Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
00003 Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Erwin Coumans
00005 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
00006 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
00007 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
00008 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, 
00009 subject to the following restrictions:
00011 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
00012 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
00013 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
00014 */
00017 #ifndef IDEBUG_DRAW__H
00018 #define IDEBUG_DRAW__H
00020 #include "btVector3.h"
00021 #include "btTransform.h"
00028 class   btIDebugDraw
00029 {
00030     public:
00032     enum    DebugDrawModes
00033     {
00034         DBG_NoDebug=0,
00035         DBG_DrawWireframe = 1,
00036         DBG_DrawAabb=2,
00037         DBG_DrawFeaturesText=4,
00038         DBG_DrawContactPoints=8,
00039         DBG_NoDeactivation=16,
00040         DBG_NoHelpText = 32,
00041         DBG_DrawText=64,
00042         DBG_ProfileTimings = 128,
00043         DBG_EnableSatComparison = 256,
00044         DBG_DisableBulletLCP = 512,
00045         DBG_EnableCCD = 1024,
00046         DBG_DrawConstraints = (1 << 11),
00047         DBG_DrawConstraintLimits = (1 << 12),
00048         DBG_FastWireframe = (1<<13),
00050     };
00052     virtual ~btIDebugDraw() {};
00054     virtual void    drawLine(const btVector3& from,const btVector3& to,const btVector3& color)=0;
00056     virtual void    drawLine(const btVector3& from,const btVector3& to, const btVector3& fromColor, const btVector3& toColor)
00057     {
00058         (void) toColor;
00059         drawLine (from, to, fromColor);
00060     }
00062     virtual void    drawSphere(btScalar radius, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
00063     {
00064         btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
00066         const btVector3 xoffs = transform.getBasis() * btVector3(radius,0,0);
00067         const btVector3 yoffs = transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0,radius,0);
00068         const btVector3 zoffs = transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0,0,radius);
00070         // XY 
00071         drawLine(start-xoffs, start+yoffs, color);
00072         drawLine(start+yoffs, start+xoffs, color);
00073         drawLine(start+xoffs, start-yoffs, color);
00074         drawLine(start-yoffs, start-xoffs, color);
00076         // XZ
00077         drawLine(start-xoffs, start+zoffs, color);
00078         drawLine(start+zoffs, start+xoffs, color);
00079         drawLine(start+xoffs, start-zoffs, color);
00080         drawLine(start-zoffs, start-xoffs, color);
00082         // YZ
00083         drawLine(start-yoffs, start+zoffs, color);
00084         drawLine(start+zoffs, start+yoffs, color);
00085         drawLine(start+yoffs, start-zoffs, color);
00086         drawLine(start-zoffs, start-yoffs, color);
00087     }
00089     virtual void    drawSphere (const btVector3& p, btScalar radius, const btVector3& color)
00090     {
00091         btTransform tr;
00092         tr.setIdentity();
00093         tr.setOrigin(p);
00094         drawSphere(radius,tr,color);
00095     }
00097     virtual void    drawTriangle(const btVector3& v0,const btVector3& v1,const btVector3& v2,const btVector3& /*n0*/,const btVector3& /*n1*/,const btVector3& /*n2*/,const btVector3& color, btScalar alpha)
00098     {
00099         drawTriangle(v0,v1,v2,color,alpha);
00100     }
00101     virtual void    drawTriangle(const btVector3& v0,const btVector3& v1,const btVector3& v2,const btVector3& color, btScalar /*alpha*/)
00102     {
00103         drawLine(v0,v1,color);
00104         drawLine(v1,v2,color);
00105         drawLine(v2,v0,color);
00106     }
00108     virtual void    drawContactPoint(const btVector3& PointOnB,const btVector3& normalOnB,btScalar distance,int lifeTime,const btVector3& color)=0;
00110     virtual void    reportErrorWarning(const char* warningString) = 0;
00112     virtual void    draw3dText(const btVector3& location,const char* textString) = 0;
00114     virtual void    setDebugMode(int debugMode) =0;
00116     virtual int     getDebugMode() const = 0;
00118     virtual void drawAabb(const btVector3& from,const btVector3& to,const btVector3& color)
00119     {
00121         btVector3 halfExtents = (to-from)* 0.5f;
00122         btVector3 center = (to+from) *0.5f;
00123         int i,j;
00125         btVector3 edgecoord(1.f,1.f,1.f),pa,pb;
00126         for (i=0;i<4;i++)
00127         {
00128             for (j=0;j<3;j++)
00129             {
00130                 pa = btVector3(edgecoord[0]*halfExtents[0], edgecoord[1]*halfExtents[1],        
00131                     edgecoord[2]*halfExtents[2]);
00132                 pa+=center;
00134                 int othercoord = j%3;
00135                 edgecoord[othercoord]*=-1.f;
00136                 pb = btVector3(edgecoord[0]*halfExtents[0], edgecoord[1]*halfExtents[1],    
00137                     edgecoord[2]*halfExtents[2]);
00138                 pb+=center;
00140                 drawLine(pa,pb,color);
00141             }
00142             edgecoord = btVector3(-1.f,-1.f,-1.f);
00143             if (i<3)
00144                 edgecoord[i]*=-1.f;
00145         }
00146     }
00147     virtual void drawTransform(const btTransform& transform, btScalar orthoLen)
00148     {
00149         btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
00150         drawLine(start, start+transform.getBasis() * btVector3(orthoLen, 0, 0), btVector3(0.7f,0,0));
00151         drawLine(start, start+transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0, orthoLen, 0), btVector3(0,0.7f,0));
00152         drawLine(start, start+transform.getBasis() * btVector3(0, 0, orthoLen), btVector3(0,0,0.7f));
00153     }
00155     virtual void drawArc(const btVector3& center, const btVector3& normal, const btVector3& axis, btScalar radiusA, btScalar radiusB, btScalar minAngle, btScalar maxAngle, 
00156                 const btVector3& color, bool drawSect, btScalar stepDegrees = btScalar(10.f))
00157     {
00158         const btVector3& vx = axis;
00159         btVector3 vy = normal.cross(axis);
00160         btScalar step = stepDegrees * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG;
00161         int nSteps = (int)((maxAngle - minAngle) / step);
00162         if(!nSteps) nSteps = 1;
00163         btVector3 prev = center + radiusA * vx * btCos(minAngle) + radiusB * vy * btSin(minAngle);
00164         if(drawSect)
00165         {
00166             drawLine(center, prev, color);
00167         }
00168         for(int i = 1; i <= nSteps; i++)
00169         {
00170             btScalar angle = minAngle + (maxAngle - minAngle) * btScalar(i) / btScalar(nSteps);
00171             btVector3 next = center + radiusA * vx * btCos(angle) + radiusB * vy * btSin(angle);
00172             drawLine(prev, next, color);
00173             prev = next;
00174         }
00175         if(drawSect)
00176         {
00177             drawLine(center, prev, color);
00178         }
00179     }
00180     virtual void drawSpherePatch(const btVector3& center, const btVector3& up, const btVector3& axis, btScalar radius, 
00181         btScalar minTh, btScalar maxTh, btScalar minPs, btScalar maxPs, const btVector3& color, btScalar stepDegrees = btScalar(10.f))
00182     {
00183         btVector3 vA[74];
00184         btVector3 vB[74];
00185         btVector3 *pvA = vA, *pvB = vB, *pT;
00186         btVector3 npole = center + up * radius;
00187         btVector3 spole = center - up * radius;
00188         btVector3 arcStart;
00189         btScalar step = stepDegrees * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG;
00190         const btVector3& kv = up;
00191         const btVector3& iv = axis;
00192         btVector3 jv = kv.cross(iv);
00193         bool drawN = false;
00194         bool drawS = false;
00195         if(minTh <= -SIMD_HALF_PI)
00196         {
00197             minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI + step;
00198             drawN = true;
00199         }
00200         if(maxTh >= SIMD_HALF_PI)
00201         {
00202             maxTh = SIMD_HALF_PI - step;
00203             drawS = true;
00204         }
00205         if(minTh > maxTh)
00206         {
00207             minTh = -SIMD_HALF_PI + step;
00208             maxTh =  SIMD_HALF_PI - step;
00209             drawN = drawS = true;
00210         }
00211         int n_hor = (int)((maxTh - minTh) / step) + 1;
00212         if(n_hor < 2) n_hor = 2;
00213         btScalar step_h = (maxTh - minTh) / btScalar(n_hor - 1);
00214         bool isClosed = false;
00215         if(minPs > maxPs)
00216         {
00217             minPs = -SIMD_PI + step;
00218             maxPs =  SIMD_PI;
00219             isClosed = true;
00220         }
00221         else if((maxPs - minPs) >= SIMD_PI * btScalar(2.f))
00222         {
00223             isClosed = true;
00224         }
00225         else
00226         {
00227             isClosed = false;
00228         }
00229         int n_vert = (int)((maxPs - minPs) / step) + 1;
00230         if(n_vert < 2) n_vert = 2;
00231         btScalar step_v = (maxPs - minPs) / btScalar(n_vert - 1);
00232         for(int i = 0; i < n_hor; i++)
00233         {
00234             btScalar th = minTh + btScalar(i) * step_h;
00235             btScalar sth = radius * btSin(th);
00236             btScalar cth = radius * btCos(th);
00237             for(int j = 0; j < n_vert; j++)
00238             {
00239                 btScalar psi = minPs + btScalar(j) * step_v;
00240                 btScalar sps = btSin(psi);
00241                 btScalar cps = btCos(psi);
00242                 pvB[j] = center + cth * cps * iv + cth * sps * jv + sth * kv;
00243                 if(i)
00244                 {
00245                     drawLine(pvA[j], pvB[j], color);
00246                 }
00247                 else if(drawS)
00248                 {
00249                     drawLine(spole, pvB[j], color);
00250                 }
00251                 if(j)
00252                 {
00253                     drawLine(pvB[j-1], pvB[j], color);
00254                 }
00255                 else
00256                 {
00257                     arcStart = pvB[j];
00258                 }
00259                 if((i == (n_hor - 1)) && drawN)
00260                 {
00261                     drawLine(npole, pvB[j], color);
00262                 }
00263                 if(isClosed)
00264                 {
00265                     if(j == (n_vert-1))
00266                     {
00267                         drawLine(arcStart, pvB[j], color);
00268                     }
00269                 }
00270                 else
00271                 {
00272                     if(((!i) || (i == (n_hor-1))) && ((!j) || (j == (n_vert-1))))
00273                     {
00274                         drawLine(center, pvB[j], color);
00275                     }
00276                 }
00277             }
00278             pT = pvA; pvA = pvB; pvB = pT;
00279         }
00280     }
00282     virtual void drawBox(const btVector3& bbMin, const btVector3& bbMax, const btVector3& color)
00283     {
00284         drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00285         drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00286         drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00287         drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00288         drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00289         drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00290         drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00291         drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00292         drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00293         drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00294         drawLine(btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00295         drawLine(btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00296     }
00297     virtual void drawBox(const btVector3& bbMin, const btVector3& bbMax, const btTransform& trans, const btVector3& color)
00298     {
00299         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00300         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00301         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00302         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), color);
00303         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00304         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00305         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00306         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMin[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00307         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00308         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00309         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMax[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00310         drawLine(trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMax[1], bbMax[2]), trans * btVector3(bbMin[0], bbMin[1], bbMax[2]), color);
00311     }
00313     virtual void drawCapsule(btScalar radius, btScalar halfHeight, int upAxis, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
00314     {
00315         btVector3 capStart(0.f,0.f,0.f);
00316         capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;
00318         btVector3 capEnd(0.f,0.f,0.f);
00319         capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;
00321         // Draw the ends
00322         {
00324             btTransform childTransform = transform;
00325             childTransform.getOrigin() = transform * capStart;
00326             drawSphere(radius, childTransform, color);
00327         }
00329         {
00330             btTransform childTransform = transform;
00331             childTransform.getOrigin() = transform * capEnd;
00332             drawSphere(radius, childTransform, color);
00333         }
00335         // Draw some additional lines
00336         btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
00338         capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
00339         capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
00340         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * capStart,start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
00341         capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = -radius;
00342         capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = -radius;
00343         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * capStart,start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
00345         capStart[(upAxis+1)%3] = 0.f;
00346         capEnd[(upAxis+1)%3] = 0.f;
00348         capStart[(upAxis+2)%3] = radius;
00349         capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = radius;
00350         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * capStart,start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
00351         capStart[(upAxis+2)%3] = -radius;
00352         capEnd[(upAxis+2)%3] = -radius;
00353         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * capStart,start+transform.getBasis() * capEnd, color);
00354     }
00356     virtual void drawCylinder(btScalar radius, btScalar halfHeight, int upAxis, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
00357     {
00358         btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
00359         btVector3   offsetHeight(0,0,0);
00360         offsetHeight[upAxis] = halfHeight;
00361         btVector3   offsetRadius(0,0,0);
00362         offsetRadius[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
00363         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight+offsetRadius),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),color);
00364         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight-offsetRadius),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offsetRadius),color);
00366         // Drawing top and bottom caps of the cylinder
00367         btVector3 yaxis(0,0,0);
00368         yaxis[upAxis] = btScalar(1.0);
00369         btVector3 xaxis(0,0,0);
00370         xaxis[(upAxis+1)%3] = btScalar(1.0);
00371         drawArc(start-transform.getBasis()*(offsetHeight),transform.getBasis()*yaxis,transform.getBasis()*xaxis,radius,radius,0,SIMD_2_PI,color,false,btScalar(10.0));
00372         drawArc(start+transform.getBasis()*(offsetHeight),transform.getBasis()*yaxis,transform.getBasis()*xaxis,radius,radius,0,SIMD_2_PI,color,false,btScalar(10.0));
00373     }
00375     virtual void drawCone(btScalar radius, btScalar height, int upAxis, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
00376     {
00378         btVector3 start = transform.getOrigin();
00380         btVector3   offsetHeight(0,0,0);
00381         offsetHeight[upAxis] = height * btScalar(0.5);
00382         btVector3   offsetRadius(0,0,0);
00383         offsetRadius[(upAxis+1)%3] = radius;
00384         btVector3   offset2Radius(0,0,0);
00385         offset2Radius[(upAxis+2)%3] = radius;
00387         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offsetRadius),color);
00388         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offsetRadius),color);
00389         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight+offset2Radius),color);
00390         drawLine(start+transform.getBasis() * (offsetHeight),start+transform.getBasis() * (-offsetHeight-offset2Radius),color);
00392         // Drawing the base of the cone
00393         btVector3 yaxis(0,0,0);
00394         yaxis[upAxis] = btScalar(1.0);
00395         btVector3 xaxis(0,0,0);
00396         xaxis[(upAxis+1)%3] = btScalar(1.0);
00397         drawArc(start-transform.getBasis()*(offsetHeight),transform.getBasis()*yaxis,transform.getBasis()*xaxis,radius,radius,0,SIMD_2_PI,color,false,10.0);
00398     }
00400     virtual void drawPlane(const btVector3& planeNormal, btScalar planeConst, const btTransform& transform, const btVector3& color)
00401     {
00402         btVector3 planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst;
00403         btVector3 vec0,vec1;
00404         btPlaneSpace1(planeNormal,vec0,vec1);
00405         btScalar vecLen = 100.f;
00406         btVector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0*vecLen;
00407         btVector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0*vecLen;
00408         btVector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1*vecLen;
00409         btVector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1*vecLen;
00410         drawLine(transform*pt0,transform*pt1,color);
00411         drawLine(transform*pt2,transform*pt3,color);
00412     }
00413 };
00416 #endif //IDEBUG_DRAW__H