About the AVI module
External interface of the IMage Buffer module. This module offers import/export of several graphical file formats. It offers the ImBuf type as a common structure to refer to different graphical file formats, and to enable a uniform way of handling them.
Known issues with AVI
- imbuf is written in C.
- Endianness issues are dealt with internally.
- File I/O must be done externally. The module uses FILE*'s to direct input/output.
- Platform dependency is limited. Some minor patches for amiga and Irix are present. A 'posix-compliancy-patch' provides the interface to windows.
IMB needs:
- sDNA module The listbase types are used for handling the memory management.
- blenlib module blenlib handles guarded memory management in blender-style. BLI_winstuff.h makes a few windows specific behaviours posix-compliant.