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Blender V2.61 - r43446
00001 # 00002 # Copyright 2011, Blender Foundation. 00003 # 00004 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 00005 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 00006 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 00007 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 00008 # 00009 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00010 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00011 # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00012 # GNU General Public License for more details. 00013 # 00014 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 00015 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 00016 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. 00017 # 00018 00019 # XML exporter for generating test files, not intended for end users 00020 00021 import os 00022 import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree 00023 import xml.dom.minidom as dom 00024 00025 import bpy 00026 from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper 00027 from bpy.props import PointerProperty, StringProperty 00028 00029 def strip(root): 00030 root.text = None 00031 root.tail = None 00032 00033 for elem in root: 00034 strip(elem) 00035 00036 def write(node, fname): 00037 strip(node) 00038 00039 s = etree.tostring(node) 00040 s = dom.parseString(s).toprettyxml() 00041 00042 f = open(fname, "w") 00043 f.write(s) 00044 00045 class CyclesXMLSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): 00046 @classmethod 00047 def register(cls): 00048 bpy.types.Scene.cycles_xml = PointerProperty( 00049 type=cls, 00050 name="Cycles XML export Settings", 00051 description="Cycles XML export settings") 00052 cls.filepath = StringProperty( 00053 name='Filepath', 00054 description='Filepath for the .xml file', 00055 maxlen=256, 00056 default='', 00057 subtype='FILE_PATH') 00058 00059 @classmethod 00060 def unregister(cls): 00061 del bpy.types.Scene.cycles_xml 00062 00063 # User Interface Drawing Code 00064 class RenderButtonsPanel(): 00065 bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' 00066 bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' 00067 bl_context = "render" 00068 00069 @classmethod 00070 def poll(self, context): 00071 rd = context.scene.render 00072 return rd.engine == 'CYCLES' 00073 00074 00075 class PHYSICS_PT_fluid_export(RenderButtonsPanel, bpy.types.Panel): 00076 bl_label = "Cycles XML Exporter" 00077 00078 def draw(self, context): 00079 layout = self.layout 00080 00081 cycles = context.scene.cycles_xml 00082 00083 #layout.prop(cycles, "filepath") 00084 layout.operator("export_mesh.cycles_xml") 00085 00086 00087 # Export Operator 00088 class ExportCyclesXML(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper): 00089 bl_idname = "export_mesh.cycles_xml" 00090 bl_label = "Export Cycles XML" 00091 00092 filename_ext = ".xml" 00093 00094 @classmethod 00095 def poll(cls, context): 00096 return context.active_object != None 00097 00098 def execute(self, context): 00099 filepath = bpy.path.ensure_ext(self.filepath, ".xml") 00100 00101 # get mesh 00102 scene = context.scene 00103 object = context.active_object 00104 00105 if not object: 00106 raise Exception("No active object") 00107 00108 mesh = object.to_mesh(scene, True, 'PREVIEW') 00109 00110 if not mesh: 00111 raise Exception("No mesh data in active object") 00112 00113 # generate mesh node 00114 nverts = "" 00115 verts = "" 00116 P = "" 00117 00118 for v in mesh.vertices: 00119 P += "%f %f %f " % (v.co[0], v.co[1], v.co[2]) 00120 00121 for i, f in enumerate(mesh.faces): 00122 nverts += str(len(f.vertices)) + " " 00123 00124 for v in f.vertices: 00125 verts += str(v) + " " 00126 verts += " " 00127 00128 node = etree.Element('mesh', attrib={'nverts': nverts, 'verts': verts, 'P': P}) 00129 00130 # write to file 00131 write(node, filepath) 00132 00133 return {'FINISHED'} 00134 00135 def register(): 00136 bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) 00137 00138 def unregister(): 00139 bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) 00140 00141 if __name__ == "__main__": 00142 register() 00143