This is the complete list of members for
DiagSplit, including all inherited members.
camera | DiagSplit | |
DiagSplit() | DiagSplit | |
dicing_rate | DiagSplit | |
dispatch(QuadDice::SubPatch &sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors &ef) | DiagSplit | |
dispatch(TriangleDice::SubPatch &sub, TriangleDice::EdgeFactors &ef) | DiagSplit | |
edgefactors_quad | DiagSplit | |
edgefactors_triangle | DiagSplit | |
partition_edge(Patch *patch, float2 *P, int *t0, int *t1, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend, int t) | DiagSplit | |
project(Patch *patch, float2 uv) | DiagSplit | |
split(QuadDice::SubPatch &sub, QuadDice::EdgeFactors &ef, int depth=0) | DiagSplit | |
split(TriangleDice::SubPatch &sub, TriangleDice::EdgeFactors &ef, int depth=0) | DiagSplit | |
split_quad(Mesh *mesh, Patch *patch, int shader, bool smooth) | DiagSplit | |
split_threshold | DiagSplit | |
split_triangle(Mesh *mesh, Patch *patch, int shader, bool smooth) | DiagSplit | |
subpatches_quad | DiagSplit | |
subpatches_triangle | DiagSplit | |
T(Patch *patch, float2 Pstart, float2 Pend) | DiagSplit | |
test_steps | DiagSplit | |