Blender V2.61 - r43446


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00003  *
00004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
00006  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
00007  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00016  * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00017  *
00018  * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
00019  * All rights reserved.
00020  *
00021  * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation, 2005. Full recode
00022  *                 Joshua Leung
00023  *
00024  * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
00025  */
00032 /* This file contains code for presenting F-Curves and other animation data
00033  * in the UI (especially for use in the Animation Editors).
00034  *
00035  * -- Joshua Leung, Dec 2008
00036  */
00039 #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
00041 #include "BLI_blenlib.h"
00042 #include "BLI_math.h"
00043 #include "BLI_utildefines.h"
00045 #include "DNA_anim_types.h"
00047 #include "RNA_access.h"
00049 #include "ED_anim_api.h"
00051 /* ----------------------- Getter functions ----------------------- */
00053 /* Write into "name" buffer, the name of the property (retrieved using RNA from the curve's settings),
00054  * and return the icon used for the struct that this property refers to 
00055  * WARNING: name buffer we're writing to cannot exceed 256 chars (check anim_channels_defines.c for details)
00056  */
00057 int getname_anim_fcurve(char *name, ID *id, FCurve *fcu)
00058 {
00059     int icon = 0;
00061     /* sanity checks */
00062     if (name == NULL)
00063         return icon;
00064     else if ELEM3(NULL, id, fcu, fcu->rna_path) {
00065         if (fcu == NULL)
00066             strcpy(name, "<invalid>");
00067         else if (fcu->rna_path == NULL)
00068             strcpy(name, "<no path>");
00069         else /* id == NULL */
00070             BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "%s[%d]", fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index);
00071     }
00072     else {
00073         PointerRNA id_ptr, ptr;
00074         PropertyRNA *prop;
00076         /* get RNA pointer, and resolve the path */
00077         RNA_id_pointer_create(id, &id_ptr);
00079         /* try to resolve the path */
00080         if (RNA_path_resolve(&id_ptr, fcu->rna_path, &ptr, &prop)) {
00081             const char *structname=NULL, *propname=NULL;
00082             char arrayindbuf[16];
00083             const char *arrayname=NULL;
00084             short free_structname = 0;
00086             /* For now, name will consist of 3 parts: struct-name, property name, array index
00087              * There are several options possible:
00088              *  1) <struct-name>.<property-name>.<array-index>
00089              *      i.e. Bone1.Location.X, or Object.Location.X
00090              *  2) <array-index> <property-name> (<struct name>)
00091              *      i.e. X Location (Bone1), or X Location (Object)
00092              *  
00093              * Currently, option 2 is in use, to try and make it easier to quickly identify F-Curves (it does have
00094              * problems with looking rather odd though). Option 1 is better in terms of revealing a consistent sense of 
00095              * hierarchy though, which isn't so clear with option 2.
00096              */
00098             /* for structname
00099              *  - as base, we use a custom name from the structs if one is available 
00100              *  - however, if we're showing subdata of bones (probably there will be other exceptions later)
00101              *    need to include that info too since it gets confusing otherwise
00102              *  - if a pointer just refers to the ID-block, then don't repeat this info
00103              *    since this just introduces clutter
00104              */
00105             if (strstr(fcu->rna_path, "bones") && strstr(fcu->rna_path, "constraints")) {
00106                 /* perform string 'chopping' to get "Bone Name : Constraint Name" */
00107                 char *pchanName= BLI_getQuotedStr(fcu->rna_path, "bones[");
00108                 char *constName= BLI_getQuotedStr(fcu->rna_path, "constraints[");
00110                 /* assemble the string to display in the UI... */
00111                 structname= BLI_sprintfN("%s : %s", pchanName, constName);
00112                 free_structname= 1;
00114                 /* free the temp names */
00115                 if (pchanName) MEM_freeN(pchanName);
00116                 if (constName) MEM_freeN(constName);
00117             }
00118             else if ( != {
00119                 PropertyRNA *nameprop= RNA_struct_name_property(ptr.type);
00120                 if (nameprop) {
00121                     /* this gets a string which will need to be freed */
00122                     structname= RNA_property_string_get_alloc(&ptr, nameprop, NULL, 0, NULL);
00123                     free_structname= 1;
00124                 }
00125                 else
00126                     structname= RNA_struct_ui_name(ptr.type);
00127             }
00129             /* Property Name is straightforward */
00130             propname= RNA_property_ui_name(prop);
00132             /* Array Index - only if applicable */
00133             if (RNA_property_array_length(&ptr, prop)) {
00134                 char c= RNA_property_array_item_char(prop, fcu->array_index);
00136                 /* we need to write the index to a temp buffer (in py syntax) */
00137                 if (c) BLI_snprintf(arrayindbuf, sizeof(arrayindbuf), "%c ", c);
00138                 else BLI_snprintf(arrayindbuf, sizeof(arrayindbuf), "[%d]", fcu->array_index);
00140                 arrayname= &arrayindbuf[0];
00141             }
00142             else {
00143                 /* no array index */
00144                 arrayname= "";
00145             }
00147             /* putting this all together into the buffer */
00148             // XXX we need to check for invalid names...
00149             // XXX the name length limit needs to be passed in or as some define
00150             if (structname)
00151                 BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "%s%s (%s)", arrayname, propname, structname); 
00152             else
00153                 BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "%s%s", arrayname, propname); 
00155             /* free temp name if nameprop is set */
00156             if (free_structname)
00157                 MEM_freeN((void *)structname);
00160             /* Icon for this property's owner:
00161              *  use the struct's icon if it is set
00162              */
00163             icon= RNA_struct_ui_icon(ptr.type);
00165             /* valid path - remove the invalid tag since we now know how to use it saving
00166              * users manual effort to reenable using "Revive Disabled FCurves" [#29629]
00167              */
00168             fcu->flag &= ~FCURVE_DISABLED;
00169         }
00170         else {
00171             /* invalid path */
00172             BLI_snprintf(name, 256, "\"%s[%d]\"", fcu->rna_path, fcu->array_index);
00174             /* icon for this should be the icon for the base ID */
00175             // TODO: or should we just use the error icon?
00176             icon= RNA_struct_ui_icon(id_ptr.type);
00178             /* tag F-Curve as disabled - as not usable path */
00179             fcu->flag |= FCURVE_DISABLED;
00180         }
00181     }
00183     /* return the icon that the active data had */
00184     return icon;
00185 }
00187 /* ------------------------------- Color Codes for F-Curve Channels ---------------------------- */
00189 /* step between the major distinguishable color bands of the primary colors */
00190 #define HSV_BANDWIDTH   0.3f
00192 /* used to determine the color of F-Curves with FCURVE_COLOR_AUTO_RAINBOW set */
00193 //void fcurve_rainbow (unsigned int cur, unsigned int tot, float *out)
00194 void getcolor_fcurve_rainbow (int cur, int tot, float *out)
00195 {
00196     float hue, val, sat, fac;
00197     int grouping;
00199     /* we try to divide the color into groupings of n colors,
00200      * where n is:
00201      *  3 - for 'odd' numbers of curves - there should be a majority of triplets of curves
00202      *  4 - for 'even' numbers of curves - there should be a majority of quartets of curves
00203      * so the base color is simply one of the three primary colors
00204      */
00205     grouping= (4 - (tot % 2));
00206     hue= HSV_BANDWIDTH * (float)(cur % grouping);
00208     /* 'Value' (i.e. darkness) needs to vary so that larger sets of three will be 
00209      * 'darker' (i.e. smaller value), so that they don't look that similar to previous ones.
00210      * However, only a range of 0.3 to 1.0 is really usable to avoid clashing
00211      * with some other stuff 
00212      */
00213     fac = ((float)cur / (float)tot) * 0.7f;
00215     /* the base color can get offset a bit so that the colors aren't so identical */
00216     hue += fac * HSV_BANDWIDTH; 
00217     if (hue > 1.0f) hue= fmod(hue, 1.0f);
00219     /* saturation adjustments for more visible range */
00220     if ((hue > 0.5f) && (hue < 0.8f)) sat= 0.5f;
00221     else sat= 0.6f;
00223     /* value is fixed at 1.0f, otherwise we cannot clearly see the curves... */
00224     val= 1.0f;
00226     /* finally, conver this to RGB colors */
00227     hsv_to_rgb(hue, sat, val, out, out+1, out+2); 
00228 }