![]() |
Blender V2.61 - r43446
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | MFace |
struct | MEdge |
struct | MDeformWeight |
struct | MDeformVert |
struct | MVert |
struct | MCol |
struct | MPoly |
struct | MLoop |
struct | MTexPoly |
struct | MLoopUV |
struct | MLoopCol |
struct | MSticky |
struct | MSelect |
struct | MTFace |
struct | MFloatProperty |
struct | MIntProperty |
struct | MStringProperty |
struct | OrigSpaceFace |
struct | MDisps |
struct | MultiresCol |
struct | MultiresColFace |
struct | MultiresFace |
struct | MultiresEdge |
struct | MultiresLevel |
struct | Multires |
struct | MRecast |
Defines | |
#define | ME_SPHERETEST 2 |
#define | ME_VERT_TMP_TAG 4 |
#define | ME_HIDE 16 |
#define | ME_VERT_MERGED (1<<6) |
#define | ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE (1<<7) |
#define | ME_EDGEDRAW (1<<1) |
#define | ME_SEAM (1<<2) |
#define | ME_FGON (1<<3) |
#define | ME_EDGERENDER (1<<5) |
#define | ME_LOOSEEDGE (1<<7) |
#define | ME_SHARP (1<<9) |
#define | ME_PROJXY 16 |
#define | ME_PROJXZ 32 |
#define | ME_PROJYZ 64 |
#define | ME_V1V2 1 |
#define | ME_V2V3 2 |
#define | ME_V3V1 4 |
#define | ME_V3V4 4 |
#define | ME_V4V1 8 |
#define | ME_SMOOTH 1 |
#define | ME_FACE_SEL 2 |
#define | TF_SELECT 1 |
#define | TF_ACTIVE 2 |
#define | TF_SEL1 4 |
#define | TF_SEL2 8 |
#define | TF_SEL3 16 |
#define | TF_SEL4 32 |
#define | TF_HIDE 64 |
#define | TF_DYNAMIC 1 |
#define | TF_ALPHASORT 2 |
#define | TF_TEX 4 |
#define | TF_SHAREDVERT 8 |
#define | TF_LIGHT 16 |
#define | TF_CONVERTED 32 |
#define | TF_SHAREDCOL 64 |
#define | TF_TILES 128 |
#define | TF_BILLBOARD 256 |
#define | TF_TWOSIDE 512 |
#define | TF_INVISIBLE 1024 |
#define | TF_OBCOL 2048 |
#define | TF_BILLBOARD2 4096 |
#define | TF_SHADOW 8192 |
#define | TF_BMFONT 16384 |
#define | TF_SOLID 0 |
#define | TF_ADD 1 |
#define | TF_ALPHA 2 |
#define | TF_CLIP 4 |
#define | TF_SUB 3 |
#define | TF_DEPRECATED1 1 |
#define | TF_DEPRECATED2 2 |
#define | TF_DEPRECATED3 4 |
#define | TF_DEPRECATED4 8 |
#define | TF_PIN1 16 |
#define | TF_PIN2 32 |
#define | TF_PIN3 64 |
#define | TF_PIN4 128 |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct MFace | MFace |
typedef struct MEdge | MEdge |
typedef struct MDeformWeight | MDeformWeight |
typedef struct MDeformVert | MDeformVert |
typedef struct MVert | MVert |
typedef struct MCol | MCol |
typedef struct MPoly | MPoly |
typedef struct MLoop | MLoop |
typedef struct MTexPoly | MTexPoly |
typedef struct MLoopUV | MLoopUV |
typedef struct MLoopCol | MLoopCol |
typedef struct MSticky | MSticky |
typedef struct MSelect | MSelect |
typedef struct MTFace | MTFace |
typedef struct MFloatProperty | MFloatProperty |
typedef struct MIntProperty | MIntProperty |
typedef struct MStringProperty | MStringProperty |
typedef struct OrigSpaceFace | OrigSpaceFace |
typedef struct MDisps | MDisps |
typedef struct MultiresCol | MultiresCol |
typedef struct MultiresColFace | MultiresColFace |
typedef struct MultiresFace | MultiresFace |
typedef struct MultiresEdge | MultiresEdge |
typedef struct MultiresLevel | MultiresLevel |
typedef struct Multires | Multires |
typedef struct MRecast | MRecast |
Definition in file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define ME_EDGEDRAW (1<<1) |
Definition at line 210 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), arrayModifier_doArray(), BKE_mesh_calc_edges(), ccgDM_copyFinalEdgeArray(), ccgDM_drawEdges(), ccgDM_getFinalEdge(), CDDM_calc_edges(), cdDM_drawEdges(), CDDM_from_editmesh(), ED_object_modifier_convert(), emDM_copyEdgeArray(), emDM_getEdge(), load_editMesh(), make_edges_mdata(), and mesh_add_edges().
#define ME_EDGERENDER (1<<5) |
Definition at line 214 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), arrayModifier_doArray(), BKE_mesh_calc_edges(), ccgDM_copyFinalEdgeArray(), ccgDM_getFinalEdge(), CDDM_calc_edges(), CDDM_from_editmesh(), ED_object_modifier_convert(), emDM_copyEdgeArray(), emDM_getEdge(), init_render_mesh(), load_editMesh(), make_edges_mdata(), and mesh_add_edges().
#define ME_FACE_SEL 2 |
Definition at line 233 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by BME_bmesh_to_editmesh(), BME_editmesh_to_bmesh(), BME_split_face(), cutEdges(), do_paintface_box_select(), draw_mesh_face_select__drawFaceOptsInv(), EM_backbuf_checkAndSelectTFaces(), get_tface_mesh_marked_edge_info(), imapaint_paint_stroke(), load_editMesh(), make_editMesh(), make_uv_vert_map(), mesh_add_faces(), paintface_deselect_all_visible(), paintface_hide(), paintface_minmax(), paintface_mouse_select(), paintface_reveal(), project_paint_begin(), remap_faces_15(), remap_faces_19_21_22(), remap_faces_23(), remap_faces_3_6_9_12(), remap_faces_5_10(), remap_faces_7_11_13_14(), rna_def_mface(), select_linked_tfaces_with_seams(), sort_faces_exec(), vpaint_fill(), vpaint_paint_face(), wpaint_fill(), and wpaint_stroke_update_step().
#define ME_FGON (1<<3) |
Definition at line 212 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by load_editMesh(), make_editMesh(), and rna_def_medge().
#define ME_HIDE 16 |
Definition at line 205 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by bbs_mesh_solid_hide2__setDrawOpts(), bbs_mesh_solid_hide__setDrawOpts(), bbs_obmode_mesh_verts__mapFunc(), BME_bmesh_to_editmesh(), BME_editmesh_to_bmesh(), ccgDM_drawUVEdges(), cdDM_drawUVEdges(), do_paintface_box_select(), do_paintvert_box_select(), draw_mesh_face_select__drawFaceOptsInv(), draw_tface_mapped__set_draw(), drawSelectedVertices__mapFunc(), EM_backbuf_checkAndSelectVerts_obmode(), get_tface_mesh_marked_edge_info(), load_editMesh(), make_editMesh(), make_uv_vert_map(), paintface_deselect_all_visible(), paintface_hide(), paintface_minmax(), paintface_mouse_select(), paintface_reveal(), paintvert_deselect_all_visible(), rna_def_medge(), rna_def_mface(), rna_def_mvert(), select_linked_tfaces_with_seams(), tex_mat_set_face_mesh_cb(), vgroup_select_verts(), and wpaint__setSolidDrawOptions_facemask().
#define ME_LOOSEEDGE (1<<7) |
Definition at line 215 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), ccgDM_copyFinalEdgeArray(), ccgDM_getFinalEdge(), cdDM_drawEdges(), cdDM_drawLooseEdges(), CDDM_from_editmesh(), ED_object_modifier_convert(), emDM_copyEdgeArray(), emDM_getEdge(), load_editMesh(), make_edges_mdata(), and rna_def_medge().
#define ME_PROJXY 16 |
Definition at line 220 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by cubemap().
#define ME_PROJXZ 32 |
Definition at line 221 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by cubemap().
#define ME_PROJYZ 64 |
Definition at line 222 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by cubemap().
#define ME_SEAM (1<<2) |
Definition at line 211 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by BME_bmesh_to_editmesh(), BME_editmesh_to_bmesh(), ccgDM_copyFinalEdgeArray(), ccgDM_getFinalEdge(), CDDM_from_editmesh(), emDM_copyEdgeArray(), emDM_getEdge(), load_editMesh(), make_editMesh(), rna_def_medge(), and select_linked_tfaces_with_seams().
#define ME_SHARP (1<<9) |
Definition at line 217 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by BME_bmesh_to_editmesh(), BME_editmesh_to_bmesh(), ccgDM_copyFinalEdgeArray(), ccgDM_getFinalEdge(), CDDM_from_editmesh(), edge_is_sharp(), emDM_copyEdgeArray(), emDM_getEdge(), load_editMesh(), make_editMesh(), rna_def_medge(), and tag_and_count_extra_edges().
#define ME_SMOOTH 1 |
Definition at line 232 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), BL_ConvertMesh(), calc_vertexnormals(), ccgDM_copyFinalFaceArray(), ccgDM_drawFacesSolid(), ccgDM_drawFacesTex_common(), ccgDM_drawMappedFaces(), ccgDM_drawMappedFacesGLSL(), ccgDM_drawMappedFacesMat(), ccgDM_getFinalFace(), cdDM_drawFacesSolid(), cdDM_drawFacesTex_common(), cdDM_drawMappedFaces(), cdDM_drawMappedFacesGLSL(), cdDM_drawMappedFacesMat(), GeometryExporter::create_normals(), draw_mesh_text(), emDM_drawFacesTex_common(), emDM_drawMappedFaces(), emDM_drawMappedFacesGLSL(), emDM_drawMappedFacesMat(), fix_new_face(), GetNormal(), GPU_buffer_copy_normal(), init_render_dm(), init_render_mball(), init_render_mesh(), mball_to_mesh(), mesh_set_smooth_faces(), mesh_set_smooth_flag(), multiresbake_get_normal(), nurbs_to_mdata_customdb(), psys_interpolate_face(), rna_def_mface(), and shade_smooth_exec().
#define ME_SPHERETEST 2 |
Definition at line 203 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define ME_V1V2 1 |
Definition at line 225 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by dl_surf_to_renderdata(), init_render_curve(), init_render_mesh(), make_edges_mdata(), static_particle_wire(), and zbufclipwire().
#define ME_V2V3 2 |
Definition at line 226 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by dl_surf_to_renderdata(), init_render_curve(), make_edges_mdata(), particle_billboard(), static_particle_strand(), and zbufclipwire().
#define ME_V3V1 4 |
Definition at line 227 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by make_edges_mdata(), and zbufclipwire().
#define ME_V3V4 4 |
Definition at line 228 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by init_render_curve(), make_edges_mdata(), and zbufclipwire().
#define ME_V4V1 8 |
Definition at line 229 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by make_edges_mdata(), and zbufclipwire().
#define ME_VERT_MERGED (1<<6) |
Definition at line 206 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by doMirrorOnAxis(), and ss_sync_from_uv().
#define ME_VERT_PBVH_UPDATE (1<<7) |
Definition at line 207 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by BLI_pbvh_apply_vertCos(), do_clay_brush(), do_clay_tubes_brush(), do_crease_brush(), do_draw_brush(), do_fill_brush(), do_flatten_brush(), do_grab_brush(), do_inflate_brush(), do_layer_brush(), do_mesh_smooth_brush(), do_nudge_brush(), do_pinch_brush(), do_rotate_brush(), do_scrape_brush(), do_snake_hook_brush(), do_thumb_brush(), pbvh_update_normals(), sculpt_restore_mesh(), and sculpt_undo_restore().
#define ME_VERT_TMP_TAG 4 |
Definition at line 204 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), crazyspace_set_quats_mesh(), and ED_vgroup_mirror().
#define TF_ACTIVE 2 |
Definition at line 237 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_ADD 1 |
Definition at line 266 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by alphasort_version_246(), and decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_ALPHA 2 |
Definition at line 267 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by alphasort_version_246(), check_tfaceneedmaterial(), and decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_ALPHASORT 2 |
Definition at line 246 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by alphasort_version_246(), and decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_BILLBOARD 256 |
Definition at line 255 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_BILLBOARD2 4096 |
Definition at line 260 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_BMFONT 16384 |
Definition at line 262 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_CLIP 4 |
Definition at line 268 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by alphasort_version_246(), and decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_CONVERTED 32 |
Definition at line 251 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by convert_tfacenomaterial(), do_version_tface(), encode_tfaceflag(), and layerDefault_tface().
#define TF_DEPRECATED1 1 |
Definition at line 275 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_DEPRECATED2 2 |
Definition at line 276 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_DEPRECATED3 4 |
Definition at line 277 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_DEPRECATED4 8 |
Definition at line 278 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_DYNAMIC 1 |
Definition at line 245 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by check_tfaceneedmaterial(), decode_tfaceflag(), do_versions(), layerDefault_tface(), and CcdShapeConstructionInfo::UpdateMesh().
#define TF_HIDE 64 |
Definition at line 242 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_INVISIBLE 1024 |
Definition at line 257 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by decode_tfaceflag(), and do_versions().
#define TF_LIGHT 16 |
Definition at line 249 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by check_tfaceneedmaterial(), and encode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_OBCOL 2048 |
Definition at line 259 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by add_tface_color_layer(), check_tfaceneedmaterial(), decode_tfaceflag(), draw_tface__set_draw(), encode_tfaceflag(), and GPU_render_text().
#define TF_PIN1 16 |
Definition at line 279 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by border_select_exec(), construct_param_handle(), draw_uvs(), layerSwap_tface(), pin_exec(), rna_def_mtface(), and select_pinned_exec().
#define TF_PIN2 32 |
Definition at line 280 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by border_select_exec(), construct_param_handle(), draw_uvs(), layerSwap_tface(), pin_exec(), and select_pinned_exec().
#define TF_PIN3 64 |
Definition at line 281 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by border_select_exec(), construct_param_handle(), draw_uvs(), layerSwap_tface(), pin_exec(), and select_pinned_exec().
#define TF_PIN4 128 |
Definition at line 282 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by border_select_exec(), construct_param_handle(), draw_uvs(), layerSwap_tface(), pin_exec(), and select_pinned_exec().
#define TF_SEL1 4 |
Definition at line 238 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by hide_exec(), layerSwap_tface(), reveal_exec(), rna_def_mtface(), select_all_perform(), select_linked(), unlink_selection_exec(), uvedit_face_deselect(), uvedit_face_select(), and uvedit_face_selected().
#define TF_SEL2 8 |
Definition at line 239 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by hide_exec(), layerSwap_tface(), reveal_exec(), select_all_perform(), select_linked(), unlink_selection_exec(), uvedit_face_deselect(), uvedit_face_select(), and uvedit_face_selected().
#define TF_SEL3 16 |
Definition at line 240 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by hide_exec(), layerSwap_tface(), reveal_exec(), select_all_perform(), select_linked(), unlink_selection_exec(), uvedit_face_deselect(), uvedit_face_select(), and uvedit_face_selected().
#define TF_SEL4 32 |
Definition at line 241 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by hide_exec(), layerSwap_tface(), reveal_exec(), select_all_perform(), select_linked(), unlink_selection_exec(), uvedit_face_deselect(), uvedit_face_select(), and uvedit_face_selected().
#define TF_SELECT 1 |
Definition at line 236 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_SHADOW 8192 |
Definition at line 261 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by decode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_SHAREDCOL 64 |
Definition at line 253 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by check_tfaceneedmaterial(), do_shared_vertexcol(), and encode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_SHAREDVERT 8 |
Definition at line 248 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by check_tfaceneedmaterial(), and encode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_SOLID 0 |
Definition at line 265 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_SUB 3 |
Definition at line 271 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_TEX 4 |
Definition at line 247 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by MeshImporter::assign_material_to_geom(), check_tfaceneedmaterial(), and encode_tfaceflag().
#define TF_TILES 128 |
Definition at line 254 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
#define TF_TWOSIDE 512 |
Definition at line 256 of file DNA_meshdata_types.h.
Referenced by decode_tfaceflag().
typedef struct MDeformVert MDeformVert |
typedef struct MDeformWeight MDeformWeight |
typedef struct MFloatProperty MFloatProperty |
typedef struct MIntProperty MIntProperty |
typedef struct MStringProperty MStringProperty |
typedef struct MultiresCol MultiresCol |
Multires structs kept for compatibility with old files
typedef struct MultiresColFace MultiresColFace |
typedef struct MultiresEdge MultiresEdge |
typedef struct MultiresFace MultiresFace |
typedef struct MultiresLevel MultiresLevel |
typedef struct OrigSpaceFace OrigSpaceFace |