Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * The Original Code is: all of this file.
00022  *
00023  * Contributor(s): none yet.
00024  *
00025  * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00026  */
00040 #ifndef _STR_String_H_
00041 #define _STR_String_H_
00043 #ifndef STR_NO_ASSERTD
00044 #undef  assertd
00045 #define assertd(exp)            ((void)NULL)
00046 #endif
00048 #include <vector>
00049 #include <limits.h>
00051 #include <cstring>
00052 #include <cstdlib>
00054 using namespace std;
00057 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
00058 #endif
00060 #ifdef _WIN32
00061 #define stricmp _stricmp
00062 #endif
00064 class STR_String;
00066 typedef  unsigned long dword;
00067 typedef const STR_String& rcSTR_String;
00068 typedef unsigned char byte;
00074 class STR_String
00075 {
00076 public:
00077     // Initialization
00078     STR_String();
00079     STR_String(char c);
00080     STR_String(char c, int len);
00081     STR_String(const char *str);
00082     STR_String(const char *str, int len);
00083     STR_String(const STR_String &str);
00084     STR_String(const STR_String & str, int len);
00085     STR_String(const char *src1, int src1_len, const char *src2, int src2_len);
00086     explicit STR_String(int val);
00087     explicit STR_String(dword val);
00088     explicit STR_String(float val);
00089     explicit STR_String(double val);
00090     inline ~STR_String()                                                { delete[] pData; }
00092     // Operations
00093     STR_String&         Format(const char *fmt, ...);               // Set formatted text to string
00094     STR_String&         FormatAdd(const char *fmt, ...);            // Add formatted text to string
00095     inline void         Clear()                                     { Len = pData[0] = 0; }
00096     inline const STR_String & Reverse()
00097     {
00098         for (int i1=0, i2=Len-1; i1<i2; i1++, i2--)
00099             swap(pData[i1], pData[i2]); return *this;
00100     }
00102     // Properties
00103     bool                IsUpper() const;
00104     bool                IsLower() const;
00105     inline bool         IsEmpty() const                             { return Len==0; }
00106     inline int          Length() const                              { return Len; }
00108     // Data access
00109     inline STR_String&  SetLength(int len)                          { AllocBuffer(len, true); Len=len; pData[len]=0; return *this; }
00110     inline char         GetAt(int pos) const                        { assertd(pos<Len); return pData[pos]; }
00111     inline void         SetAt(int pos, char c)                      { assertd(pos<Len); pData[pos]=c; }
00112     inline void         SetAt(int pos, rcSTR_String str);
00113     inline void         SetAt(int pos, int num, rcSTR_String str);
00114     void                Replace(int pos, rcSTR_String str);
00115     void                Replace(int pos, int num, rcSTR_String str);
00117     // Substrings
00118     inline STR_String   Left(int num) const                             { num = (num < Len ? num:Len ); return STR_String(pData, num); }
00119     inline STR_String   Right(int num) const                            { num = (num < Len ? num:Len ); return STR_String(pData+Len-num, num); }
00120     inline STR_String   Mid(int pos, int num = INT_MAX) const           { pos = (pos < Len ? pos:Len ); num = (num < (Len - pos) ? num : (Len - pos)); return STR_String(pData+pos, num); }
00122     // Comparison
00123     int             Compare(rcSTR_String rhs) const;
00124     int             CompareNoCase(rcSTR_String rhs) const;
00125     inline bool     IsEqual(rcSTR_String rhs) const                 { return (Compare(rhs)==0); }
00126     inline bool     IsEqualNoCase(rcSTR_String rhs) const               { return (CompareNoCase(rhs)==0); }
00128     // Search/replace
00129     int             Find(char c, int pos = 0) const;
00130     int             Find(const char *str, int pos = 0) const;
00131     int             Find(rcSTR_String str, int pos = 0) const;
00132     int             RFind(char c) const;
00133     int             FindOneOf(const char *set, int pos = 0) const;
00134     int             RFindOneOf(const char *set, int pos = 0) const;
00136     vector<STR_String>  Explode(char c) const;
00138     // Formatting
00139     STR_String&         Upper();
00140     STR_String&         Lower();
00141     STR_String&         Capitalize();
00142     STR_String&         TrimLeft();
00143     STR_String&         TrimLeft(char *set);
00144     STR_String&         TrimRight();
00145     STR_String&         TrimRight(char *set);
00146     STR_String&         Trim();
00147     STR_String&         Trim(char *set);
00148     STR_String&         TrimQuotes();
00150     // Conversions
00151 //  inline operator char*()                                             { return pData; }
00152     inline operator const char *() const                                { return pData; }
00153     inline char *Ptr()                                                  { return pData; }
00154     inline const char *ReadPtr() const                                  { return pData; }
00155     inline float    ToFloat() const                                     { float x=(float)(atof(pData)); return x; }
00156     inline int      ToInt() const                                       { return atoi(pData); }
00158     // Operators
00159     inline rcSTR_String operator=(const byte *rhs)                      { return Copy((const char *)rhs, strlen((const char *)rhs)); }
00160     inline rcSTR_String operator=(rcSTR_String rhs)                     { return Copy(rhs.ReadPtr(), rhs.Length()); }
00161     inline rcSTR_String operator=(char rhs)                             { return Copy(&rhs, 1); }
00162     inline rcSTR_String operator=(const char *rhs)                      { return Copy(rhs, strlen(rhs)); }
00164     inline rcSTR_String operator+=(const char *rhs)                     { return Concat(rhs, strlen(rhs)); }
00165     inline rcSTR_String operator+=(rcSTR_String rhs)                        { return Concat(rhs.ReadPtr(), rhs.Length()); }
00166     inline rcSTR_String operator+=(char rhs)                            { return Concat(&rhs, 1); }
00169     inline friend bool operator<(rcSTR_String      lhs, rcSTR_String        rhs)    { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)<0); }
00170     inline friend bool operator<(rcSTR_String      lhs, const char      *rhs)   { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)<0); };
00171     inline friend bool operator<(const char     *lhs, rcSTR_String     rhs) { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)<0); }
00172     inline friend bool operator>(rcSTR_String      lhs, rcSTR_String        rhs)    { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)>0); }
00173     inline friend bool operator>(rcSTR_String      lhs, const char      *rhs)   { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)>0); }
00174     inline friend bool operator>(const char     *lhs, rcSTR_String     rhs) { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)>0); }
00175     inline friend bool operator<=(rcSTR_String     lhs, rcSTR_String        rhs)    { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)<=0); }
00176     inline friend bool operator<=(rcSTR_String     lhs, const char      *rhs)   { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)<=0); }
00177     inline friend bool operator<=(const char    *lhs, rcSTR_String     rhs) { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)<=0); }
00178     inline friend bool operator>=(rcSTR_String     lhs, rcSTR_String        rhs)    { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)>=0); }
00179     inline friend bool operator>=(rcSTR_String     lhs, const char      *rhs)   { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)>=0); }
00180     inline friend bool operator>=(const char    *lhs, rcSTR_String     rhs) { return (strcmp(lhs, rhs)>=0); }
00181     inline friend bool operator==(rcSTR_String     lhs, rcSTR_String        rhs)    { return ((lhs.Length() == rhs.Length()) && (memcmp(lhs, rhs, lhs.Length())==0)); }
00182     inline friend bool operator==(rcSTR_String     lhs, const char      *rhs)   { return (memcmp(lhs, rhs, lhs.Length()+1)==0); }
00183     inline friend bool operator==(const char    *lhs, rcSTR_String     rhs) { return (memcmp(lhs, rhs, rhs.Length()+1)==0); }
00184     inline friend bool operator!=(rcSTR_String     lhs, rcSTR_String        rhs)    { return ((lhs.Length() != rhs.Length()) || (memcmp(lhs, rhs, lhs.Length())!=0)); }
00185     inline friend bool operator!=(rcSTR_String     lhs, const char      *rhs)   { return (memcmp(lhs, rhs, lhs.Length()+1)!=0); }
00186     inline friend bool operator!=(const char    *lhs, rcSTR_String     rhs) { return (memcmp(lhs, rhs, rhs.Length()+1)!=0); }
00188     // serializing
00189     //int           Serialize(pCStream stream);
00191 protected:
00192     // Implementation
00193     void    AllocBuffer(int len, bool keep_contents);
00194     rcSTR_String Copy(const char *src, int len);
00195     rcSTR_String Concat(const char *data, int len);
00197     static bool     isLower(char c)                                 { return !isUpper(c); }
00198     static bool     isUpper(char c)                                 { return (c>='A') && (c <= 'Z'); }
00199     static bool     isSpace(char c)                                 { return (c==' ') || (c=='\t'); }
00201     char   *pData;                                                  // -> STR_String data
00202     int    Len;                                                     // Data length
00203     int    Max;                                                     // Space in data buffer
00207 public:
00208     void *operator new(size_t num_bytes) { return MEM_mallocN(num_bytes, "CXX:STR_String"); }
00209     void operator delete(void *mem) { MEM_freeN(mem); }
00210 #endif
00211 };
00213 inline  STR_String operator+(rcSTR_String    lhs, rcSTR_String   rhs)   { return STR_String(lhs.ReadPtr(), lhs.Length(), rhs.ReadPtr(), rhs.Length()); }
00214 inline  STR_String operator+(rcSTR_String    lhs, char        rhs)  { return STR_String(lhs.ReadPtr(), lhs.Length(), &rhs, 1); }
00215 inline  STR_String operator+(char         lhs, rcSTR_String   rhs)  { return STR_String(&lhs, 1, rhs.ReadPtr(), rhs.Length()); }
00216 inline  STR_String operator+(rcSTR_String    lhs, const char *rhs)  { return STR_String(lhs.ReadPtr(), lhs.Length(), rhs, strlen(rhs)); }
00217 inline  STR_String operator+(const char  *lhs, rcSTR_String   rhs)  { return STR_String(lhs, strlen(lhs), rhs.ReadPtr(), rhs.Length()); }
00220 #endif //_STR_String_H_