Blender V2.61 - r43446
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables

anim_channels_edit.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "BLI_blenlib.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BKE_library.h"
#include "DNA_anim_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
#include "DNA_key_types.h"
#include "DNA_gpencil_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "RNA_define.h"
#include "BKE_action.h"
#include "BKE_fcurve.h"
#include "BKE_gpencil.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_global.h"
#include "UI_view2d.h"
#include "ED_anim_api.h"
#include "ED_keyframes_edit.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  tReorderChannelIsland


typedef struct
typedef enum eReorderIslandFlag eReorderIslandFlag
typedef short(* AnimChanRearrangeFp )(ListBase *list, tReorderChannelIsland *island)




void ANIM_set_active_channel (bAnimContext *ac, void *data, short datatype, int filter, void *channel_data, short channel_type)
void ANIM_deselect_anim_channels (bAnimContext *ac, void *data, short datatype, short test, short sel)
void ANIM_flush_setting_anim_channels (bAnimContext *ac, ListBase *anim_data, bAnimListElem *ale_setting, int setting, short on)
void ANIM_fcurve_delete_from_animdata (bAnimContext *ac, AnimData *adt, FCurve *fcu)
static int animedit_poll_channels_active (bContext *C)
static int animedit_poll_channels_nla_tweakmode_off (bContext *C)
static short rearrange_island_ok (tReorderChannelIsland *island)
static short rearrange_island_top (ListBase *list, tReorderChannelIsland *island)
static short rearrange_island_up (ListBase *list, tReorderChannelIsland *island)
static short rearrange_island_down (ListBase *list, tReorderChannelIsland *island)
static short rearrange_island_bottom (ListBase *list, tReorderChannelIsland *island)
static AnimChanRearrangeFp rearrange_get_mode_func (short mode)
static void rearrange_animchannel_add_to_islands (ListBase *islands, ListBase *srcList, Link *channel, short type)
static void rearrange_animchannel_flatten_islands (ListBase *islands, ListBase *srcList)
static short rearrange_animchannel_islands (ListBase *list, AnimChanRearrangeFp rearrange_func, short mode, short type)
static void rearrange_nla_channels (bAnimContext *UNUSED(ac), AnimData *adt, short mode)
static void rearrange_driver_channels (bAnimContext *UNUSED(ac), AnimData *adt, short mode)
static void split_groups_action_temp (bAction *act, bActionGroup *tgrp)
static void join_groups_action_temp (bAction *act)
static void rearrange_action_channels (bAnimContext *ac, bAction *act, short mode)
static int animchannels_rearrange_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_move (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_delete_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
static void ANIM_OT_channels_delete (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_visibility_set_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
static void ANIM_OT_channels_visibility_set (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_visibility_toggle_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
static void ANIM_OT_channels_visibility_toggle (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void setflag_anim_channels (bAnimContext *ac, short setting, short mode, short onlysel, short flush)
static int animchannels_setflag_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_enable (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_disable (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_invert (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_toggle (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_editable_toggle (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_expand_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_expand (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_collapse_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_collapse (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_enable_poll (bContext *C)
static int animchannels_enable_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
static void ANIM_OT_channels_fcurves_enable (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int animchannels_deselectall_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_select_all_toggle (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void borderselect_anim_channels (bAnimContext *ac, rcti *rect, short selectmode)
static int animchannels_borderselect_exec (bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_select_border (wmOperatorType *ot)
static void rename_anim_channels (bAnimContext *ac, int channel_index)
static int animchannels_rename_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), wmEvent *evt)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_rename (wmOperatorType *ot)
static int mouse_anim_channels (bAnimContext *ac, float UNUSED(x), int channel_index, short selectmode)
static int animchannels_mouseclick_invoke (bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event)
static void ANIM_OT_channels_click (wmOperatorType *ot)
void ED_operatortypes_animchannels (void)
void ED_keymap_animchannels (wmKeyConfig *keyconf)


static EnumPropertyItem prop_animchannel_rearrange_types []
static EnumPropertyItem prop_animchannel_setflag_types []
static EnumPropertyItem prop_animchannel_settings_types []

Detailed Description

Definition in file anim_channels_edit.c.

Typedef Documentation

typedef short(* AnimChanRearrangeFp)(ListBase *list, tReorderChannelIsland *island)

Definition at line 742 of file anim_channels_edit.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 603 of file anim_channels_edit.c.


Definition at line 630 of file anim_channels_edit.c.

Function Documentation

void ANIM_deselect_anim_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
void *  data,
short  datatype,
short  test,
short  sel 
void ANIM_fcurve_delete_from_animdata ( bAnimContext ac,
AnimData adt,
FCurve fcu 
void ANIM_flush_setting_anim_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
ListBase anim_data,
bAnimListElem ale_setting,
int  setting,
short  on 
static void ANIM_OT_channels_click ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_collapse ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_delete ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_editable_toggle ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_expand ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_fcurves_enable ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_move ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_rename ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_select_all_toggle ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_select_border ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_disable ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_enable ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_invert ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_setting_toggle ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_visibility_set ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
static void ANIM_OT_channels_visibility_toggle ( wmOperatorType ot) [static]
void ANIM_set_active_channel ( bAnimContext ac,
void *  data,
short  datatype,
int  filter,
void *  channel_data,
short  channel_type 
static int animchannels_borderselect_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int animchannels_collapse_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int animchannels_delete_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int animchannels_deselectall_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int animchannels_enable_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int animchannels_enable_poll ( bContext C) [static]
static int animchannels_expand_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int animchannels_mouseclick_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator op,
wmEvent event 
) [static]
static int animchannels_rearrange_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int animchannels_rename_invoke ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop,
wmEvent evt 
) [static]
static int animchannels_setflag_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator op 
) [static]
static int animchannels_visibility_set_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int animchannels_visibility_toggle_exec ( bContext C,
wmOperator UNUSEDop 
) [static]
static int animedit_poll_channels_active ( bContext C) [static]
static int animedit_poll_channels_nla_tweakmode_off ( bContext C) [static]
static void borderselect_anim_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
rcti rect,
short  selectmode 
) [static]
void ED_keymap_animchannels ( wmKeyConfig keyconf)
void ED_operatortypes_animchannels ( void  )
static void join_groups_action_temp ( bAction act) [static]
static int mouse_anim_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
float   UNUSEDx,
int  channel_index,
short  selectmode 
) [static]
static void rearrange_action_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
bAction act,
short  mode 
) [static]
static void rearrange_animchannel_add_to_islands ( ListBase islands,
ListBase srcList,
Link channel,
short  type 
) [static]
static void rearrange_animchannel_flatten_islands ( ListBase islands,
ListBase srcList 
) [static]
static short rearrange_animchannel_islands ( ListBase list,
AnimChanRearrangeFp  rearrange_func,
short  mode,
short  type 
) [static]
static void rearrange_driver_channels ( bAnimContext UNUSEDac,
AnimData adt,
short  mode 
) [static]
static AnimChanRearrangeFp rearrange_get_mode_func ( short  mode) [static]
static short rearrange_island_bottom ( ListBase list,
tReorderChannelIsland island 
) [static]
static short rearrange_island_down ( ListBase list,
tReorderChannelIsland island 
) [static]
static short rearrange_island_ok ( tReorderChannelIsland island) [static]
static short rearrange_island_top ( ListBase list,
tReorderChannelIsland island 
) [static]
static short rearrange_island_up ( ListBase list,
tReorderChannelIsland island 
) [static]
static void rearrange_nla_channels ( bAnimContext UNUSEDac,
AnimData adt,
short  mode 
) [static]
static void rename_anim_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
int  channel_index 
) [static]
static void setflag_anim_channels ( bAnimContext ac,
short  setting,
short  mode,
short  onlysel,
short  flush 
) [static]
static void split_groups_action_temp ( bAction act,
bActionGroup tgrp 
) [static]

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
    {REARRANGE_ANIMCHAN_TOP, "TOP", 0, "To Top", ""},
    {REARRANGE_ANIMCHAN_UP, "UP", 0, "Up", ""},
    {REARRANGE_ANIMCHAN_DOWN, "DOWN", 0, "Down", ""},
    {REARRANGE_ANIMCHAN_BOTTOM, "BOTTOM", 0, "To Bottom", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 611 of file anim_channels_edit.c.

Initial value:
    {ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_TOGGLE, "TOGGLE", 0, "Toggle", ""},
    {ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_CLEAR, "DISABLE", 0, "Disable", ""},
    {ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_ADD, "ENABLE", 0, "Enable", ""},
    {ACHANNEL_SETFLAG_INVERT, "INVERT", 0, "Invert", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 1408 of file anim_channels_edit.c.

Initial value:
    {ACHANNEL_SETTING_PROTECT, "PROTECT", 0, "Protect", ""},
    {ACHANNEL_SETTING_MUTE, "MUTE", 0, "Mute", ""},
    {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}

Definition at line 1418 of file anim_channels_edit.c.