![]() |
Blender V2.61 - r43446
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Definition in file DNA_particle_types.h.
#define PAMAP_CHILD 912 |
Definition at line 559 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by dag_id_flush_update(), and get_child_modifier_parameters().
#define PAMAP_CLUMP (1<<7) |
Definition at line 560 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by get_cpa_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_DAMP (1<<11) |
Definition at line 557 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_DENS (1<<2) |
Definition at line 549 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by get_child_modifier_parameters(), get_cpa_texture(), psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_FIELD (1<<6) |
Definition at line 555 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_GRAVITY (1<<10) |
Definition at line 556 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_INIT 15 |
Definition at line 546 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by dag_id_flush_update(), and initialize_particle().
#define PAMAP_IVEL (1<<5) |
Definition at line 552 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_KINK (1<<8) |
Definition at line 561 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by get_cpa_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_LENGTH (1<<4) |
Definition at line 563 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by get_cpa_texture(), psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_LIFE (1<<1) |
Definition at line 548 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_texture(), reset_particle(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_PHYSICS 3136 |
Definition at line 554 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by basic_integrate().
#define PAMAP_ROUGH (1<<9) |
Definition at line 562 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by get_cpa_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_SIZE (1<<3) |
Definition at line 550 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by cached_step(), dynamics_step(), psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PAMAP_TIME (1<<0) |
Definition at line 547 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_texture(), and rna_def_particle_settings_mtex().
#define PARS_ALIVE 3 |
Definition at line 513 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), cached_step(), dynamics_step(), explodeMesh(), particles_fluid_step(), psys_update_particle_bvhtree(), psys_update_particle_tree(), reset_particle(), and rna_def_particle().
#define PARS_DEAD 1 |
Definition at line 511 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), cached_step(), count_particles(), count_particles_mod(), dynamicPaint_paintParticles(), dynamics_step(), explodeMesh(), reset_particle(), and rna_def_particle().
#define PARS_DYING 4 |
Definition at line 514 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by boid_brain(), collision_response(), dynamics_step(), and rna_def_particle().
#define PARS_NO_DISP 2 |
Definition at line 505 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by cached_step(), draw_new_particle_system(), dynamicPaint_paintParticles(), dynamics_step(), hair_step(), new_particle_duplilist(), particle_system_update(), psys_reset(), rna_def_particle(), and system_step().
#define PARS_REKEY 8 |
Definition at line 507 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_particle_on_path(), rekey_particle(), rekey_particle_to_time(), and subdivide_particle().
#define PARS_UNBORN 2 |
Definition at line 512 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), cached_step(), count_particles(), count_particles_mod(), dynamicPaint_paintParticles(), dynamics_step(), explodeMesh(), reset_particle(), and rna_def_particle().
#define PARS_UNEXIST 1 |
Definition at line 504 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_grid(), draw_new_particle_system(), dynamicPaint_paintParticles(), dynamics_step(), initialize_all_particles(), initialize_particle(), new_particle_duplilist(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle().
#define PART_ABS_PATH_TIME 32 |
Definition at line 389 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_AVE_RAND 2 |
Definition at line 467 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_AVE_SPIN 1 |
Definition at line 466 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by basic_rotate(), BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), default_particle_settings(), psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_ANIM_AGE 1 |
Definition at line 425 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by particle_billboard(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_ANIM_ANGLE 2 |
Definition at line 426 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by particle_billboard(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_ANIM_FRAME 3 |
Definition at line 427 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by particle_billboard(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_ANIM_NONE 0 |
Definition at line 424 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_OFF_LINEAR 1 |
Definition at line 431 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), particle_billboard(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_OFF_NONE 0 |
Definition at line 430 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_OFF_RANDOM 2 |
Definition at line 432 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by particle_billboard(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_VEL 4 |
Definition at line 421 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), psys_make_billboard(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_VIEW 3 |
Definition at line 420 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), particle_billboard(), psys_make_billboard(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_X 0 |
Definition at line 417 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_Y 1 |
Definition at line 418 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BB_Z 2 |
Definition at line 419 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_BOIDS_2D (1<<19) |
Definition at line 335 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_CHILD_EFFECT (1<<27) |
Definition at line 345 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_child_modifiers(), psys_thread_create_path(), psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_CHILD_FACES 2 |
Definition at line 476 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_threads_init_data(), do_child_modifiers(), psys_get_child_size(), psys_get_child_time(), psys_get_dupli_path_transform(), psys_get_dupli_texture(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), psys_get_particle_state(), psys_threads_init_path(), psys_update_path_cache(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_CHILD_GUIDE (1<<30) |
Definition at line 348 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_particle_on_path(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_CHILD_LONG_HAIR (1<<28) |
Definition at line 346 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_thread_create_path(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 475 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DIE_ON_COL (1<<12) |
Definition at line 325 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by collision_check(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DIED 64 |
Definition at line 319 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by count_particles(), count_particles_mod(), do_versions(), dynamicPaint_paintParticles(), psys_get_particle_state(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DISTR_GRID 2 |
Definition at line 367 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_threads_init_data(), get_cpa_texture(), psys_changed_type(), psys_get_texture(), psys_particle_on_emitter(), realloc_particles(), and tot_particles().
#define PART_DISTR_JIT 0 |
Definition at line 365 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), distribute_threads_exec(), distribute_threads_init_data(), and psys_changed_type().
#define PART_DISTR_RAND 1 |
Definition at line 366 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_threads_exec(), and distribute_threads_init_data().
#define PART_DRAW_AXIS 4 |
Definition at line 441 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), draw_new_particle_system(), draw_particle(), and draw_particle_arrays().
#define PART_DRAW_BB 9 |
Definition at line 446 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by allow_render_dupli_instance(), draw_new_particle_system(), draw_particle(), draw_particle_arrays(), particle_normal_ren(), and render_new_particle_system().
#define PART_DRAW_BB_LOCK 128 |
Definition at line 391 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_CIRC 2 |
Definition at line 439 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and draw_particle().
#define PART_DRAW_COL_ACC 3 |
Definition at line 406 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_COL_MAT 1 |
Definition at line 404 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), do_versions(), draw_new_particle_system(), psys_thread_create_path(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_COL_NONE 0 |
Definition at line 403 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_COL_VEL 2 |
Definition at line 405 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_COUNT_GR 64 |
Definition at line 390 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by new_particle_duplilist(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_CROSS 3 |
Definition at line 440 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), draw_particle(), and draw_particle_arrays().
#define PART_DRAW_DOT 1 |
Definition at line 437 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), draw_new_particle_system(), and draw_particle().
Definition at line 387 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by add_render_object(), default_particle_settings(), do_versions(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 385 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by new_particle_duplilist(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_GR 8 |
Definition at line 445 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by allow_render_dupli_instance(), build_dag_object(), do_versions(), draw_modifier(), draw_new_particle_system(), dupli_render_particle_set(), new_particle_duplilist(), object_handle_update(), psys_changed_type(), psys_check_group_weights(), psys_free(), psys_update_path_cache(), render_new_particle_system(), and stats_dupli_object().
#define PART_DRAW_HALO 1 |
Definition at line 438 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), and do_versions().
#define PART_DRAW_HEALTH 16 |
Definition at line 388 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_LINE 5 |
Definition at line 442 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by allow_render_dupli_instance(), do_versions(), draw_new_particle_system(), draw_particle(), draw_particle_arrays(), and particle_normal_ren().
#define PART_DRAW_MAT_COL (1<<13) |
Definition at line 398 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions().
#define PART_DRAW_NOT 0 |
Definition at line 436 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), psys_changed_type(), and render_new_particle_system().
#define PART_DRAW_NUM 512 |
Definition at line 394 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_OB 7 |
Definition at line 444 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by allow_render_dupli_instance(), build_dag_object(), do_versions(), draw_modifier(), draw_new_particle_system(), dupli_render_particle_set(), new_particle_duplilist(), object_handle_update(), psys_changed_type(), psys_free(), psys_update_path_cache(), render_new_particle_system(), and stats_dupli_object().
#define PART_DRAW_PARENT 256 |
Definition at line 393 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), ED_object_modifier_convert(), new_particle_duplilist(), pointdensity_cache_psys(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_PATH 6 |
Definition at line 443 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by allow_render_dupli_instance(), do_versions(), draw_modifier(), draw_new_particle_system(), ED_object_modifier_convert(), psys_changed_type(), psys_render_simplify_distribution(), psys_update_path_cache(), and render_new_particle_system().
#define PART_DRAW_RAND_GR 1024 |
Definition at line 395 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by new_particle_duplilist(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_REN_ADAPT 2048 |
Definition at line 396 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_REN_STRAND (1<<15) |
Definition at line 400 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_render_simplify_distribution(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_REND 10 |
Definition at line 447 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), do_versions(), draw_new_particle_system(), new_particle_duplilist(), object_handle_update(), psys_changed_type(), and psys_update_path_cache().
#define PART_DRAW_ROTATE_OB 128 |
Definition at line 392 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), new_particle_duplilist(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_SIZE 4 |
Definition at line 386 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_VEL 1 |
Definition at line 384 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_VEL_LENGTH (1<<12) |
Definition at line 397 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), draw_particle(), particle_normal_ren(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DRAW_WHOLE_GR (1<<14) |
Definition at line 399 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by new_particle_duplilist(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_DS_EXPAND 8 |
Definition at line 314 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by acf_dspart_setting_flag().
Definition at line 517 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by copy_particle_dupliob_exec(), dupliob_move_down_exec(), dupliob_move_up_exec(), psys_check_group_weights(), and remove_particle_dupliob_exec().
#define PART_EDISTR 256 |
Definition at line 322 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), distribute_threads_init_data(), do_versions(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_EMITTER 0 |
Definition at line 303 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_bake(), default_particle_settings(), dynamicPaint_doStep(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 471 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_EVENT_DEATH 0 |
Definition at line 470 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_EVENT_NEAR 2 |
Definition at line 472 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_FLUID 3 |
Definition at line 306 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_ids_from_object(), do_versions(), initialize_particle(), modifier_can_delete(), and particle_system_update().
#define PART_FROM_CHILD 4 |
Definition at line 362 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_invalid(), distribute_threads_exec(), distribute_threads_exec_cb(), distribute_threads_init_data(), psys_update_path_cache(), and update_children().
#define PART_FROM_FACE 1 |
Definition at line 359 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by brush_edit_apply(), default_particle_settings(), distribute_grid(), distribute_threads_exec(), distribute_threads_init_data(), do_versions(), get_cpa_texture(), get_particle_uvco_mcol(), psys_find_parents(), psys_get_dupli_path_transform(), psys_get_dupli_texture(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), psys_get_texture(), psys_interpolate_value_from_verts(), psys_thread_create_path(), and render_new_particle_system().
#define PART_FROM_VERT 0 |
Definition at line 358 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_grid(), distribute_threads_exec(), distribute_threads_init_data(), psys_calc_dmcache(), psys_interpolate_value_from_verts(), psys_map_index_on_dm(), psys_particle_on_dm(), psys_particle_on_emitter(), realloc_particles(), and tot_particles().
#define PART_FROM_VOLUME 2 |
Definition at line 360 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_grid(), distribute_threads_exec(), distribute_threads_init_data(), get_cpa_texture(), get_particle_uvco_mcol(), psys_get_texture(), psys_interpolate_value_from_verts(), and psys_particle_on_dm().
#define PART_GRID_HEXAGONAL (1<<24) |
Definition at line 342 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_grid(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_GRID_INVERT (1<<26) |
Definition at line 343 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_grid(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_HAIR 2 |
Definition at line 305 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by basic_force_cb(), basic_integrate(), BKE_ptcache_bake(), BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), BKE_ptcache_object_reset(), connect_hair(), copy_particlesystem(), disconnect_hair(), distribute_threads_init_data(), do_versions(), draw_new_particle_system(), dynamics_step(), free_keyed_keys(), hair_step(), initialize_particle(), modifier_apply_obdata(), new_particle_duplilist(), particle_system_update(), particles_are_dynamic(), pe_get_current(), psys_cache_paths(), psys_changed_type(), psys_check_edited(), psys_free_particles(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), psys_render_set(), psys_update_path_cache(), render_new_particle_system(), reset_particle(), rna_def_particle_settings(), system_step(), and update_children().
#define PART_HAIR_BSPLINE 1024 |
Definition at line 340 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), psys_cache_edit_paths(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_HAIR_REGROW 16 |
Definition at line 316 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), hair_needs_recalc(), particle_system_update(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_HIDE_ADVANCED_HAIR (1<<15) |
Definition at line 330 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_INT_EULER 0 |
Definition at line 450 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by integrate_particle(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 451 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), integrate_particle(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_INT_RK4 2 |
Definition at line 452 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by integrate_particle(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_INT_VERLET 3 |
Definition at line 453 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by integrate_particle(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_KINK_BRAID 4 |
Definition at line 381 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_kink(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_KINK_CURL 1 |
Definition at line 378 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_kink(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_KINK_NO 0 |
Definition at line 377 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_kink(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_KINK_RADIAL 2 |
Definition at line 379 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_kink(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_KINK_WAVE 3 |
Definition at line 380 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_kink(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_PHYS_BOIDS 3 |
Definition at line 373 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), build_dag_object(), collision_check(), draw_new_particle_system(), dynamics_step(), particles_are_dynamic(), psys_check_boid_data(), psys_get_birth_coordinates(), psys_prepare_physics(), ptcache_particle_read(), ptcache_particle_write(), realloc_particles(), reset_particle(), rna_def_particle_settings(), rule_add_exec(), rule_del_exec(), rule_move_down_exec(), rule_move_up_exec(), state_add_exec(), state_del_exec(), state_move_down_exec(), state_move_up_exec(), unlink_object(), write_particlesettings(), and write_particlesystems().
#define PART_PHYS_FLUID 4 |
Definition at line 374 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), dynamics_step(), particles_are_dynamic(), psys_prepare_physics(), ptcache_particle_extra_write(), rna_def_particle_settings(), write_particlesettings(), and write_particlesystems().
#define PART_PHYS_KEYED 2 |
Definition at line 372 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_bake(), BKE_ptcache_ids_from_object(), build_dag_object(), do_particle_interpolation(), draw_new_particle_system(), particle_system_update(), psys_changed_type(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), psys_get_particle_state(), psys_prepare_physics(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_PHYS_NEWTON 1 |
Definition at line 371 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), dynamics_step(), particles_are_dynamic(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_PHYS_NO 0 |
Definition at line 370 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_ids_from_object(), dynamics_step(), particle_system_update(), psys_get_particle_state(), psys_prepare_physics(), render_new_particle_system(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 310 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_REACT_STA_END 1 |
Definition at line 309 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_DYN (1<<14) |
Definition at line 327 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by basic_rotate(), BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), collision_check(), pd_point_from_particle(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_GLOB_X 3 |
Definition at line 458 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_GLOB_Y 4 |
Definition at line 459 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_GLOB_Z 5 |
Definition at line 460 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_IINCR 2 |
Definition at line 355 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_KEYS 0 |
Definition at line 353 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_NOR 1 |
Definition at line 456 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_OB_X 6 |
Definition at line 461 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_OB_Y 7 |
Definition at line 462 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_OB_Z 8 |
Definition at line 463 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_birth_coordinates(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_VEL 2 |
Definition at line 457 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), default_particle_settings(), do_versions(), psys_get_birth_coordinates(), psys_get_dupli_path_transform(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_ROT_ZINCR 1 |
Definition at line 354 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_SELF_EFFECT (1<<22) |
Definition at line 350 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by add_particles_to_effectors(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 410 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_threads_init_data(), psys_render_simplify_distribution(), psys_render_simplify_params(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
Definition at line 411 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_render_simplify_distribution(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_SIZE_DEFL (1<<13) |
Definition at line 326 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by collision_check(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_SIZEMASS (1<<16) |
Definition at line 328 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by boid_body(), integrate_particle(), rna_def_particle_settings(), sph_force_cb(), and sph_integrate().
#define PART_TIME_AUTOSF 1 |
Definition at line 414 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), dynamics_step(), rna_def_particle_settings(), sph_force_cb(), and system_step().
#define PART_TRAND 128 |
Definition at line 321 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by default_particle_settings(), distribute_threads_init_data(), do_versions(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PART_UNBORN 32 |
Definition at line 318 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by cached_step(), count_particles(), count_particles_mod(), do_versions(), dynamicPaint_paintParticles(), dynamics_step(), psys_get_particle_state(), and rna_def_particle_settings().
#define PSYS_CURRENT 1 |
Definition at line 488 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), object_add_particle_system(), object_remove_particle_system(), pe_get_current(), psys_get_current(), psys_get_current_num(), and psys_set_current_num().
#define PSYS_DELETE 256 |
Definition at line 496 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by freeData(), object_handle_update(), and psys_check_enabled().
#define PSYS_DISABLED 8192 |
Definition at line 501 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_check_enabled(), psys_disable_all(), and psys_enable_all().
#define PSYS_DRAWING 64 |
Definition at line 494 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_new_particle_system(), and render_new_particle_system().
#define PSYS_EDITED 2048 |
Definition at line 499 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by clear_edited_exec(), hair_needs_recalc(), particle_system_update(), PE_start_edit(), psys_apply_hair_lattice(), psys_check_edited(), and psys_reset().
#define PSYS_ENABLED 16 |
Definition at line 492 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), and object_add_particle_system().
#define PSYS_GLOBAL_HAIR 2 |
Definition at line 489 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by brush_add(), brush_edit_apply(), brush_puff(), clear_edited_exec(), connect_hair(), createTransParticleVerts(), disconnect_hair(), flushTransParticles(), foreach_mouse_hit_key(), PE_apply_lengths(), PE_create_particle_edit(), pe_deflect_emitter(), pe_iterate_lengths(), PE_lasso_select(), PE_mirror_x(), psys_cache_child_paths(), psys_cache_edit_paths(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), rekey_particle(), remove_doubles_exec(), rna_def_particle_system(), subdivide_particle(), and update_world_cos().
#define PSYS_HAIR_DONE 512 |
Definition at line 497 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), free_hair(), hair_needs_recalc(), new_particle_duplilist(), particle_system_update(), pe_get_current(), psys_reset(), psys_update_path_cache(), and update_children().
Definition at line 490 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_path_effectors(), hair_step(), particles_are_dynamic(), pe_get_current(), psys_cache_paths(), psys_update_path_cache(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_HAIR_UPDATED 32 |
Definition at line 493 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by draw_update_ptcache_edit(), hair_step(), and PE_update_object().
#define PSYS_KEYED 1024 |
Definition at line 498 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by applyModifier(), direct_link_particlesystems(), draw_new_particle_system(), psys_changed_type(), psys_get_particle_on_path(), psys_get_particle_state(), psys_prepare_physics(), psys_reset(), psys_update_path_cache(), and set_keyed_keys().
Definition at line 491 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_particle_interpolation(), psys_count_keyed_targets(), rna_def_particle_system(), and set_keyed_keys().
#define PSYS_RECALC 248 |
Definition at line 485 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by DAG_id_tag_update().
#define PSYS_RECALC_CHILD 64 |
Definition at line 483 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_object_reset(), dag_id_flush_update(), and psys_update_path_cache().
#define PSYS_RECALC_PHYS 128 |
Definition at line 484 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
#define PSYS_RECALC_REDO 8 |
Definition at line 480 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_object_reset(), and do_versions().
#define PSYS_RECALC_RESET 16 |
Definition at line 481 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by clear_edited_exec(), dag_id_flush_update(), deformVerts(), hair_needs_recalc(), hair_step(), particle_system_update(), psys_check_enabled(), psys_render_set(), psys_update_path_cache(), rule_add_exec(), rule_del_exec(), rule_move_down_exec(), rule_move_up_exec(), state_del_exec(), state_move_down_exec(), system_step(), and wpaint_stroke_done().
#define PSYS_RECALC_TYPE 32 |
Definition at line 482 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by particle_system_update().
#define PSYS_TOT_VG 12 |
Definition at line 520 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by requiredDataMask(), vgroup_remap_update_users(), and wpaint_stroke_done().
#define PSYS_USE_IMAT 128 |
Definition at line 495 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by add_render_object(), and render_new_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_CLUMP 3 |
Definition at line 525 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_DENSITY 0 |
Definition at line 522 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by distribute_threads_init_data(), do_versions(), psys_update_path_cache(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_EFFECTOR 11 |
Definition at line 533 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_KINK 4 |
Definition at line 526 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_LENGTH 2 |
Definition at line 524 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_ROT 10 |
Definition at line 532 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_ROUGH1 5 |
Definition at line 527 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_ROUGH2 6 |
Definition at line 528 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_ROUGHE 7 |
Definition at line 529 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_threads_init_path(), and rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_SIZE 8 |
Definition at line 530 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_TAN 9 |
Definition at line 531 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_system().
#define PSYS_VG_VEL 1 |
Definition at line 523 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by do_versions(), and rna_def_particle_system().
Definition at line 536 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by new_particle_target_exec(), remove_particle_target_exec(), target_move_down_exec(), and target_move_up_exec().
Definition at line 542 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_target(), and rule_fight().
Definition at line 541 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_target(), and rule_fight().
Definition at line 540 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_particle_target().
#define PTARGET_VALID 2 |
Definition at line 537 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by psys_get_target_system(), rna_def_particle_target(), and set_keyed_keys().
Definition at line 137 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by rna_def_fluid_settings(), and sph_force_cb().
#define SPH_FAC_DENSITY 8 |
Definition at line 139 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by fluid_default_settings(), rna_def_fluid_settings(), and sph_force_cb().
#define SPH_FAC_RADIUS 16 |
Definition at line 140 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by fluid_default_settings(), rna_def_fluid_settings(), and sph_force_cb().
Definition at line 138 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by fluid_default_settings(), rna_def_fluid_settings(), and sph_force_cb().
#define SPH_FAC_REST_LENGTH 64 |
Definition at line 142 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by fluid_default_settings(), rna_def_fluid_settings(), and sph_force_cb().
#define SPH_FAC_VISCOSITY 32 |
Definition at line 141 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by fluid_default_settings(), rna_def_fluid_settings(), and sph_force_cb().
Definition at line 136 of file DNA_particle_types.h.
Referenced by BKE_ptcache_id_from_particles(), ptcache_particle_extra_write(), rna_def_fluid_settings(), sph_force_cb(), sph_springs_modify(), and write_particlesystems().
typedef struct BoidParticle BoidParticle |
typedef struct ChildParticle ChildParticle |
typedef struct ParticleData ParticleData |
typedef struct ParticleDupliWeight ParticleDupliWeight |
typedef struct ParticleKey ParticleKey |
typedef struct ParticleSettings ParticleSettings |
typedef struct ParticleSpring ParticleSpring |
typedef struct ParticleSystem ParticleSystem |
typedef struct ParticleTarget ParticleTarget |
typedef struct SPHFluidSettings SPHFluidSettings |