
00497         {
00498             delete self->m_image;
00499             self->m_image = NULL;
00500         }
00501         self->m_image = new ImageRender(scenePtr, observerPtr, mirrorPtr, material);
00502     }
00503     catch (Exception & exp)
00504     {
00506         return -1;
00507     }
00508     // initialization succeded
00509     return 0;
00510 }
00512 // get background color
00513 PyObject * getClip (PyImage * self, void * closure)
00514 {
00515     return PyFloat_FromDouble(getImageRender(self)->getClip());
00516 }
00518 // set clip
00519 static int setClip (PyImage * self, PyObject * value, void * closure)
00520 {
00521     // check validity of parameter
00522     double clip;
00523     if (value == NULL || !PyFloat_Check(value) || (clip = PyFloat_AsDouble(value)) < 0.01 || clip > 5000.0)
00524     {
00525         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The value must be an float between 0.01 and 5000");
00526         return -1;
00527     }
00528     // set background color
00529     getImageRender(self)->setClip(float(clip));
00530     // success
00531     return 0;
00532 }
00534 // attributes structure
00535 static PyGetSetDef imageMirrorGetSets[] =
00536 { 
00537     {(char*)"clip", (getter)getClip, (setter)setClip, (char*)"clipping distance", NULL},
00538     // attribute from ImageRender
00539     {(char*)"background", (getter)getBackground, (setter)setBackground, (char*)"background color", NULL},
00540     // attribute from ImageViewport
00541     {(char*)"capsize", (getter)ImageViewport_getCaptureSize, (setter)ImageViewport_setCaptureSize, (char*)"size of render area", NULL},
00542     {(char*)"alpha", (getter)ImageViewport_getAlpha, (setter)ImageViewport_setAlpha, (char*)"use alpha in texture", NULL},
00543     {(char*)"whole", (getter)ImageViewport_getWhole, (setter)ImageViewport_setWhole, (char*)"use whole viewport to render", NULL},
00544     // attributes from ImageBase class
00545     {(char*)"valid", (getter)Image_valid, NULL, (char*)"bool to tell if an image is available", NULL},
00546     {(char*)"image", (getter)Image_getImage, NULL, (char*)"image data", NULL},
00547     {(char*)"size", (getter)Image_getSize, NULL, (char*)"image size", NULL},
00548     {(char*)"scale", (getter)Image_getScale, (setter)Image_setScale, (char*)"fast scale of image (near neighbour)", NULL},
00549     {(char*)"flip", (getter)Image_getFlip, (setter)Image_setFlip, (char*)"flip image vertically", NULL},
00550     {(char*)"filter", (getter)Image_getFilter, (setter)Image_setFilter, (char*)"pixel filter", NULL},
00551     {NULL}
00552 };
00555 // constructor
00556 ImageRender::ImageRender (KX_Scene * scene, KX_GameObject * observer, KX_GameObject * mirror, RAS_IPolyMaterial * mat) :
00557     ImageViewport(),
00558     m_render(false),
00559     m_scene(scene),
00560     m_observer(observer),
00561     m_mirror(mirror),
00562     m_clip(100.f)
00563 {
00564     // this constructor is used for automatic planar mirror
00565     // create a camera, take all data by default, in any case we will recompute the frustrum on each frame
00566     RAS_CameraData camdata;
00567     vector<RAS_TexVert*> mirrorVerts;
00568     vector<RAS_TexVert*>::iterator it;
00569     float mirrorArea = 0.f;
00570     float mirrorNormal[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
00571     float mirrorUp[3];
00572     float dist, vec[3], axis[3];
00573     float zaxis[3] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
00574     float yaxis[3] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
00575     float mirrorMat[3][3];
00576     float left, right, top, bottom, back;
00577     // make sure this camera will delete its node
00578     m_camera= new KX_Camera(scene, KX_Scene::m_callbacks, camdata, true, true);
00579     m_camera->SetName("__mirror__cam__");
00580     // don't add the camera to the scene object list, it doesn't need to be accessible
00581     m_owncamera = true;
00582     // retrieve rendering objects
00583     m_engine = KX_GetActiveEngine();
00584     m_rasterizer = m_engine->GetRasterizer();
00585     m_canvas = m_engine->GetCanvas();
00586     m_rendertools = m_engine->GetRenderTools();
00587     // locate the vertex assigned to mat and do following calculation in mesh coordinates
00588     for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < mirror->GetMeshCount(); meshIndex++)
00589     {
00590         RAS_MeshObject* mesh = mirror->GetMesh(meshIndex);
00591         int numPolygons = mesh->NumPolygons();
00592         for (int polygonIndex=0; polygonIndex < numPolygons; polygonIndex++)
00593         {
00594             RAS_Polygon* polygon = mesh->GetPolygon(polygonIndex);
00595             if (polygon->GetMaterial()->GetPolyMaterial() == mat)
00596             {
00597                 RAS_TexVert *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
00598                 float normal[3];
00599                 float area;
00600                 // this polygon is part of the mirror,
00601                 v1 = polygon->GetVertex(0);
00602                 v2 = polygon->GetVertex(1);
00603                 v3 = polygon->GetVertex(2);
00604                 mirrorVerts.push_back(v1);
00605                 mirrorVerts.push_back(v2);
00606                 mirrorVerts.push_back(v3);
00607                 if (polygon->VertexCount() == 4)
00608                 {
00609                     v4 = polygon->GetVertex(3);
00610                     mirrorVerts.push_back(v4);
00611                     area = normal_quad_v3( normal,(float*)v1->getXYZ(), (float*)v2->getXYZ(), (float*)v3->getXYZ(), (float*)v4->getXYZ());
00612                 } else
00613                 {
00614                     area = normal_tri_v3( normal,(float*)v1->getXYZ(), (float*)v2->getXYZ(), (float*)v3->getXYZ());
00615                 }
00616                 area = fabs(area);
00617                 mirrorArea += area;
00618                 mul_v3_fl(normal, area);
00619                 add_v3_v3v3(mirrorNormal, mirrorNormal, normal);
00620             }
00621         }
00622     }
00623     if (mirrorVerts.size() == 0 || mirrorArea < FLT_EPSILON)
00624     {
00625         // no vertex or zero size mirror
00626         THRWEXCP(MirrorSizeInvalid, S_OK);
00627     }
00628     // compute average normal of mirror faces
00629     mul_v3_fl(mirrorNormal, 1.0f/mirrorArea);
00630     if (normalize_v3(mirrorNormal) == 0.f)
00631     {
00632         // no normal
00633         THRWEXCP(MirrorNormalInvalid, S_OK);
00634     }
00635     // the mirror plane has an equation of the type ax+by+cz = d where (a,b,c) is the normal vector
00636     // if the mirror is more vertical then horizontal, the Z axis is the up direction.
00637     // otherwise the Y axis is the up direction.
00638     // If the mirror is not perfectly vertical(horizontal), the Z(Y) axis projection on the mirror
00639     // plan by the normal will be the up direction.
00640     if (fabs(mirrorNormal[2]) > fabs(mirrorNormal[1]) &&
00641             fabs(mirrorNormal[2]) > fabs(mirrorNormal[0]))
00642     {
00643         // the mirror is more horizontal than vertical
00644         copy_v3_v3(axis, yaxis);
00645     }
00646     else
00647     {
00648         // the mirror is more vertical than horizontal
00649         copy_v3_v3(axis, zaxis);
00650     }
00651     dist = dot_v3v3(mirrorNormal, axis);
00652     if (fabs(dist) < FLT_EPSILON)
00653     {
00654         // the mirror is already fully aligned with up axis
00655         copy_v3_v3(mirrorUp, axis);
00656     }
00657     else
00658     {
00659         // projection of axis to mirror plane through normal
00660         copy_v3_v3(vec, mirrorNormal);
00661         mul_v3_fl(vec, dist);
00662         sub_v3_v3v3(mirrorUp, axis, vec);
00663         if (normalize_v3(mirrorUp) == 0.f)
00664         {
00665             // should not happen
00666             THRWEXCP(MirrorHorizontal, S_OK);
00667             return;
00668         }
00669     }
00670     // compute rotation matrix between local coord and mirror coord
00671     // to match camera orientation, we select mirror z = -normal, y = up, x = y x z
00672     negate_v3_v3(mirrorMat[2], mirrorNormal);
00673     copy_v3_v3(mirrorMat[1], mirrorUp);
00674     cross_v3_v3v3(mirrorMat[0], mirrorMat[1], mirrorMat[2]);
00675     // transpose to make it a orientation matrix from local space to mirror space
00676     transpose_m3(mirrorMat);
00677     // transform all vertex to plane coordinates and determine mirror position
00678     left = FLT_MAX;
00679     right = -FLT_MAX;
00680     bottom = FLT_MAX;
00681     top = -FLT_MAX;
00682     back = -FLT_MAX; // most backward vertex (=highest Z coord in mirror space)
00683     for (it = mirrorVerts.begin(); it != mirrorVerts.end(); it++)
00684     {
00685         copy_v3_v3(vec, (float*)(*it)->getXYZ());
00686         mul_m3_v3(mirrorMat, vec);
00687         if (vec[0] < left)
00688             left = vec[0];
00689         if (vec[0] > right)
00690             right = vec[0];
00691         if (vec[1] < bottom)
00692             bottom = vec[1];
00693         if (vec[1] > top)
00694             top = vec[1];
00695         if (vec[2] > back)
00696             back = vec[2];
00697     }
00698     // now store this information in the object for later rendering
00699     m_mirrorHalfWidth = (right-left)*0.5f;
00700     m_mirrorHalfHeight = (top-bottom)*0.5f;
00701     if (m_mirrorHalfWidth < 0.01f || m_mirrorHalfHeight < 0.01f)
00702     {
00703         // mirror too small
00704         THRWEXCP(MirrorTooSmall, S_OK);
00705     }
00706     // mirror position in mirror coord
00707     vec[0] = (left+right)*0.5f;
00708     vec[1] = (top+bottom)*0.5f;
00709     vec[2] = back;
00710     // convert it in local space: transpose again the matrix to get back to mirror to local transform
00711     transpose_m3(mirrorMat);
00712     mul_m3_v3(mirrorMat, vec);
00713     // mirror position in local space
00714     m_mirrorPos.setValue(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
00715     // mirror normal vector (pointed towards the back of the mirror) in local space
00716     m_mirrorZ.setValue(-mirrorNormal[0], -mirrorNormal[1], -mirrorNormal[2]);
00717     m_mirrorY.setValue(mirrorUp[0], mirrorUp[1], mirrorUp[2]);
00718     m_mirrorX = m_mirrorY.cross(m_mirrorZ);
00719     m_render = true;
00721     setBackground(0, 0, 255, 255);
00722 }
00727 // define python type
00728 PyTypeObject ImageMirrorType =
00729 { 
00730     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
00731     "VideoTexture.ImageMirror",   /*tp_name*/
00732     sizeof(PyImage),          /*tp_basicsize*/
00733     0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
00734     (destructor)Image_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
00735     0,                         /*tp_print*/
00736     0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
00737     0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
00738     0,                         /*tp_compare*/
00739     0,                         /*tp_repr*/
00740     0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
00741     0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
00742     0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
00743     0,                         /*tp_hash */
00744     0,                         /*tp_call*/
00745     0,                         /*tp_str*/
00746     0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
00747     0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
00748     &imageBufferProcs,         /*tp_as_buffer*/
00749     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
00750     "Image source from mirror",       /* tp_doc */
00751     0,                     /* tp_traverse */
00752     0,                     /* tp_clear */
00753     0,                     /* tp_richcompare */
00754     0,                     /* tp_weaklistoffset */
00755     0,                     /* tp_iter */
00756     0,                     /* tp_iternext */
00757     imageRenderMethods,    /* tp_methods */
00758     0,                   /* tp_members */
00759     imageMirrorGetSets,          /* tp_getset */
00760     0,                         /* tp_base */
00761     0,                         /* tp_dict */
00762     0,                         /* tp_descr_get */
00763     0,                         /* tp_descr_set */
00764     0,                         /* tp_dictoffset */
00765     (initproc)ImageMirror_init,     /* tp_init */
00766     0,                         /* tp_alloc */
00767     Image_allocNew,           /* tp_new */
00768 };