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Blender V2.61 - r43446
00001 00004 /****************************************************************************** 00005 * 00006 * El'Beem - Free Surface Fluid Simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann Method 00007 * Copyright 2003-2006 Nils Thuerey 00008 * 00009 * a light object 00010 * 00011 *****************************************************************************/ 00012 00013 00014 #include "ntl_lighting.h" 00015 #include "ntl_ray.h" 00016 #include "ntl_world.h" 00017 00018 00019 /****************************************************************************** 00020 * Default Constructor 00021 *****************************************************************************/ 00022 ntlLightObject::ntlLightObject(ntlRenderGlobals *glob) : 00023 mpGlob( glob ), 00024 mActive( 1 ), 00025 mCastShadows( 1 ), 00026 mcColor( ntlColor(1.0) ), 00027 mvPosition( ntlVec3Gfx(0.0) ) 00028 { 00029 // nothing to do... 00030 } 00031 00032 00033 /****************************************************************************** 00034 * Constructor with parameters 00035 *****************************************************************************/ 00036 ntlLightObject::ntlLightObject(ntlRenderGlobals *glob, const ntlColor& col) : 00037 mpGlob( glob ), 00038 mActive( 1 ), 00039 mCastShadows( 1 ), 00040 mcColor( col ) 00041 { 00042 // nothing to do... 00043 } 00044 00045 00046 00047 /****************************************************************************** 00048 * Destructor 00049 *****************************************************************************/ 00050 ntlLightObject::~ntlLightObject() 00051 { 00052 // nothing to do... 00053 } 00054 00055 00056 00057 /****************************************************************************** 00058 * Determine color contribution of a lightsource (Phong model) 00059 * Specular part is returned in seperate parameter and added later 00060 *****************************************************************************/ 00061 const ntlColor 00062 ntlLightObject::getShadedColor(const ntlRay &reflectedRay, const ntlVec3Gfx lightDir, 00063 ntlMaterial *surf, ntlColor &highlight) const 00064 { 00065 gfxReal ldot = dot(lightDir, reflectedRay.getNormal()); /* equals cos( angle(L,N) ) */ 00066 ntlColor reflected_color = ntlColor(0.0); /* adds up to total reflected color */ 00067 if(mpGlob->getDebugOut() > 5) errorOut("Lighting dir:"<<lightDir<<" norm:"<<reflectedRay.getNormal()<<" "<<ldot ); 00068 00069 /* lambertian reflection model */ 00070 if (ldot > 0.0) { 00071 //ldot *= -1.0; 00072 reflected_color += surf->getDiffuseRefl() * (getColor() * ldot ); 00073 00074 /* specular part */ 00075 /* specular reflection only makes sense, when the light is facing the surface, 00076 as the highlight is supposed to be a reflection of the lightsource, it cannot 00077 be reflected on surfaces with ldot<=0, as this means the arc between light 00078 and normal is more than 90 degrees. If this isn't done, ugly moiree patterns appear 00079 in the highlights, and refractions have strange patterns due to highlights on the 00080 inside of the surface */ 00081 gfxReal spec = dot(reflectedRay.getDirection(), lightDir); // equals cos( angle(R,L) ) 00082 if((spec > 0.0) && (surf->getSpecular()>0)) { 00083 spec = pow( spec, surf->getSpecExponent() ); /* phong exponent */ 00084 highlight += getColor() * surf->getSpecular() * spec; 00085 //errorOut( " "<< surf->getName() <<" S "<<highlight<<" "<<spec<<" "<<surf->getSpecular()<<" "<<surf->getSpecExponent() ); 00086 } 00087 00088 } 00089 00090 return ntlColor(reflected_color); 00091 } 00092 00093 00094 // omni light implementation 00095 00096 00097 /****************************************************************************** 00098 *! prepare shadow maps if necessary 00099 *****************************************************************************/ 00100 void ntlLightObject::prepare( bool doCaustics ) 00101 { 00102 doCaustics = false; // unused 00103 if(!mActive) { return; } 00104 } 00105 00106 00107 /****************************************************************************** 00108 * Illuminate the given point on an object 00109 *****************************************************************************/ 00110 ntlColor ntlLightObject::illuminatePoint(ntlRay &reflectedRay, ntlGeometryObject *closest, 00111 ntlColor &highlight ) 00112 { 00113 /* is this light active? */ 00114 if(!mActive) { return ntlColor(0.0); } 00115 00116 gfxReal visibility = 1.0; // how much of light is visible 00117 ntlVec3Gfx intersectionPos = reflectedRay.getOrigin(); 00118 ntlColor current_color = ntlColor(0.0); 00119 ntlMaterial *clossurf = closest->getMaterial(); 00120 00121 ntlVec3Gfx lightDir = (mvPosition - intersectionPos); 00122 gfxReal lightDirNorm = normalize(lightDir); 00123 00124 // where is the lightsource ? 00125 ntlRay rayOfLight(intersectionPos, lightDir, 0, 1.0, mpGlob ); 00126 00127 if( (1) && (mCastShadows)&&(closest->getReceiveShadows()) ) { 00128 ntlTriangle *tri; 00129 ntlVec3Gfx triNormal; 00130 gfxReal trit; 00131 mpGlob->getRenderScene()->intersectScene(rayOfLight, trit, triNormal, tri, TRI_CASTSHADOWS); 00132 if(( trit>0 )&&( trit<lightDirNorm )) visibility = 0.0; 00133 if(mpGlob->getDebugOut() > 5) errorOut("Omni lighting with "<<visibility ); 00134 } 00135 00136 /* is light partly visible ? */ 00137 //? visibility=1.; 00138 if (visibility>0.0) { 00139 ntlColor highTemp(0.0); // temporary highlight color to multiply highTemp with offFac 00140 current_color = getShadedColor(reflectedRay, lightDir, clossurf, highTemp) * visibility; 00141 highlight += highTemp * visibility; 00142 if(mpGlob->getDebugOut() > 5) errorOut("Omni lighting color "<<current_color ); 00143 } 00144 return current_color; 00145 } 00146 00147 00148 00149 /****************************************************************************** 00150 * Default constructor 00151 *****************************************************************************/ 00152 ntlMaterial::ntlMaterial( void ) : 00153 mName( "default" ), 00154 mDiffuseRefl(0.5,0.5,0.5), mAmbientRefl(0.0,0.0,0.0), 00155 mSpecular(0.0), mSpecExponent(0.0), mMirror(0.0), 00156 mTransparence(0.0), mRefracIndex(1.05), mTransAdditive(0.0), mTransAttCol(0.0), 00157 mFresnel( 0 ) { 00158 // just do default init... 00159 } 00160 00161 00162 00163 /****************************************************************************** 00164 * Init constructor 00165 *****************************************************************************/ 00166 ntlMaterial::ntlMaterial( string name, 00167 const ntlColor& Ref, const ntlColor& Amb, 00168 gfxReal Spec, gfxReal SpecEx, gfxReal Mirr, 00169 gfxReal Trans, gfxReal Refrac, gfxReal TAdd, 00170 const ntlColor& Att, int fres) 00171 { 00172 mName = name; 00173 mDiffuseRefl = Ref; 00174 mAmbientRefl = Amb; 00175 mSpecular = Spec; 00176 mSpecExponent = SpecEx; 00177 mMirror = Mirr; 00178 mTransparence = Trans; 00179 mRefracIndex = Refrac; 00180 mTransAdditive = TAdd; 00181 mTransAttCol = Att; 00182 mFresnel = fres; 00183 } 00184