Blender V2.61 - r43446

btSoftBodyHelpers Member List

This is the complete list of members for btSoftBodyHelpers, including all inherited members.
CalculateUV(int resx, int resy, int ix, int iy, int id)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreateEllipsoid(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const btVector3 &center, const btVector3 &radius, int res)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreateFromConvexHull(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const btVector3 *vertices, int nvertices, bool randomizeConstraints=true)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreateFromTetGenData(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const char *ele, const char *face, const char *node, bool bfacelinks, bool btetralinks, bool bfacesfromtetras)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreateFromTriMesh(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const btScalar *vertices, const int *triangles, int ntriangles, bool randomizeConstraints=true)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreatePatch(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const btVector3 &corner00, const btVector3 &corner10, const btVector3 &corner01, const btVector3 &corner11, int resx, int resy, int fixeds, bool gendiags)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreatePatchUV(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const btVector3 &corner00, const btVector3 &corner10, const btVector3 &corner01, const btVector3 &corner11, int resx, int resy, int fixeds, bool gendiags, float *tex_coords=0)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
CreateRope(btSoftBodyWorldInfo &worldInfo, const btVector3 &from, const btVector3 &to, int res, int fixeds)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
Draw(btSoftBody *psb, btIDebugDraw *idraw, int drawflags=fDrawFlags::Std)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
DrawClusterTree(btSoftBody *psb, btIDebugDraw *idraw, int mindepth=0, int maxdepth=-1)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
DrawFaceTree(btSoftBody *psb, btIDebugDraw *idraw, int mindepth=0, int maxdepth=-1)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
DrawFrame(btSoftBody *psb, btIDebugDraw *idraw)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
DrawInfos(btSoftBody *psb, btIDebugDraw *idraw, bool masses, bool areas, bool stress)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]
DrawNodeTree(btSoftBody *psb, btIDebugDraw *idraw, int mindepth=0, int maxdepth=-1)btSoftBodyHelpers [static]