This is the complete list of members for
MeshImporter, including all inherited members.
assign_material_to_geom(COLLADAFW::MaterialBinding cmaterial, std::map< COLLADAFW::UniqueId, Material * > &uid_material_map, Object *ob, const COLLADAFW::UniqueId *geom_uid, MTex **color_texture, char *layername, MTFace *texture_face, std::map< Material *, TexIndexTextureArrayMap > &material_texture_mapping_map, short mat_index) | MeshImporter | |
assign_textures_to_uvlayer(COLLADAFW::TextureCoordinateBinding &ctexture, Mesh *me, TexIndexTextureArrayMap &texindex_texarray_map, MTex *color_texture) | MeshImporter | |
create_mesh_object(COLLADAFW::Node *node, COLLADAFW::InstanceGeometry *geom, bool isController, std::map< COLLADAFW::UniqueId, Material * > &uid_material_map, std::map< Material *, TexIndexTextureArrayMap > &material_texture_mapping_map) | MeshImporter | |
get_object_by_geom_uid(const COLLADAFW::UniqueId &geom_uid) | MeshImporter | [virtual] |
MeshImporter(UnitConverter *unitconv, ArmatureImporter *arm, Scene *sce) | MeshImporter | |
write_geometry(const COLLADAFW::Geometry *geom) | MeshImporter | |