This is the complete list of members for
TranslucentClosure, including all inherited members.
albedo(const Vec3 &omega_out) const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
eval_reflect(const Vec3 &omega_out, const Vec3 &omega_in, float &pdf) const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
eval_transmit(const Vec3 &omega_out, const Vec3 &omega_in, float &pdf) const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
m_N | TranslucentClosure | |
memsize() const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
mergeable(const ClosurePrimitive *other) const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
name() const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
print_on(std::ostream &out) const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
sample(const Vec3 &Ng, const Vec3 &omega_out, const Vec3 &domega_out_dx, const Vec3 &domega_out_dy, float randu, float randv, Vec3 &omega_in, Vec3 &domega_in_dx, Vec3 &domega_in_dy, float &pdf, Color3 &eval) const | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
setup() | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |
TranslucentClosure() | TranslucentClosure | [inline] |