Blender V2.61 - r43446

FLUID_3D Member List

This is the complete list of members for FLUID_3D, including all inherited members.
addBuoyancy(float *heat, float *density, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
addForce(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
addObstacle(OBSTACLE *obstacle)FLUID_3D
addSmokeTestCase(float *field, Vec3Int res)FLUID_3D [static]
addVorticity(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
advectFieldMacCormack1(const float dt, const float *xVelocity, const float *yVelocity, const float *zVelocity, float *oldField, float *tempResult, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
advectFieldMacCormack2(const float dt, const float *xVelocity, const float *yVelocity, const float *zVelocity, float *oldField, float *newField, float *tempResult, float *temp1, Vec3Int res, const unsigned char *obstacles, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
advectFieldSemiLagrange(const float dt, const float *velx, const float *vely, const float *velz, float *oldField, float *newField, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
advectMacCormackBegin(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
advectMacCormackEnd1(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
advectMacCormackEnd2(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
artificialDampingExactSL(int pos)FLUID_3D
artificialDampingSL(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
clampExtrema(const float dt, const float *xVelocity, const float *yVelocity, const float *zVelocity, float *oldField, float *newField, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
clampOutsideRays(const float dt, const float *xVelocity, const float *yVelocity, const float *zVelocity, float *oldField, float *newField, Vec3Int res, const unsigned char *obstacles, const float *oldAdvection, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
copyBorderAll(float *field, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
copyBorderX(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
copyBorderY(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
copyBorderZ(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
FLUID_3D(int *res, float *p0)FLUID_3D
FLUID_3D()FLUID_3D [inline]
initBlenderRNA(float *alpha, float *beta, float *dt_factor, float *vorticity, int *border_colli)FLUID_3D
initVectorNoise(int amplify)FLUID_3D
setNeumannX(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
setNeumannY(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
setNeumannZ(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
setObstacleBoundaries(float *_pressure, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
setObstaclePressure(float *_pressure, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
setZeroBorder(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [inline, static]
setZeroX(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
setZeroY(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
setZeroZ(float *field, Vec3Int res, int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D [static]
solveHeat(float *field, float *b, unsigned char *skip)FLUID_3D
solvePressure(float *field, float *b, unsigned char *skip)FLUID_3D
solvePressurePre(float *field, float *b, unsigned char *skip)FLUID_3D
step(float dt)FLUID_3D
wipeBoundaries(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
wipeBoundariesSL(int zBegin, int zEnd)FLUID_3D
xRes() const FLUID_3D [inline]
xVelocity()FLUID_3D [inline]
yRes() const FLUID_3D [inline]
yVelocity()FLUID_3D [inline]
zRes() const FLUID_3D [inline]
zVelocity()FLUID_3D [inline]
~FLUID_3D()FLUID_3D [virtual]