Blender V2.61 - r43446
Classes | Functions

btGhostObject.h File Reference

#include "btCollisionObject.h"
#include "BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btOverlappingPairCallback.h"
#include "LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h"
#include "BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btOverlappingPairCache.h"
#include "btCollisionWorld.h"

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class  btPairCachingGhostObject
class  btGhostPairCallback
 The btGhostPairCallback interfaces and forwards adding and removal of overlapping pairs from the btBroadphaseInterface to btGhostObject. More...


 ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16 (class) btGhostObject

Function Documentation


The btGhostObject can keep track of all objects that are overlapping By default, this overlap is based on the AABB This is useful for creating a character controller, collision sensors/triggers, explosions etc. We plan on adding rayTest and other queries for the btGhostObject

this method is mainly for expert/internal use only.

this method is mainly for expert/internal use only.

Definition at line 34 of file btGhostObject.h.

References btAlignedObjectArray< T >::size().